Books by Marcia Hermansen
Sufism in Western Contexts (Brill Handbook), 2023
Sufism in Western Contexts explores both historical trajectories and multiple contemporary manife... more Sufism in Western Contexts explores both historical trajectories and multiple contemporary manifestations of Islamic mystical movements, ideas, and practices in diverse European, North and South American countries, as well as in Australia, all traditionally non-Muslim regions of the "global West". From early French and British colonial administrators who admired Persian poetry to nineteenthcentury American transcendentalists, followed by South Asian and Middle Eastern immigrant Su guides and their movements, expansive and many-faceted expressions of Sufism such as its role in Western esotericism, female whirling dervishes and Rumi cafes, and new articulations in cyberspace, are traced and analyzed by international experts in the field.
Papers by Marcia Hermansen
Urdu Studies, 2023
The 1920s was the most active decade in the political activism and publishing career of the India... more The 1920s was the most active decade in the political activism and publishing career of the Indian Muslim activist, Sufi, and literary figure, Khwāja Ḥasan Niẓāmī (1879-1955). The text under consideration here, Ta'rīkh-e Masīḥ (History of the Messiah) was issued in 1927, 2 but had apparently been under preparation by him for at least four or five years, beginning as early as 1922. This article explores the major elements and perspectives represented in Niẓāmī's work on Jesus in order to situate it within broader themes and issues surrounding Muslim-Christian dialogue in South Asia.
Sufism East and West, 2019
Wiener Islamstudien, 2013
Jariqa is the term for Sufi "order" in the sense of a movement of formally initiated adherents wh... more Jariqa is the term for Sufi "order" in the sense of a movement of formally initiated adherents who practice specific spiritual regimens. Post-tariqa movements loosen or eliminate such bonds and rituals.
Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 1988
1 Literally, books of ranking or classes, to be discussed later in this paper. 2 Compendia of sai... more 1 Literally, books of ranking or classes, to be discussed later in this paper. 2 Compendia of saintly miracles and virtues.
“Classical and Contemporary Islamic Perspectives on Religious Plurality in Islam”, Islam, Religions and Pluralism in Europe Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer, 2016, 39-56., 2016
This chapter will provide an overview of Islamic theologies of religious diversity, with an empha... more This chapter will provide an overview of Islamic theologies of religious diversity, with an emphasis on positions articulated by American Muslim scholars. It will first consider the concept of religion within Islam, then examine certain basic Islamic theological doctrines that underlie approaches to religious diversity, and finally consider both historical and contemporary Muslim theological approaches to the existence of other religions, thereby allowing us to map a typology of Muslim responses to religious diversity.
Translation of Ivan Aguéli article “Femminismo”
Ivan Aguéli, (Abdul Hadi). “Femminismo” in Il Co... more Translation of Ivan Aguéli article “Femminismo”
Ivan Aguéli, (Abdul Hadi). “Femminismo” in Il Convito 1 no. 2 (May 1904), 4.
This is related to my chapter “Feminism and the Divine Feminine: an Exploration of Female Elements in Ivan Aguéli and Subsequent Traditionalist Thought.” In _Anarchist, Artist, Sufi: The Politics, Painting, and Esotericism of Ivan Aguéli_ ed. Mark Sedgwick, Bloomsbury, 2021, 151-164.

Urdu Studies (Bihar, India), 2020
Classical Sufis generally were memorialized by others in a range of biographical genres such as t... more Classical Sufis generally were memorialized by others in a range of biographical genres such as tabaqāt (books of ranks or classifications), tazkirāt (remembrances) and malfūzat collections (diary like recordings of audiences with Sufi masters written by their disciples). A few exceptional examples of early Sufi autobiographies exist, for example, the Deliverance from Error of al-Ghazālī (d. 1111) or the dream diaries of al-Tirmidhī (d. 932) and al-Zawawī (d. 1477). Usually these Sufi autobiographies were composed in order to edify spiritual seekers and disciples as well as to confirm the authors' spiritual authority. In the case of the Sufi figure Khwāja Hasan Nizāmī, a 20 th century Indian Muslim, we have an autobiography composed by a modern Sufi who was a well-known activist and who was also acknowledged as a pioneering literary figure in the realm of Urdu prose. 2 During his career Nizāmī experimented with various biographical and autobiographical genres, most famously in his long-running diary known as the Roznāmcha. In this popular diary that was serialized and published over a period of some 40 years, he commented on the well-known personalities and dramatic political events of his time, as well as on his own health and views. Nizāmī also composed travel accounts (siyāhnāme) in similar diary form, a number of which were published as separate volumes. For example, one such book chronicles Nizāmī 's travels just before World War One to Egypt, Syria, and the Hijaz. Late in life, during in the 1950s, he traveled to Pakistan and a diary of this trip was also published separately in book form. 3
The Oxford Handbook of Religious Conversion ed. Lewis Rambo and Charles Farhadian, Oxford, 2014, 632-666., 2014
A list of works by and about Khwaja Hazan Nizami
Muslima Theology: The Voices of Muslim Women Theologians, 2013
This is a typescript of the published introduction to an edited volume.
It is an overview of the... more This is a typescript of the published introduction to an edited volume.
It is an overview of the field and introduces the subsequent contributions to the volume.
South Asian Sufis: Devotion, Devotion, and Destiny, 2012
This is a typescript of material that was published as “South Asian Sufism in the United States” ... more This is a typescript of material that was published as “South Asian Sufism in the United States” in South Asian Sufis: Devotion, Devotion, and Destiny. Ed. Charles Ramsey New York: Continuum, 2012, 247-268.
Sufism East and West Mystical Islam and Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Modern World. Ed. Jamal Malik and Saeed Zarrabi-Zadeh, Brill, 2019, 149-179., 2019
The great obsession of the nineteenth century was, as we know, history [...]. The present epoch w... more The great obsession of the nineteenth century was, as we know, history [...]. The present epoch will perhaps be above all the epoch of space. We are in the epoch of Simultaneity: We are in the epoch of juxtaposition, the epoch of the near and far, of the side-by-side, of the dispersed. We are at a moment, I believe, when our experience of the world is less that of a long life developing through time than that of a network that connects points and intersects with its own skein.
This article surveys a range of current America Muslim intellectuals' positions on the ideal rela... more This article surveys a range of current America Muslim intellectuals' positions on the ideal relationship between Islam and culture, using as a starting point the suggestive ideal types laid out in H.R. Niebuhr's classic work, Christ and Culture.
Books by Marcia Hermansen
Papers by Marcia Hermansen
Ivan Aguéli, (Abdul Hadi). “Femminismo” in Il Convito 1 no. 2 (May 1904), 4.
This is related to my chapter “Feminism and the Divine Feminine: an Exploration of Female Elements in Ivan Aguéli and Subsequent Traditionalist Thought.” In _Anarchist, Artist, Sufi: The Politics, Painting, and Esotericism of Ivan Aguéli_ ed. Mark Sedgwick, Bloomsbury, 2021, 151-164.
It is an overview of the field and introduces the subsequent contributions to the volume.
Ivan Aguéli, (Abdul Hadi). “Femminismo” in Il Convito 1 no. 2 (May 1904), 4.
This is related to my chapter “Feminism and the Divine Feminine: an Exploration of Female Elements in Ivan Aguéli and Subsequent Traditionalist Thought.” In _Anarchist, Artist, Sufi: The Politics, Painting, and Esotericism of Ivan Aguéli_ ed. Mark Sedgwick, Bloomsbury, 2021, 151-164.
It is an overview of the field and introduces the subsequent contributions to the volume.
Postcolonial Debates related to Urdu Language, Literature & Culture
Contemporary Eastern & Western Critical Theories, and their reception in Urdu
Colonial & Postcolonial Studies
South Asian Cultural & Historical Studies
Psychological Humanities
Urdu and Contemporary Western Scholarship
Intercultural & Comparative Studies
Urdu Theatre & Cinema
Translation Studies
Urdu Studies is an attempt to bring together academic papers by scholars engaged in Urdu Literature, Language and Culture studies in universities around the world.
Launched in fond memory of Prof. Qamar Azam Hashmi (20.11.1942-06.04.2012), a beloved teacher of Urdu Language & Literature, critic, and one of the pillars of Urdu Movement in Bihar
اردو اسٹڈیز سال 2019 سے شائع ہونے والا سالانہ ہم مرتبہ نظر ثانی شدہ ذو لسانی (انگریزی و اردو) تحقیقی جریدہ ہے۔ اس کے اہم موضوعات میں اردو زبان، ادب و ثقافت کے مختلف ابعاد سے متعلق مابعد نو آبادیاتی مباحثے اور گرانقدر تحقیقات، جدید تر تنقیدی نظریات،نو آبادیاتی نیز ما بعد نو آبادیاتی تاریخ و مطالعات، ثقافتی تاریخ و مطالعات، نفسیات اور علوم انسانی، اردو اور معاصر مغربی دانشوری، جنوب ایشیائی تاریخ و مطالعات،بین ثقافتی، تقابلی مطالعات، اور مطالعات ترجمہ کاری شامل ہیں۔
جریدہ کی ادنی سی کوشش ہے کہ مختلف عالمی دانشگاہوں میں اردو مطالعات کے متنوع پہلوؤں سے متعلق تحقیق میں مصروف معروف دانشوروں کی اہم تحقیقی کاوشیں یکجا پیش کی جا سکیں۔
اردو زبان و ادب کے معروف استاد، ناقد، اور بِہار میں اردو تحریک کے ایک اہم ستون
پروفیسر قمر اعظم ہاشمی (20 نومبر 1942تا 06 مارچ 2012) کی یاد میں جاری کیا گیا۔
for Urdu Section: Prof. Satya Pal Anand, Former Professor of English, University of
the District of Columbia, Washington DC
Prof. Syed Hasan Abbas, Head, Department of Persian, BHU,
Varanasi (Former Director, Raza Library, Rampur)
Prof. Maula Bakhsh, Department of Urdu, AMU, Aligarh
Dr. Sarwarul Hoda, Department of Urdu, JNU, New Delhi
Dr. Laila Abdi Khojaste, Urdu Author & Lexicologist, Tehran, Iran
Dr. Shazia Razzaq, Department. of Urdu, Lahore College for Women
University, Lahore
Dr. Shazia Omair, Department of Urdu, Delhi University, Delhi
Saqib Faridi, Research Scholar, Department of Urdu, JNU
for English Section: Prof. David Lelyveld, Professor of History (Retired), William
Paterson University, New Jersey, the United States
Prof. Marcia Hermansen, Director, Islamic World Studies;
Professor, Theology Department, Loyola University, Chicago
Prof. Najeeba Arif, Chairperson, Department of Urdu, International
Islamic University, Islamabad
Prof. Agnieszka Kuczkiewicz- Fras, Chair for East and South Asia,
Institute of the Middle and Far East, Jagiellonian University, Krakow,