Talks by Leila Brannstrom
Papers by Leila Brannstrom

Foucault Studies, 2014
Drawing on Security, Territory, Population and The Birth of Biopolitics, this article aims, first... more Drawing on Security, Territory, Population and The Birth of Biopolitics, this article aims, firstly, to consolidate our understanding of Foucault’s engagement with law by fleshing out his approach to law and by clarifying that he distinguishes between different kinds of law on the basis of the objectives that law serves and the regime of truth that it embodies. Secondly, using this understanding, the article proceeds to illustrate how the objectives and the regime of truth of the EU internal market law have been displaced in the last few decades. It is argued that this body of law has increasingly come to perform the tasks of law in neoliberal government as pointed out by Foucault in these lectures, namely of expanding the domain of market values and mechanisms, and of restricting the exercise of legitimate government by opposing the rule of law to planning. In this regard, particular attention is paid to the way in which justiciable rights function as a technology of neoliberal ...

Social & Legal Studies, 2017
This article initially accounts for the discussions concerning the notions ‘ethnic origin’ and ‘r... more This article initially accounts for the discussions concerning the notions ‘ethnic origin’ and ‘race’ that have taken place in the Swedish legislative context and places these within a wider European context. Next follows a mapping of the ways in which Swedish courts, in cases of alleged ethnic discrimination, read the notion of ‘ethnic affiliation’ – defined as ‘national or ethnic origin, skin colour, or other similar circumstance’ – and decide whether a statement or an act is related to it. The purpose, to borrow Michel Foucault’s words, is to ‘make visible precisely what is visible’. By bringing together, arranging and connecting what the courts have said about ‘ethnic affiliation’, the conclusions they have reached and the circumstances that they have ignored, three observations are made: (a) ethnic affiliation is treated as an authentic and stable personal individual attribute, (b) ethnic affiliation is seen as a question about body types and bloodlines solely and (c) discrimin...
Rapporter Och Texter Fran Juridiska Institutionen Vid Umea Universitet, 2011

Retfaerd, 2010
Syftet med denna artikel är att mot bakgrund av Michel Foucaults föreläsningsserier vid Collège d... more Syftet med denna artikel är att mot bakgrund av Michel Foucaults föreläsningsserier vid Collège de France från senare delen av 1970-talet bidra till diskussionerna om innebörden, och riktigheten, av hans tes om att rättens betydelse för den offentligt sanktionerade maktutövningen har avtagit i modern tid. Undersökningen av denna tes inbegriper även ett klargörande av Foucaults förståelse av rätten, en utredning av den roll som Foucault tilldelar rätten i den offentligt sanktionerade maktutövningen samt en utforskning av förhållandet mellan rätten och de kunskapsunderstödda maktutövningsmönster som enligt Foucault har blivit allt viktigare för den offentligt sanktionerade maktutövningen på bekostnad av rätten. Artikeln har som ambition att bidra till att tydliggöra de sätt på vilka Foucaults analyser av maktförhållanden kan användas för att studera rätten och den rättsliga diskursen.
Van Eller Fiende En Antologi Om Carl Schmitts Politiska Tankande, 2012
Talks by Leila Brannstrom
Papers by Leila Brannstrom