Lund University
Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap
This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license. Introduction: Ritual Creativity This book brings together leading international scholars of religion from a variety of disciplines with the aim of... more
Published in: Studia Patristica 55 (ed. M. Vinzent), vol. 3: Early Monasticism and Classical Paideia (ed. S. Rubenson), Leuven: Peeters 2013, 23-33.
Published in: ΔΩΡΟΝ ΡΟΔΟΠΟΙΚΙΛΟΝ: Studies in Honour of Jan Olof Rosenqvist (eds. D. Searby, E. Balicka Witakowska & J. Heldt), Uppsala 2012 (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia 12), 133-146.
This review is in Swedish. Published in: Patristica Nordica Annuaria 27 (2012), 108-112.
Monastic texts are often subjects of multiple revisions. In this chapter some examples of revisions of various kinds and the possible reasons behind them are discussed. In particular, the authorial voices of these revisions are... more
Collections of sayings of the desert fathers and mothers are extant in manuscripts in many languages and are organized differently. They are ‘fixed-content miscellanies’ (FCM): they include material that belongs to the same genre, but is... more
In the last century there has been an outburst in criticism of traditional Luther research. The finnish school of research, led by Tuomo Mannermaa, has been one of the leading schools in this criticism, and provided a new view of Luther... more
The aim of this thesis is to investigate if the Lutheran heritage, represented by a comparison between early Lutheran writings and Luther’s source of inspiration Theologia Germanica, can provide a starting point for potentially unifying... more