Articles by Jānis Daugavietis

Letonica nr 47, 2022
Pētījums izstrādāts valsts pasūtītā pētnieciskā projektā, kura virsmērķis ir izpētīt digitālo hum... more Pētījums izstrādāts valsts pasūtītā pētnieciskā projektā, kura virsmērķis ir izpētīt digitālo humanitāro zinātņu resursu un rīku (DH RR), kā arī visu DH lauka attīstību Latvijā, kas līdz šim ir praktiski nepētīts temats. Par izpētes objektu esam izvēlējušies rīku un resursu izstrādātāju prakses, tās salīdzinot ar teorētiskajā literatūrā un zinātnes politikā dominējošām atziņām. Datu ieguvē izmantotas divas galvenās metodes – DH RR izstrādātāju un uzturētāju interneta aptauju un ekspertu intervijas. Respondentiem jautāts ne tikai par viņu praksēm, izstrādājot un uzturot DH RR, bet arī raudzīts noskaidrot viņu priekšstatus par to, kāda būtu ideālā situācija. Pētījuma rezultāti saskan ar ārvalstu akadēmiskajā literatūrā izdarītajiem secinājumiem par galvenajām problēmām DH ekosistēmā. Pirmkārt, tā ir projektu finansējuma sistēma, kas īpaši ietekmē par valsts finansējumu uzturētās pētnieciskās institūcijas. Projektu konkursos priekšroka tiek dota inovācijām un jaunu zināšanu (jaunu produktu vai to prototipu) radīšanai, nevis jau pastāvošu resursu ilglaicīgai attīstīšanai un uzturēšanai. Otrkārt, Latvijas DH lauks ir salīdzinoši jauns, tāpēc sadarbības struktūra un sistēma starp DH rīku un resursu veidotājiem un šo aktivitāšu finansētājiem (valsts zinātnes un kultūras pārvaldes institūcijām) tikai veidojas. Pētīto Latvijas DH RR ekosistēma, kas pamatā aprobežojas ar valsts subsidētajām nacionālā līmeņa pētnieciskajām un atmiņas institūcijām, joprojām lielā mērā funkcionē, balstoties uz pašu institūciju un to individuālo pētnieku iniciatīvu, vajadzībām, kompetenci un pieejamajiem resursiem.
The study was developed within the framework of a state-commissioned research project, the overarching goal of which is the development of digital humanities resources and tools (DH RR), as well as facilitation of the entire DH field in Latvia, which is a practically underexplored topic. As the object of research, we have chosen the practices of tool and resource
developers, comparing them with the prevalent findings in theoretical literature and requirements of the current science policy. We use two main methods to obtain data – online survey of DH RR developers and maintainers, as well as expert interviews. Respondents were asked
not only about their practices in developing and maintaining DH RR, but also surveyed to find out their ideas about what the ideal situation would be. The results of the study are in line with the conclusions made in the foreign academic literature on the main problems in the DH ecosystem. Firstly, it is a project funding system that has a particular impact on publicly funded research institutions. In project competitions, priority is given to innovation and the creation of new knowledge (new products or prototypes) over the long-term development and maintenance of existing resources. Secondly, the field of DH in Latvia is relatively new, so the structure and system of cooperation between the creators of DH tools and
resources and the financiers of these activities (state scientific and cultural administration institutions) are only being formed. To a large extent, Latvian DH RR ecosystem, which in our research is mainly limited to state-subsidized national research and memory institutions, still functions on the basis of the initiative, needs, competence and available resources of the institutions themselves and their individual researchers.

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2021
This article is aimed at analysis of user participation in web-based crowdsourcing projects in th... more This article is aimed at analysis of user participation in web-based crowdsourcing projects in the digital humanities (DH) field, with a focus on what motivates these volunteers.1 The first aim of the article is a critical analysis of models of motivators for involvement offered to date. The analysis is based on a review of DH crowdsourcing literature, as a result of which there is an indication of shortcomings of the psychological data-driven approach that has dominated thus far. The second aim of the article is to offer a new model that synthesizes the psychological-motivation approach with a sociological one. Applying Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory of Capital, the motivation model created by the psychological self-determination theory (SDT) is supplemented with capital dimensions and specific types of capital. The new model is empirically tested, utilizing specific data collected in the course of a crowdsourcing project, specifically, volunteers’ online survey. The conclusion states that the model synthesized using the psychological and sociological approach preserves the main SDT category scale (intrinsic–extrinsic), at the same time, the sociological capital categories implemented therein permit for making more concrete the psychological scale’s ‘intermediate phase’ (internalized extrinsic motivations) that had been amorphous up to that point, rendering the motivation model more coherent and readily applied.

DHN2020 Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries - Post-Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference, 2021
Facebook (FB) has increasingly entered the daily lives of Latvians, and, as in other countries, t... more Facebook (FB) has increasingly entered the daily lives of Latvians, and, as in other countries, the various virtual communities created within this social network site are directly connected to or even derived from communities existing in the physical world, such as place-based. This article focuses on two such virtual communities that have emerged as groups of residents of Rīga city neighbourhoods, focusing on the analysis of the images posted in these groups. There are several research questions which are centred on the neighbourhood places that are depicted in the FB posts. What do they say about the everyday mobility and borders of the neighbourhood? What places cause joy and worries? How do these visual representations differ in two FB groups? In exploring these questions, both qualitative and quantitative approaches and methods were used. An additional methodological question arose: which of these approaches is the optimal way for such a small-scale ad hoc study? At the end of this pilot study, it was concluded that the visual content (mainly photographs) generated by FB groups of urban residents is a valuable reference material that helps researchers understand specific neighbourhoods as if they were looking through the eyes of residents. Their vision has recorded not only the places of their neighbourhood. Comparing the content of the two FB groups, there are significant differences in this regard. By combining qualitative and quantitative image content analysis, more reliable results can be achieved, but at the same time, quantitative content analysis (both sampling and image coding) require relatively huge resources, especially if the aim is to automate workflow, which raises the question of how rational the use of this or that approach is.

Forum Historiae, 2020
The conceptual problem this article aims to research is how zines (of the Western or “the first w... more The conceptual problem this article aims to research is how zines (of the Western or “the first world”) and music samizdat (of socialist countries or “the second world”) should be analysed. Thus far, they have been regarded as separate phenomena; however, do these two forms of underground literature differ so greatly that they should be analysed using different theoretical approaches? The subject of the paper, От Винта (Ot Vinta), is a Russian-language music samizdat from the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic which was published in the late Soviet period. It came out in Riga between 1987 and 1991 and was closely connected to the local underground and semi-official rock scene. As Soviet music samizdat is an under-researched topic, and the Latvian one is practically unexplored, an important part of the paper is devoted to a description of this field and the context in which it appeared. The paper also explores the history of Ot Vinta, which is based primarily on original interviews, and an analysis of the content of the publication itself. Ot Vinta was the central magazine of the Riga Russian language underground music scene of its time and is closely linked to the unofficial rock music subculture of the whole Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, making it a very important historical source for this time and for this music. The final conclusion is that there are no significant differences between Soviet music samizdat and Western zines. There are differences in design, determined by the different means of production and reproduction, as well as by the poor circulation of information about Western underground zines until the late 1980s. There are also differences in the attitude of the state towards zines and samizdat. The political resistance of music samizdat, which until recently was the dominant thesis in samizdat research, is now being questioned. Such discussion is also taking place in zine research (and in the sociology of culture and taste in general), which is a further reason why research of these forms of alternative press in the two worlds of Christian civilization (the “first” and the “second”) should not be separated.
DHN2020 Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries - Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference, 2020
The paper provides insight into the programme construction of the 5 th conference Digital Humanit... more The paper provides insight into the programme construction of the 5 th conference Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN) that was to have taken place in Riga in March 2020 and an analysis of the DHN conferences during the last three years by exploring participant activity per country focusing primarily on the Nordic and Baltic region, their disciplinary adherence and the choice of pre-defined topics.
Popular Music, 2020
In the Soviet Union, song competitions had an important role in presenting new artists and songs.... more In the Soviet Union, song competitions had an important role in presenting new artists and songs. The Mikrofona aptauja contest of Latvian radio (1968–1994) was the main forum for new Latvian pop music. It had a reputation for expressing nationalist feelings within the limits of Soviet censorship. In 1988, with the rise of new political movements in the Soviet Union, the competition became a venue for the Latvian independence movement. The winning song of 1988 was a demand for ‘freedom to the fatherland’. The competition also played a part in the rehabilitation of pre-war popular music which had been forbidden in Soviet Latvia. The paper discusses the role of journalists, politicians and songwriters in this process. After the privatisation of the economy, the song competition was taken over by private entrepreneurs, as public interest in political songs waned.
![Research paper thumbnail of Subcultural Tastes in Latvia 2002-2010: The Content of Style [2011]](
By carrying out a quantitative analysis of the musical taste of secondary school pupils, we attem... more By carrying out a quantitative analysis of the musical taste of secondary school pupils, we attempt to understand how their tastes are formed, what their ‘subcultural element’ is and how it has changed over an eight-year period. Both in the classification of tastes and in the explanation of their meaning, as well as in the interpretations of the concept of subculture, we employ a group of conceptually related theories: Pierre Bordieu’s ‘sociology of taste’ and Richard Peterson’s thesis of omnivorism; as well as traditional and postmodern theories of subculture. Analysing the subcultural musical tastes, we conclude that the data from the 2010 questionnaire shows a far more ‘postmodern’ musical taste than that of the 2002 questionnaires. The distinctions between the groups of musical tastes are not as pronounced, the principles by which they are formed are less strict, and their content is more heterogeneous. Analysing the social factor (structure) and the relation of taste, a similar trend is observable – the homologous effect is weakening, although in certain cases it is still evident, namely in relation to gender and ethnicity.
Raksta mērķis ir izpētīt mūzikas socioloģiskās pētīšanas tradīciju un vēsturi Padomju Latvijā jeb... more Raksta mērķis ir izpētīt mūzikas socioloģiskās pētīšanas tradīciju un vēsturi Padomju Latvijā jeb Latvijas Padomju Sociālistiskajā Republikā (LPSR). Hronoloģiski tas ietver laika posmu no 60. gadu sākuma, kad socioloģija tiek reabilitēta un kļūst par vienu no oficiālajām pētniecības jomām, līdz 80. gadu beigām, kad praktiski beidz pastāvēt politiski un ideoloģiski vienotā un kontrolētā Padomju Savienība. Tā kā šis ir pirmais raksts, kas veltīts Latvijas mūzikas socioloģijas vēsturei, tajā pamatā sistematizēta un aprakstīta faktoloģija, nevis saturiski
analizēts, kas paveikts Latvijas mūzikas socioloģijas laukā.
Pētījuma gaitā tika identificēti astoņi Latvijas pētnieki, kuru atsevišķus darbus var nodēvēt par piederīgiem mūzikas socioloģijai. Tie ir: Rita Kvelde, Valentīna Asmolova, Joahims Brauns, Arnolds Klotiņš, Oļegs Pavlovs, Ingrīda Zemzare, Tālis Tisenkopfs un Mārtiņš Boiko.
Pētījumā tiek analizēts Pjēra Burdjē gaumes socioloģijas teorijas pamatpieņēmums, ka estētiskie s... more Pētījumā tiek analizēts Pjēra Burdjē gaumes socioloģijas teorijas pamatpieņēmums, ka estētiskie spriedumi balstās uz ārpusmākslas nozīmēm, kuras, savukārt, sakņojas dominējošās sociālajās attiecībās. Otrs raksta uzdevums ir pārbaudīt, cik lielā mērā atvērtie jautājumi paplašina iespējas atklāt muzikālās gaumes latentos klasifikāciju principus; kādi ir gaumes kvantitatīvos pētījumos izmantoto atvērto jautājumu metodoloģiskie ieguvumi; kādas papildu datu analīzes iespējas nodrošina šie jautājumi un kādas problēmas rodas, tos analizējot.
Autors uzskata, ka respondentu atbildes uz atvērto jautājumu par viņu mīļākajiem izpildītājiem paver plašas iespējas gaumes analīzei un ļauj, pirmkārt, izvairīties no metodoloģiskajiem artefaktiem, otrkārt, konstatēt gaumes latentos klasifikāciju principus, treškārt, izvērtēt distanci (tuvumu/tālumu) starp sociālajām vai etniskajām grupām.
Books (ch.) by Jānis Daugavietis
Dzīve līdzās ostai, 2022
Šīs nodaļas pamats ir dati, kas iegūti pētnieciskā projekta Dzīve līdzās ostai: ekonaratīvi, viet... more Šīs nodaļas pamats ir dati, kas iegūti pētnieciskā projekta Dzīve līdzās ostai: ekonaratīvi, vietējā vēsture un vides aktīvisms Daugavas lejtecē ietvaros veiktajā piecu Rīgas pieostas apkaimju iedzīvotāju interneta aptaujā, kuru īstenojām 2019. gadā. Aptaujas mērķis bija noskaidrot Bolderājas, Daugavgrīvas, Mangaļsalas, Kundziņsalas un Vecmīlgrāvja iedzīvotāju attieksmes un vērtējumus par dzīvi līdzās ostai. Šādā izpētes fokusā minēto apkaimju iedzīvotāju aptauja līdz šim nav veikta, un tā bija pirmā iespēja atklāt, kā arī plašāk un daudzveidīgāk aplūkot vēl nepētītus aspektus un izdarīt vērtīgus secinājumus, kuri var palīdzēt izprast un nākotnē risināt dažādas problēmas, ar kurām saskaras šo apkaimju iedzīvotāji.
2010./2011. gada pārskats ir veidots valsts pētījumu programmas „Nacionālā identitāte” ietvaros. ... more 2010./2011. gada pārskats ir veidots valsts pētījumu programmas „Nacionālā identitāte” ietvaros. Pārskata uzdevums ir aplūkot indivīda nacionālās piederības saturu tautas attīstības kontekstā. 2010./2011. gada pārskatā īpaša uzmanība pievērsta arī emigrācijas jautājumiem, jo tautas attīstību vājina iedzīvotāju skaita samazināšanās valstī. Cilvēku aizceļošana un dzīve citās zemēs ir liecība tam, ka pastāv nemitīga identitāšu konkurence un transformācija.
![Research paper thumbnail of Self-assessment of cultural literacy and inequality in the society [2017]](
Latvia. Human Development Report. Mastery of Life and Information Literacy., 2017
This chapter presents the analysis of the cultural literacy and cultural participation of the adu... more This chapter presents the analysis of the cultural literacy and cultural participation of the adult Latvian population, drawing predominantly from the survey of the study. The goal was to find out:
• how people evaluate their cultural activities,
• how skillful they feel in the implementation of their cultural practices,
• who are the people they listen to when choosing this or that cultural activity,
• what is the participation (or non-participation) of various social groups in specified cultural activities?
The survey data provide the opportunity to acquire some understanding of the logic behind various cultural practices, including the acquisition and assessment of information. Major attention in the analysis is focussed on these topics regarding:
• sources of cultural information, and
• gender distinctions.
Dziesmu un deju svētki. Tradīcijas anatomija, 2018
Previous studies on Song and Dance Celebration
Warsawer Punk Pakt: Punk im Ostblock 1977 – 1989, 2018
Daugavietis, Jānis. ‘Vom Ende der Estraden. Die späten Anfänge des Punk in Lettland’. In Warsawer... more Daugavietis, Jānis. ‘Vom Ende der Estraden. Die späten Anfänge des Punk in Lettland’. In Warsawer Punk Pakt: Punk im Ostblock 1977 – 1989, edited by Alexander Pehlemann, 202–14. Punk. Mainz: Ventil Verlag, 2018.
![Research paper thumbnail of Kultūrpratības pašnovērtējums un sabiedrības nevienlīdzība. Kultūrpratības jēdziens [2017]](
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2015/2016. Dzīves meistarība un informācijpratība, 2017
Šajā nodaļā tiek analizēta Latvijas pieaugušo iedzīvotāju kultūrpratība un kultūras līdzdalība, g... more Šajā nodaļā tiek analizēta Latvijas pieaugušo iedzīvotāju kultūrpratība un kultūras līdzdalība, galvenokārt izmantojot pētījuma aptaujas datus. Pamatojoties uz informācijas meklēšanas teorētisko pieeju un atsaucoties uz kultūras sociolo-ģijas kvantitatīvās izpētes tradīciju, mērķis ir noskaidrot, kā iedzīvotāji vērtē savu informētību par noteiktām kultūras aktivitātēm un cik meistarīgi viņi jūtas savu kultūras prakšu īstenošanā; kuri ir tie cilvēki, kuros viņi ieklausās, izvēloties to vai citu kultūras aktivitāti; kāda ir dažādu sociālo grupu līdzdalība (un nelīdzda-lība) noteiktās kultūras aktivitātēs. Aptaujas dati sniedz iespēju arī nedaudz pie-tuvināties dažu kultūras prakšu, ieskaitot informācijas ieguves un izvērtēšanas, loģiku izpratnei. Lielāka uzmanību analīzē pievērsta diviem tematiem: kultūras informācijas avotiem un dzimumu atšķirībām. Nodaļu caurvij divi pieņēmumi par kultūras praksēm: (1) tās ir sociālas ne tikai pēc sava satura, bet arī pēc formas; (2) spēcīgākais kultūras līdzdalības determinants ir izglītība, arī atšķirīgajā sievie-šu un vīriešu kultūras patēriņā. Indivīdiem ir daudz brīvā laika, un Rietumu pasaulē tā kļūst arvien vairāk (Robinson, 2001; Coulangeon, 2015), un, raugoties no sociālās inženierijas un veiksmīgas valsts pārvaldes skatpunkta, joprojām ir svarīgi, lai tā izlietojums būtu pēc iespējas saturīgāks, lai iedzīvotāji brīvajā laikā turpinātu izglītoties, kā arī uzlabotu savu fizisko un sociālo stāvokli. Sabiedrības locekļi it kā pašsa-protami pieņem, ka šajā sabiedrībā akceptētām un pozitīvi vērtētām kultūras aktivitātēm, piemēram, grāmatu lasīšanai vai teātru apmeklēšanai, ir jābūt ne-pieciešamām ikdienas vai vismaz svētku un brīvdienu sastāvdaļām. Tāpēc kultū-ras līdzdalība un patēriņš ir arvien leģitīms un aktuāls sociālās pētniecības lauks.
![Research paper thumbnail of Regional identity and the Capability Strategies of Local Governments, Communities and individuals (Ch.3) [2011]](
Regional identity represents a sense of belonging to the region or place where a person lives. In... more Regional identity represents a sense of belonging to the region or place where a person lives. In the context of human development, it is important to determine the way in which regional identity influences the capability of various social agents. In this context, we can pose a series of questions such as how important is regional identity in contemporary society, how local governments, activists and other social agents come
together to defend their interests and resolve common problems in specific territories or places. What are the individual strategies which people establish to ensure their own welfare? // In: Latvia. Human Development Report 2010/2011: National identity, Mobility and Capability. Edited by Brigita Zepa and Evija Kļave. Rīga: Advanced Social and Political Research Institute (ASPRI) of the University of Latvia, 2011, 168 pp., illustrations, tables, map. ISBN 978-9984-45-534-1
Ziņojuma uzdevums bija noskaidrot vairākus jautājumus:
1. Vai jāpilnveido likumdošana, lai pilnīg... more Ziņojuma uzdevums bija noskaidrot vairākus jautājumus:
1. Vai jāpilnveido likumdošana, lai pilnīgāk īstenotu konvencijas 4. un
5. pantu?
2. Vai jāreformē institūcijas, kurām ir saskarsme ar mazākumtautībām vai
atbildība par tām?
3. Vai jāpilnveido esošās programmas/ prakse, un kā tas jādara?
4. Vai jāizstrādā un jāīsteno kādas jaunas programmas?
5. Kādi ir prioritārie virzieni valsts un pašvaldību iestāžu mazākumtautību
politikas finansējumam?
Conference Presentations by Jānis Daugavietis

conference paper, 2023
In 2019, a new and coherent underground music scene centred around punk and hardcore emerged in R... more In 2019, a new and coherent underground music scene centred around punk and hardcore emerged in Riga, which can be considered the biggest in at least 30 years (Daugavietis, 2022). It has all the hallmarks of the classic notion of a local scene (Bennett & Peterson, 2004; Straw, 1991) – locality [one city], shared venues, bands and fans of the same generation, class and taste, musicians and fans using the word 'scene' for self-identification; but it also has one element or dimension in which it differs significantly from Latvian scenes of the past. It is communication and self-reflection on social media using memes. There are two popular Instagram meme accounts dedicated to the new scene in Riga: @scenas.shitposting and @dzeltena.scena. The anonymous author(s) of the second account obtain the content (texts) for the memes from those involved in the scene through an anonymous online survey tool. The virtual presence of the local scene on social networks is not only its specific reflection and recording (which is an excellent source of research), but also a public platform for communication and discussion among the scene members, where the format of Instagram visual-textual memes has proven to be the most relevant. It can be considered as a substitute for traditional forms of subcultural communication (zine, blog, forum), which is much more accessible and therefore much more inclusive.
Key words: local scene, Rīga, Internet memes, Instagram
Articles by Jānis Daugavietis
The study was developed within the framework of a state-commissioned research project, the overarching goal of which is the development of digital humanities resources and tools (DH RR), as well as facilitation of the entire DH field in Latvia, which is a practically underexplored topic. As the object of research, we have chosen the practices of tool and resource
developers, comparing them with the prevalent findings in theoretical literature and requirements of the current science policy. We use two main methods to obtain data – online survey of DH RR developers and maintainers, as well as expert interviews. Respondents were asked
not only about their practices in developing and maintaining DH RR, but also surveyed to find out their ideas about what the ideal situation would be. The results of the study are in line with the conclusions made in the foreign academic literature on the main problems in the DH ecosystem. Firstly, it is a project funding system that has a particular impact on publicly funded research institutions. In project competitions, priority is given to innovation and the creation of new knowledge (new products or prototypes) over the long-term development and maintenance of existing resources. Secondly, the field of DH in Latvia is relatively new, so the structure and system of cooperation between the creators of DH tools and
resources and the financiers of these activities (state scientific and cultural administration institutions) are only being formed. To a large extent, Latvian DH RR ecosystem, which in our research is mainly limited to state-subsidized national research and memory institutions, still functions on the basis of the initiative, needs, competence and available resources of the institutions themselves and their individual researchers.
analizēts, kas paveikts Latvijas mūzikas socioloģijas laukā.
Pētījuma gaitā tika identificēti astoņi Latvijas pētnieki, kuru atsevišķus darbus var nodēvēt par piederīgiem mūzikas socioloģijai. Tie ir: Rita Kvelde, Valentīna Asmolova, Joahims Brauns, Arnolds Klotiņš, Oļegs Pavlovs, Ingrīda Zemzare, Tālis Tisenkopfs un Mārtiņš Boiko.
Autors uzskata, ka respondentu atbildes uz atvērto jautājumu par viņu mīļākajiem izpildītājiem paver plašas iespējas gaumes analīzei un ļauj, pirmkārt, izvairīties no metodoloģiskajiem artefaktiem, otrkārt, konstatēt gaumes latentos klasifikāciju principus, treškārt, izvērtēt distanci (tuvumu/tālumu) starp sociālajām vai etniskajām grupām.
Books (ch.) by Jānis Daugavietis
• how people evaluate their cultural activities,
• how skillful they feel in the implementation of their cultural practices,
• who are the people they listen to when choosing this or that cultural activity,
• what is the participation (or non-participation) of various social groups in specified cultural activities?
The survey data provide the opportunity to acquire some understanding of the logic behind various cultural practices, including the acquisition and assessment of information. Major attention in the analysis is focussed on these topics regarding:
• sources of cultural information, and
• gender distinctions.
together to defend their interests and resolve common problems in specific territories or places. What are the individual strategies which people establish to ensure their own welfare? // In: Latvia. Human Development Report 2010/2011: National identity, Mobility and Capability. Edited by Brigita Zepa and Evija Kļave. Rīga: Advanced Social and Political Research Institute (ASPRI) of the University of Latvia, 2011, 168 pp., illustrations, tables, map. ISBN 978-9984-45-534-1
1. Vai jāpilnveido likumdošana, lai pilnīgāk īstenotu konvencijas 4. un
5. pantu?
2. Vai jāreformē institūcijas, kurām ir saskarsme ar mazākumtautībām vai
atbildība par tām?
3. Vai jāpilnveido esošās programmas/ prakse, un kā tas jādara?
4. Vai jāizstrādā un jāīsteno kādas jaunas programmas?
5. Kādi ir prioritārie virzieni valsts un pašvaldību iestāžu mazākumtautību
politikas finansējumam?
Conference Presentations by Jānis Daugavietis
Key words: local scene, Rīga, Internet memes, Instagram
The study was developed within the framework of a state-commissioned research project, the overarching goal of which is the development of digital humanities resources and tools (DH RR), as well as facilitation of the entire DH field in Latvia, which is a practically underexplored topic. As the object of research, we have chosen the practices of tool and resource
developers, comparing them with the prevalent findings in theoretical literature and requirements of the current science policy. We use two main methods to obtain data – online survey of DH RR developers and maintainers, as well as expert interviews. Respondents were asked
not only about their practices in developing and maintaining DH RR, but also surveyed to find out their ideas about what the ideal situation would be. The results of the study are in line with the conclusions made in the foreign academic literature on the main problems in the DH ecosystem. Firstly, it is a project funding system that has a particular impact on publicly funded research institutions. In project competitions, priority is given to innovation and the creation of new knowledge (new products or prototypes) over the long-term development and maintenance of existing resources. Secondly, the field of DH in Latvia is relatively new, so the structure and system of cooperation between the creators of DH tools and
resources and the financiers of these activities (state scientific and cultural administration institutions) are only being formed. To a large extent, Latvian DH RR ecosystem, which in our research is mainly limited to state-subsidized national research and memory institutions, still functions on the basis of the initiative, needs, competence and available resources of the institutions themselves and their individual researchers.
analizēts, kas paveikts Latvijas mūzikas socioloģijas laukā.
Pētījuma gaitā tika identificēti astoņi Latvijas pētnieki, kuru atsevišķus darbus var nodēvēt par piederīgiem mūzikas socioloģijai. Tie ir: Rita Kvelde, Valentīna Asmolova, Joahims Brauns, Arnolds Klotiņš, Oļegs Pavlovs, Ingrīda Zemzare, Tālis Tisenkopfs un Mārtiņš Boiko.
Autors uzskata, ka respondentu atbildes uz atvērto jautājumu par viņu mīļākajiem izpildītājiem paver plašas iespējas gaumes analīzei un ļauj, pirmkārt, izvairīties no metodoloģiskajiem artefaktiem, otrkārt, konstatēt gaumes latentos klasifikāciju principus, treškārt, izvērtēt distanci (tuvumu/tālumu) starp sociālajām vai etniskajām grupām.
• how people evaluate their cultural activities,
• how skillful they feel in the implementation of their cultural practices,
• who are the people they listen to when choosing this or that cultural activity,
• what is the participation (or non-participation) of various social groups in specified cultural activities?
The survey data provide the opportunity to acquire some understanding of the logic behind various cultural practices, including the acquisition and assessment of information. Major attention in the analysis is focussed on these topics regarding:
• sources of cultural information, and
• gender distinctions.
together to defend their interests and resolve common problems in specific territories or places. What are the individual strategies which people establish to ensure their own welfare? // In: Latvia. Human Development Report 2010/2011: National identity, Mobility and Capability. Edited by Brigita Zepa and Evija Kļave. Rīga: Advanced Social and Political Research Institute (ASPRI) of the University of Latvia, 2011, 168 pp., illustrations, tables, map. ISBN 978-9984-45-534-1
1. Vai jāpilnveido likumdošana, lai pilnīgāk īstenotu konvencijas 4. un
5. pantu?
2. Vai jāreformē institūcijas, kurām ir saskarsme ar mazākumtautībām vai
atbildība par tām?
3. Vai jāpilnveido esošās programmas/ prakse, un kā tas jādara?
4. Vai jāizstrādā un jāīsteno kādas jaunas programmas?
5. Kādi ir prioritārie virzieni valsts un pašvaldību iestāžu mazākumtautību
politikas finansējumam?
Key words: local scene, Rīga, Internet memes, Instagram
What are the actual and genre boundaries of this scene? What are the actual and genre boundaries of this scene? What is the typical individual path that has taken young (~ 18-24) musicians and scene activists to subcultural practices, and what meaning do they put in them? How do modern subcultures differ (if differ) from the similar subcultures 40-50-years ago? How well do classical theories of subcultures and scenes explain the situation in the capital of a small Central / Northern European country (a country that still has a post-Soviet spirit and a constant breath of a large neighbor)?
The main research and archiving method is biographical interviews with the leaders of the scene, recorded in both audio and video. Network analysis is a method and data that helps to build and understand the quantitative and structural model of a scene. The primary data sources here are band members, concert organizers, rehearsal and recording studio holders, DIY sound engineers and producers, as well as metadata of the concerts that took place (time, place, groups, etc.).
Keywords: new scene, DIY, 2022, Rīga, subculture
Quantitative international comparative studies since the beginning of the 1990s show that the environmental attitudes of Latvian and Baltic citizens differ significantly from the average of European countries and are often in the group of the most indifferent countries (Gooch 1995; Gerhards & Lengfeld 2008; Franzen & Vogl 2013; Dalton 2015; Budžytė & Balžekienė 2018 etc.). When surveying the inhabitants of Rīga communities (Kundziņsala and Mangaļsala), whose neighborhoods are adjacent to the territory of Rīga port, and who are experiencing the day-to-day operation of the port (including pollution and accidents), we ask: is their environmental awareness and ecological anxiety different from the other people in the city and country? Doing this environmental issues are conceptually divided and operationalized as 'visible' (smells, dust, noise, landscape degradation, shrinking access to the river, port area sprawl) and 'invisible' (pollution of air, water, soil and common space, city plans, imagined past). We put forward the following hypotheses: (1) citizens of ‘port communities’ are aware and not satisfied with “visible” problems to a greater extent than residents in Rīga and Latvia in general; (2) but only a small part of the population is able to assess 'invisible' problems. Self assessment of the people living next to the port is compared with data from environmental quality assessment based on the opinions of experts and results of field studies.
Socioloģijas sekcija "Nacionālā identitāte - teorētiskie izaicinājumi un izpētes metodes"
2012.gada 17. februārī
Sociālo zinātņu fakultātē, 414.aud., Lomonosova ielā 1a, Rīga
Daugavietis, J. (2021). Places of Joy and Worries: Rīga Port Neighbourhoods in Facebook Photo Posts. No S. Reinsone, A. Baklāne, I. Skadiņa, & J. Daugavietis (Red.), DHN2020 Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries—Post-Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference (Sēj. 2865, lpp. 121–133). Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, of the University of Latvia; Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia; The National Library of Latvia.
Files contains:
description of methodology (in Latvian and Russian);
questionnaires in Latvian and Russian (with translation in English);
survey structure (LimeSurvey .lss file).
Information on the project: [EN] [EN]
ES zinātnes politiskajos dokumentos amatierzinātne tiek definēta plašāk, ne tikai kā neprofesionāļu līdzdalība zinātniskajā darbā. Amatierzinātnes integrācijai pētniecībā būtu jākalpo ne tikai zinātniskiem mērķiem un uzdevumiem, bet arī jāņem vērā sociālās politikas uzdevumi, tādi kā iedzīvotāju līdzdalība dažādu politiku veidošanā un apspriešanā, vienlīdzīgu iesaistīšanās iespēju nodrošināšana utt.
Tai pat laikā amatierzinātnes fenomenu pētījušie autori uzsver, ka zinātnes laukā vienmēr ir darbojušies neprofesionāļi, pusprofesionāļi un amatieri, un tikai pēdējo 200 gadu laikā zinātne ir profesionalizējusies, kad var pagalvot, ka lielāko pētniecisko darbu veic profesionāli zinātnieki zinātniskajās institūcijās (pamatā universitātēs un institūtos). Neraugoties uz to, amatieru darbošanās pētniecībā nekad nav apstājusies, kā klasiskus piemērus var minēt novadpētniekus vai dabas vērotājus, kas sava hobija aktivitātes nereti īsteno ņemot vērā profesionālu pētnieku vadlīnijas.
Goals. Focusing on human-environment relationships as expressed in narration and agency of particular urban communities, the project has two broader goals. (1) Academically, it aims at introducing the environmental humanities’ (EH) approach in Latvian scholarship. Combining perspectives from narrative and folklore studies, anthropology, oral history, sociology and environmental science, the project strives towards a path-breaking, multidisciplinary stance on people’s experience of and interaction with their living environment. In addition, the project is a pilot study of cooperation across the divide between humanities and natural sciences. (2) In an attempt to reach beyond the academia, the project seeks to problematize and promote the aspects of human subjectivity as substantial arguments in environmental policies and planning.
Objectives and research questions. The project has four interconnected objectives, each related to a set of research questions.
1. To study people’s differing engagement with the environment: How do communities of the Daugava delta construct their local identity and ‘sense of place’ (urban, suburban, rural elements)? What are the meanings and values (aesthetical, occupational, recreational, emotional, traditional, and ecological) attached to geographical surroundings and environment by different inhabitant groups? How important for them is the quality of air, water, and landscape? What social characteristics define varying attitudes toward environmental change?
2. To explore the role of history and memory in human-environment relationship: Which historical periods and / or events have been (or are regarded as) most crucial for the (trans)formation of environment-dependent lifestyles in the Daugava delta? How is local past used in the evaluation of the present by local communities? What memories are linked to particular places and environmental objects? Which are anchoring objects for individuals and communities?
3. To investigate narrative repertoires of the communities neighboring the Riga port: What are various verbal genres and narrative types that people use to deal with environmental issues? What contexts trigger environmental talk? Particular attention will be paid to nostalgic modality and a genre of ´eco-horror stories´, present in people’s recent communicative practice. How do they co-exist and / or compete with a story-we-live-by — the progress narrative?
4. To study the environmental governance and community activism in the Daugava delta, to promote a dialogue between the local NGOs and other parties involved in the formation of environmental culture in the Daugava delta: How informed are the people regarding environment pollution? What is the difference between perceived and existing environmental quality? In what ways does environmental change influence people’s everyday lives, what are their adaptation strategies? What are the forms, aims, contexts and results of actions (protests, petitions, eco-cultural activities etc.) that local communities and NGOs use to interact with other stakeholders influencing environmental quality? What is the history and current state of environmental activism and dialogue with policy-makers in the territories neighboring the Riga port?