Plugin Tag: shortcodes:
R12Themes Quotes
(0 total ratings)It displays random qoutes on your sidebar or on your page depending where you want to be shown.
BCorp Slider
(0 total ratings)Powerful transitional slider shortcode for the BCorp Shortcode collection and BCorp Visual Editor.
DB Edit All Contacts on 1 Settings Page
(1 total ratings)All phone numbers, e-mails, whatsapp and telegram chats are set on 1 page. You just use shortcodes instead of writing and rewriting the contacts.
AH Shortcodes
(1 total ratings)This is a simple shortcode generator. Add buttons, columns, tabs, toggles and alerts to your theme.
Easy GitHub Gist Shortcodes
(0 total ratings)Requires at least 3.0 Tested up to 3.3.1 Stable tag: 1.0 This plugin allows using shortcodes to insert GitHub Gists in any content, use [gist id=&quo …
Solutions Ad Manager
(0 total ratings)A simple ad manager that allows you to display pictures and YouTube videos in to a widget.
Gallery of Animated Posts
(0 total ratings)Display a gallery of animated posts unsing a shortcode for theme Gridsby.
Frontend User Avatar
(0 total ratings)Effortlessly manage and display your user profile avatar from the frontend
LRH-Shortcode List
(0 total ratings)Display a list of available shortcodes in a meta box for inserting into content.
Display WooCommerce User Info
(0 total ratings)Displays formatted copy of Woo Commerce Shipping and/or Billing information in a shortcode.
WP Wrap Images
(0 total ratings)Wraps all images inserted into a WYSIWYG field from the Add Media interface with the [caption] shortcode, even if no caption is assigned to the image.
PropertyEngine Widgets Shortcodes
(1 total ratings)Bringing PropertyEngine functionality into your Wordpress site widgets shortcodes. Standard compliants, easy to use and so on !
Ultimate Icon Shortcodes – LITE
(0 total ratings)This plugin will add a small button to your post / page editor, clicking on that will bring up our visual icon selector. Choose the icon you want and …
DMG Text Widget
(0 total ratings)A simple widget to add custom text/ HTML to your theme. Advanced options allow you to apply shortcodes, make the title a link and add CSS classes.
SCuD – The ShortCode Disabler
(2 total ratings)Allows you to disable ShortCodes on a per post/page basis.
Dummy Text Shortcode
(0 total ratings)Allows for dummy text to be placed in a post / page with the [dummy] shortcode.
Priority Shortcodes
(1 total ratings)Processes specific shortcodes before wpautop() and do_shortcode()
Strip Non Registered Shortcodes for WordPress
(0 total ratings)This plugin was developed for your convenience. It easily strips all of non-registered shortcodes.