Xmas Lite
Ši tema nebuvo atnaujinta ilgiau nei 2 metus. Ji tikriausiai nėra prižiūrima ir palaikoma, todėl gali įvykti klaidų ją naudojant su naujausiomis WordPress versijomis.

Xmas Lite is clean, modern, feature-rich, multiple use purpose, and easy-to-use WordPress theme especially designed for holiday season. Built with Bootstrap3 framework, Xmas Lite is Engineered for the pros and Crafted for the up-and-comers.Xmas Lite brings beauty and unique designs combined with performance and fast loading. This multitude of options allow you to create a unique looking homepage in a couple of minutes. The theme integrates clean coding, great design and fast page loading speed. It uses the best clean SEO practices and is a social friendly theme.The overall designed is plain and practical, focusing the reader’s attention on what is truly important: the content. Blog followers will be able to enjoy an online experience that is second to none.
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