
Plugin Directory

Dokan Vendor Info Hider – Hide Vendor info from Store-list and store page

Šis įskiepis nebuvo išbandytas su 3 vėliausiomis WordPress versijomis. Jis tikriausiai nėra prižiūrimas ir palaikomas, todėl gali neveikti su naujausiomis WordPress versijomis.

Dokan Vendor Info Hider – Hide Vendor info from Store-list and store page


Want to hide vendor info from store-list page and store page?

This plugin will amagingly help you to choose what you want to hide. Like-
Phone no? or Street 1? or Street 2 etc separately. You can also hide all info if you want!

Ekrano nuotraukos


Automatic Install From WordPress Dashboard

  1. Login to your the admin panel
  2. Navigate to Plugins -> Add New
  3. Search Dokan Vendor Info Hider
  4. Click install and activate respectively.

Manual Install From WordPress Dashboard

If your server is not connected to the Internet, then you can use this method-

  1. Download the plugin by clicking on the red button above. A ZIP file will be downloaded.
  2. Login to your site’s admin panel and navigate to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload.
  3. Click choose file, select the plugin file and click install

Install Using FTP

If you are unable to use any of the methods due to internet connectivity and file permission issues, then you can use this method-

  1. Download the plugin by clicking on the red button above.A ZIP file will be downloaded.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Launch your favorite FTP client. Such as FileZilla, FireFTP, CyberDuck etc. If you are a more advanced user, then you can use SSH too.
  4. Upload the folder to wp-content/plugins/
  5. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  6. Navigate to Plugins -> Installed
  7. Activate the plugin


How can I suggest for new features?

We would love to hear your suggestions! Feel free to submit them here.

How can I contact if I need any help or need to complete a project?

Feel free to submit your requirements/questions here.


28 gegužės, 2023
I think it works, but it adds a nag to download another plugin, „Woo Manager” with an annoying orange background. I eventually gave in and installed it to make the nag go away and it did not. I don’t care if this works or not, there is no way I am leaving it installed.
15 spalio, 2020
@kayacrafts – Works great for me, maybe it’s a conflict with one of your other plugins or theme. Anyways, good work and thank you, couldn’t find functions to hide the phone field.
30 rugpjūčio, 2019 1 reply
Why create a plugin that doesn’t work? Tried to reach the developer but received a error warning when visiting his website. Really?
8 rugsėjo, 2018 2 replies
Hey. I’m using latest Dokan version with PHP 7.1 But this plugin not working. when I save the setting and refresh page, all checked box will unchecked again.
27 gegužės, 2018
Dokan Vendor Info Hider is the most elegant plugin to vendors information. Very helpful for the admin who does not show vendors data to customers.
Perskaityti visus atsiliepimus (6)

Programuotojai ir komandos nariai

“Dokan Vendor Info Hider – Hide Vendor info from Store-list and store page” yra atviro kodo programa. Prie jos sukūrimo prisidėję žmonės surašyti toliau.


Pakeitimų istorija


  • Fix -> Compatiblity with the latest WP


  • Fix -> Compatiblity with the latest WP


  • Fix -> Compatiblity with latest WP and Dokan Pro


  • Fix -> Compatibility with the latest WP


  • Fix -> Compatibility with the lates Dokan


  • Fix -> Dokan core settings disappear

v1.0.0 -> May 21, 2018

  • Beta Release