Helana Brigman
I am the creator of the award-winning blog Clearly Delicious, a food writer, photographer, cook, and doctoral candidate whose work has appeared in Louisiana Cookin’ Magazine, and column “Fresh Ideas” prints every other Thursday in Louisiana’s official state newspaper, The Advocate.
My research interests include the British periodical press, nineteenth-century literatures, women's writings, food studies, and the works of John Ruskin. I am especially drawn to un-studied samples of women's food writings in the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, Bow Bells, and the Illustrated London News.
As a doctoral candidate in English, I attend LSU - Baton Rouge where I divide my time between researching British culinary traditions as well as the nineteenth-century periodical press and writing, photographing, and eating southern cooking. My first book, The Fresh Table: Cooking in Louisiana All Year Round, is out now (spring, 2013) by LSU Press.
Supervisors: Sharon Weltman
My research interests include the British periodical press, nineteenth-century literatures, women's writings, food studies, and the works of John Ruskin. I am especially drawn to un-studied samples of women's food writings in the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, Bow Bells, and the Illustrated London News.
As a doctoral candidate in English, I attend LSU - Baton Rouge where I divide my time between researching British culinary traditions as well as the nineteenth-century periodical press and writing, photographing, and eating southern cooking. My first book, The Fresh Table: Cooking in Louisiana All Year Round, is out now (spring, 2013) by LSU Press.
Supervisors: Sharon Weltman
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Books by Helana Brigman
Papers by Helana Brigman