Dimitar Bechev
Address: London, United Kingdom
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Papers by Dimitar Bechev
As the country elects a new president in August, it faces a host of challenges: slowing growth and financial volatility, the peace process with the PKK, and an increasingly unstable regional environment. Though Turkey is largely in an introverted mood, those challenges underscore the significance of its foreign partners, not least the EU. The reshuffle at the top offers an opportunity for the EU and its member states to re-engage Ankara in order to prevent further drift. This brief argues that the EU needs to focus on pragmatic co-operation and open key chapters in the accession talks while making sure its policies and actions do not feed into the narratives of external threat that have gained prominence in Turkish politics.
1. Mustafa Akyol 17
Who are the Turks?
2. Ays ̧e Kadıog ̆lu and Orhan Mirog ̆lu 23
From oblivion to memory: Skeletons in the Turkish republican closet
3. S ̧ahin Alpay 31
Will Turkey veer towards authoritarianism
without the EU anchor?
4. Hakan Altinay 37
Moving parts
5. Osman Baydemir 43
The “we know best” democracy
6. Ibrahim Kalın 51
Turkish foreign policy in 2011: an assessment
7. Atila Eralp and Zerrin Torun 57
Turkey-EU relations: just another impasse?
8. Suat Kınıklıog ̆lu 63
Turkey’s neighbourhood policy: reintegration
into multiple regions
9. Soli Özel 69
The AKP’s foreign policy in context
AFTERWORD 75 Ivan Krastev 77
Tentative conclusions of a fascinated ignorant
Books by Dimitar Bechev
The Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Macedonia traces the key political, socio-economic, and cultural developments in the multiethnic mosaic that is Republic of Macedonia following its secession from the Yugoslav federation in the autumn of 1991. It also surveys often overlooked topics, such as the social transformations underwent in the course of the 20th century and during the decades of socialism, as well as the recent debates about historical memory and roots of the Slav Macedonian nation. Complete with a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and over 400 hundred cross-referenced dictionary entries, this reference provides a rich account of the history, present-day politics, and society of the Republic of Macedonia.
As the country elects a new president in August, it faces a host of challenges: slowing growth and financial volatility, the peace process with the PKK, and an increasingly unstable regional environment. Though Turkey is largely in an introverted mood, those challenges underscore the significance of its foreign partners, not least the EU. The reshuffle at the top offers an opportunity for the EU and its member states to re-engage Ankara in order to prevent further drift. This brief argues that the EU needs to focus on pragmatic co-operation and open key chapters in the accession talks while making sure its policies and actions do not feed into the narratives of external threat that have gained prominence in Turkish politics.
1. Mustafa Akyol 17
Who are the Turks?
2. Ays ̧e Kadıog ̆lu and Orhan Mirog ̆lu 23
From oblivion to memory: Skeletons in the Turkish republican closet
3. S ̧ahin Alpay 31
Will Turkey veer towards authoritarianism
without the EU anchor?
4. Hakan Altinay 37
Moving parts
5. Osman Baydemir 43
The “we know best” democracy
6. Ibrahim Kalın 51
Turkish foreign policy in 2011: an assessment
7. Atila Eralp and Zerrin Torun 57
Turkey-EU relations: just another impasse?
8. Suat Kınıklıog ̆lu 63
Turkey’s neighbourhood policy: reintegration
into multiple regions
9. Soli Özel 69
The AKP’s foreign policy in context
AFTERWORD 75 Ivan Krastev 77
Tentative conclusions of a fascinated ignorant
The Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Macedonia traces the key political, socio-economic, and cultural developments in the multiethnic mosaic that is Republic of Macedonia following its secession from the Yugoslav federation in the autumn of 1991. It also surveys often overlooked topics, such as the social transformations underwent in the course of the 20th century and during the decades of socialism, as well as the recent debates about historical memory and roots of the Slav Macedonian nation. Complete with a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and over 400 hundred cross-referenced dictionary entries, this reference provides a rich account of the history, present-day politics, and society of the Republic of Macedonia.