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    • Computer Science
In spring 2015, the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, LRZ), installed their new Peta-Scale System SuperMUC Phase2. Selected users were invited for a 28 day extreme scale-out block operation during which they were... more
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      Computer ScienceParallel ComputingPhysics
The dissemination level are indicated as follows: PU-Public, PP-Restricted to other participants (including the Commission Services), RE-Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services).... more
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    • Architecture
Computational Sciences (CS) are challenging in many aspects, not only from the scientific domain they address, but especially also from the needs of the most sophisticated IT infrastructures to perform their research. Often, the latest... more
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    • Technology
this paper, we study a modular approach for the 3 D numerical simulation of the fluid structure interaction in a valve-driven micropump that has been designed for medical and environmental applications. For the structural part, we use... more
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The VERCE project has pioneered an e-Infrastructure to support researchers using established simulation codes on high-performance computers in conjunction with multiple sources of observational data. This is accessed and organised via the... more
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this paper, we illustrate the considerations regarding the development of a modular software capable of solving a fluid structure interaction problem taken from microsystem technology. We describe a prototype realization and show some... more
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Appropriate and efficient representations of domains, objects, and scenes are an important issue in the fields of geometric modelling, numerical simulation, and visualization. Though various techniques have been developed and are... more
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this paper, we illustrate the considerations regarding the development of a modular software capable of solving a fluid structure interaction problem taken from microsystem technology. We describe a prototype realization and show some... more
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For the third time the Czech-Bavarian Competence Centre for Supercomputing Applications, CzeBaCCA, has organised a technical Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) programming workshop combined with a scientific workshop about HPC simulations... more
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    • Atmospheric Modeling