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Six barley cultivars were grown in locations of Osijek and Nova Gradiska for three successive years. Our study included cultivars of different seasonal type. Zlatko, Barun and Vanessa are two-rowed winter type and Fran, Matej and Scarlett... more
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    • Agronomy
This work presents simple wireless WiFi accessible web server with web interface that provides control of different types of systems connected on embedded system. Wireless control is created on software platform provided by Altium with... more
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      Computer ScienceEmbedded System
Performance tuning of scientific codes often requires tuning many different aspects like vectorization, OpenMP synchronization, MPI communication, load balancing. The Periscope Tuning Framework (PTF), an online automatic tuning framework,... more
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    • Computer Science
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      Computer SciencePerformance Tuning
The main abiotic stresses which appear in soybean production are described in this paper. Abiotic stresses include extreme weather conditions (extremes in temperature, excesses in humidity or in drought), then stress because of... more
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    • Physics