Sekolah dalam menghadapi tantangan abad 21 harus mampu mempersiapkan keterampilan yang lebih luas... more Sekolah dalam menghadapi tantangan abad 21 harus mampu mempersiapkan keterampilan yang lebih luas dalam menghadapi perkembangan dunia khususnya teknologi. Namun, berkembangnya teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat dibutuhkan bimbingan dan pengawasan yang mengarah kepada nilai dan moral agar tidak menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap pemanfaatan teknologi.Timbulnya dampak negatif dari pemanfatan teknologi yang tidak dibarengi dengan pengawasan kepada nilai seperti kasus pornografi, kecanduan game online, merenggangkan kehidupan sosial, munculnya akun- akun palsu dalam penyebaran berita hoaks, maraknya kasus kriminal seperti kasus penipuan online dan lain – lain. Pendidikan nasional masih cenderung mengarah kepada pengajaran bukan pada pembelajaran, sehingga orientasi pendidikan lebih banyak menyentuh aspek kognitif dan lemah kepada pengembangan aspek soft skills atau kepribadian yang unggul dan budaya yang bermutu. Sekolah perlu memahami konsep soft skills secara mendalam sehingga mam...
The purpose of this study is to obtain valid and reliable empirical data, facts, and information ... more The purpose of this study is to obtain valid and reliable empirical data, facts, and information regarding the analysis of product quality factors and customer loyalty service quality of fast food restaurant consumers. This research is a quantitative research. There are two independent variables, namely product quality (X1), Service Quality (X2) and one dependent variable, namely Consumer Loyalty (Y). Data was collected by means of a survey. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis. The population in this study were all consumers who had bought fast food using an online application, where there were 142 respondents who gave answers to questionnaires via google forms which were distributed online. The results showed that there was an effect of service quality on customer loyalty, amounting to 51.9.%, there was an effect of product quality on customer loyalty of 59.8% and there was an effect of service quality and product quality together in influencing con...
Employees are company assets that must be maintained and developed. Leadership in an organization... more Employees are company assets that must be maintained and developed. Leadership in an organization needs to be based on vision and mission, goals and work programs have the needs of all parties and accommodate employees, and are able to provide encouragement as hard as employees work. Competencies need to be developed towards improving the company's financial reputation in general. One of the ways to improve employee competency is through employee development programs through education and training. The harmony of communication that exists between employees will greatly help improve the overall performance of the company, with the establishment of mutual understanding and joint work within the company. The Jakarta LP3I Polytechnic (PLJ) is one of the higher education institutions which since its inception sought to eradicate unemployment in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta. It is not an easy thing to prove it, but at least the LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic has begun to show that graduates are easy to work, even have worked before graduating D III. The success of their performance really needs to be studied, especially regarding leadership, competence and communication as reviewed in the previous paragraph. This study aims to determine respondents' responses to transformational leadership, competence and organizational communication among employees of the LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic and the influence of transformational leadership, competence and communication on the performance of LP3I Polytechnic employees in Jakarta.
Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfactio... more Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction, is not uncommon satisfaction resulting from the spirit of the work as a source of motivation combined with the competence of employees who bersangkutan.Penelitian is intended to identify and assess the motivation and competencies possessed by the employee, the amount of influence both these variables to work satisfaction and job satisfaction impact on the performance of employees indicated.There needs to be a fourth measurement variables in this study at the Polytechnic LP3I Bandung, the postscript was established to eradicate the existence of unemployment in Indonesia. Measurement as outlined in this study, conducted by the method deskriprif verification with proportional cluster sampling technique of random sampling.Based on the study, showed that there is influence of motivation terhdadap job satisfaction for 78,8%, there is the influence of competence terhdadap job satisfaction fo...
Jurnal Ecodemica Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2021
To win business competition either in the field of education or other fields businesses must carr... more To win business competition either in the field of education or other fields businesses must carry out various marketing strategies such as: product strategy, pricing strategy, promotional strategy, and strategy and presentation of Manusa resources. The last two strategies are important strategies in recruiting prospective students (customers), Presenter's performance can be measured through the ratio of consumers who come to then enroll and the next who register (become students). The problem at the moment is that thebalancebetween consumers who come, consumers who sign up and consumers who are accepted is poorly maintained. Based on the above problems, the author chose the Nusantara Professional Education and Development Institute (LP3N) as the object of research, because LP3N is an educational institution engaged in the development of Human Resources (HR) that produces ready-to-eat labor. The purpose of this research is prioritized to know the extent of the role of human resources and presentations (presenters) in marketing educational products in order to attract students in the process of admission of new students conducted by educational institutions and professional development of the archipelago (LP3N). In addition, in order to be utilized by the Nusantara Professional Education and Development Institute (LP3N) in taking policy in its marketing activities. In this study using quantitative method where this research is intended to describe and analyze the role of presenters in marketing educational products in educational institutions and professional development of the archipelago. While in the calculation process using SPSS Version 24.
This study discusses how human resources play a vital role in the activities of any organization ... more This study discusses how human resources play a vital role in the activities of any organization including business activities in the face of globalization era, including the management of restaurant Ayam Bakar Wong Solo. This research using the method "Cross Sectional". Sampling is done by stratified random sampling with the number of samples studies are 100 respondent. The research results are motivation and competence affects the service quality of Ayam Bakar Wong Solo Restaurant employees directly and indirectly through performance variable.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kompetensi terhada... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kompetensi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Politeknik LP3I Jakarta Kampus Kramat Raya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif melalui Kuesioner, dengan jumlah populasi sebesar 85 orang dan sampelnya adalah 85 orang sehingga perhitungan sampel menggunakan metode sensus. Hasil penelitian ini yang pertama adalah terdapat pengaruh positif signifikan antara motivasi terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan kekuatan pengaruh sebesar 36,4%, hasil kedua diperoleh bahwa kompetensi karyawan memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan kekuatan pengaruh sebesar 45,5%, hasil ketiga adalah motivasi kerja dan kompetensi secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan sebesar 49,6% sedangkan 50,4% dijelaskan oleh variable lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini.
LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika dengan dukungan Relawan Jurnal Indonesia, 2021
To win business competition either in the field of education or other fields businesses must carr... more To win business competition either in the field of education or other fields businesses must carry out various marketing strategies such as: product strategy, pricing strategy, promotional strategy, and strategy and presentation of Manusa resources. The last two strategies are important strategies in recruiting prospective students (customers), Presenter's performance can be measured through the ratio of consumers who come to then enroll and the next who register (become students). The problem at the moment is that thebalancebetween consumers who come, consumers who sign up and consumers who are accepted is poorly maintained. Based on the above problems, the author chose the Nusantara Professional Education and Development Institute (LP3N) as the object of research, because LP3N is an educational institution engaged in the development of Human Resources (HR) that produces ready-to-eat labor. The purpose of this research is prioritized to know the extent of the role of human resources and presentations (presenters) in marketing educational products in order to attract students in the process of admission of new students conducted by educational institutions and professional development of the archipelago (LP3N). In addition, in order to be utilized by the Nusantara Professional Education and Development Institute (LP3N) in taking policy in its marketing activities. In this study using quantitative method where this research is intended to describe and analyze the role of presenters in marketing educational products in educational institutions and professional development of the archipelago. While in the calculation process using SPSS Version 24.
Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction is... more Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction is not uncommon satisfaction resulting from the spirit of the work as a source of motivation combined with the competence of employees bersangkutan. The reaserch is intended to identify and assess the motivation and competence held by the employee, the amount of influence both these variables to work satisfaction and job satisfaction impact on the performance shown employees. There needs to be a fourth measurement variables in this study at the Polytechnic LP3I Bandung, the postscript was established to eradicate the existence of unemployment in Indonesia. Measurement as outlined in this study, conducted by the method deskriprif verification with proportional cluster sampling technique of random sampling. Based on the research, found that there is influence of motivation terhdadap job satisfaction of 78.8%, there is the influence of competence terhdadap 20.8% job satisfaction, job satisfaction affect the performance of 84.4%
Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction is... more Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction is not uncommon satisfaction resulting from the spirit of the work as a source of motivation combined with the competence of employees who bersangkutan.Penelitian is intended to identify and assess the motivation and competencies possessed by the employee, the amount of influence both these variables to work satisfaction and job satisfaction impact on the performance of employees indicated. There needs to be a fourth measurement variables in this study at the Polytechnic LP3I Bandung, the postscript was established to eradicate the existence of unemployment in Indonesia. Measurement as outlined in this study, conducted by the method deskriprif verification with proportional cluster sampling technique of random sampling. Based on the study, showed that there is influence of motivation terhdadap job satisfaction for 78,8%, there is the influence of competence terhdadap job satisfaction for 20,8%, job satisfaction affect the performance of 84,4% Latar Belakang Guna menjamin eksistensi perusahaan dalam rangka mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkannya, maka perusahaan akan sangat memerlukan perencanaan sumber daya manusia yang efektif. Harus dapat disadari betul, bahwa tanpa didukung oleh karyawan yang sesuai baik secara kuantitatif maupun kualitatif, perusahaan tidak akan mampu mempertahankan keberadaannya di dalam persaingan bisnis yang sangat ketat ini, terlebih lagi untuk mengembangkan dimasa yang akan datang. Kinerja karyawan merupakan salah satu ukuran yang sering dipakai dalam menentukan efektivitas organisasi. Sebuah organisasi atau perusahaan tidak akan dapat berkembang apabila kinerja karyawannya juga tidak mengalami peningkatan apalagi dengan semakin tingginya tingkat persaingan yang ada dalam dunia bisnis.
Bagaimana seorang manajer cabang mengelola operasional cabangnya agar menjadi baik sesuai dengan ... more Bagaimana seorang manajer cabang mengelola operasional cabangnya agar menjadi baik sesuai dengan program kerja yang dibuatnya
lesunya perekonomian indonesia disebabkan turunnya harga minyak,defisit neraca pembayaran. untuk ... more lesunya perekonomian indonesia disebabkan turunnya harga minyak,defisit neraca pembayaran. untuk itu perbankan sangat memegang peranan penting dalam mendorong ekspor non migas
Peranan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Presentasi (presenter)
dalam Memasarkan Produk di Lembaga pendidi... more Peranan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Presentasi (presenter) dalam Memasarkan Produk di Lembaga pendidikan dan pengembangan Profesi Nusantara. Dalam mengatasi persaingan di era globalisasi ini diperlukan strategi yang sangat matang dalam menentukan metode pemasaran yang akan dipakai dalam menjaring konsumen.
Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction is... more Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction is not uncommon satisfaction resulting from the spirit of the work as a source of motivation combined with the competence of employees who bersangkutan
Sekolah dalam menghadapi tantangan abad 21 harus mampu mempersiapkan keterampilan yang lebih luas... more Sekolah dalam menghadapi tantangan abad 21 harus mampu mempersiapkan keterampilan yang lebih luas dalam menghadapi perkembangan dunia khususnya teknologi. Namun, berkembangnya teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat dibutuhkan bimbingan dan pengawasan yang mengarah kepada nilai dan moral agar tidak menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap pemanfaatan teknologi.Timbulnya dampak negatif dari pemanfatan teknologi yang tidak dibarengi dengan pengawasan kepada nilai seperti kasus pornografi, kecanduan game online, merenggangkan kehidupan sosial, munculnya akun- akun palsu dalam penyebaran berita hoaks, maraknya kasus kriminal seperti kasus penipuan online dan lain – lain. Pendidikan nasional masih cenderung mengarah kepada pengajaran bukan pada pembelajaran, sehingga orientasi pendidikan lebih banyak menyentuh aspek kognitif dan lemah kepada pengembangan aspek soft skills atau kepribadian yang unggul dan budaya yang bermutu. Sekolah perlu memahami konsep soft skills secara mendalam sehingga mam...
The purpose of this study is to obtain valid and reliable empirical data, facts, and information ... more The purpose of this study is to obtain valid and reliable empirical data, facts, and information regarding the analysis of product quality factors and customer loyalty service quality of fast food restaurant consumers. This research is a quantitative research. There are two independent variables, namely product quality (X1), Service Quality (X2) and one dependent variable, namely Consumer Loyalty (Y). Data was collected by means of a survey. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis. The population in this study were all consumers who had bought fast food using an online application, where there were 142 respondents who gave answers to questionnaires via google forms which were distributed online. The results showed that there was an effect of service quality on customer loyalty, amounting to 51.9.%, there was an effect of product quality on customer loyalty of 59.8% and there was an effect of service quality and product quality together in influencing con...
Employees are company assets that must be maintained and developed. Leadership in an organization... more Employees are company assets that must be maintained and developed. Leadership in an organization needs to be based on vision and mission, goals and work programs have the needs of all parties and accommodate employees, and are able to provide encouragement as hard as employees work. Competencies need to be developed towards improving the company's financial reputation in general. One of the ways to improve employee competency is through employee development programs through education and training. The harmony of communication that exists between employees will greatly help improve the overall performance of the company, with the establishment of mutual understanding and joint work within the company. The Jakarta LP3I Polytechnic (PLJ) is one of the higher education institutions which since its inception sought to eradicate unemployment in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta. It is not an easy thing to prove it, but at least the LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic has begun to show that graduates are easy to work, even have worked before graduating D III. The success of their performance really needs to be studied, especially regarding leadership, competence and communication as reviewed in the previous paragraph. This study aims to determine respondents' responses to transformational leadership, competence and organizational communication among employees of the LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic and the influence of transformational leadership, competence and communication on the performance of LP3I Polytechnic employees in Jakarta.
Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfactio... more Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction, is not uncommon satisfaction resulting from the spirit of the work as a source of motivation combined with the competence of employees who bersangkutan.Penelitian is intended to identify and assess the motivation and competencies possessed by the employee, the amount of influence both these variables to work satisfaction and job satisfaction impact on the performance of employees indicated.There needs to be a fourth measurement variables in this study at the Polytechnic LP3I Bandung, the postscript was established to eradicate the existence of unemployment in Indonesia. Measurement as outlined in this study, conducted by the method deskriprif verification with proportional cluster sampling technique of random sampling.Based on the study, showed that there is influence of motivation terhdadap job satisfaction for 78,8%, there is the influence of competence terhdadap job satisfaction fo...
Jurnal Ecodemica Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2021
To win business competition either in the field of education or other fields businesses must carr... more To win business competition either in the field of education or other fields businesses must carry out various marketing strategies such as: product strategy, pricing strategy, promotional strategy, and strategy and presentation of Manusa resources. The last two strategies are important strategies in recruiting prospective students (customers), Presenter's performance can be measured through the ratio of consumers who come to then enroll and the next who register (become students). The problem at the moment is that thebalancebetween consumers who come, consumers who sign up and consumers who are accepted is poorly maintained. Based on the above problems, the author chose the Nusantara Professional Education and Development Institute (LP3N) as the object of research, because LP3N is an educational institution engaged in the development of Human Resources (HR) that produces ready-to-eat labor. The purpose of this research is prioritized to know the extent of the role of human resources and presentations (presenters) in marketing educational products in order to attract students in the process of admission of new students conducted by educational institutions and professional development of the archipelago (LP3N). In addition, in order to be utilized by the Nusantara Professional Education and Development Institute (LP3N) in taking policy in its marketing activities. In this study using quantitative method where this research is intended to describe and analyze the role of presenters in marketing educational products in educational institutions and professional development of the archipelago. While in the calculation process using SPSS Version 24.
This study discusses how human resources play a vital role in the activities of any organization ... more This study discusses how human resources play a vital role in the activities of any organization including business activities in the face of globalization era, including the management of restaurant Ayam Bakar Wong Solo. This research using the method "Cross Sectional". Sampling is done by stratified random sampling with the number of samples studies are 100 respondent. The research results are motivation and competence affects the service quality of Ayam Bakar Wong Solo Restaurant employees directly and indirectly through performance variable.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kompetensi terhada... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kompetensi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Politeknik LP3I Jakarta Kampus Kramat Raya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif melalui Kuesioner, dengan jumlah populasi sebesar 85 orang dan sampelnya adalah 85 orang sehingga perhitungan sampel menggunakan metode sensus. Hasil penelitian ini yang pertama adalah terdapat pengaruh positif signifikan antara motivasi terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan kekuatan pengaruh sebesar 36,4%, hasil kedua diperoleh bahwa kompetensi karyawan memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan kekuatan pengaruh sebesar 45,5%, hasil ketiga adalah motivasi kerja dan kompetensi secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan sebesar 49,6% sedangkan 50,4% dijelaskan oleh variable lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini.
LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika dengan dukungan Relawan Jurnal Indonesia, 2021
To win business competition either in the field of education or other fields businesses must carr... more To win business competition either in the field of education or other fields businesses must carry out various marketing strategies such as: product strategy, pricing strategy, promotional strategy, and strategy and presentation of Manusa resources. The last two strategies are important strategies in recruiting prospective students (customers), Presenter's performance can be measured through the ratio of consumers who come to then enroll and the next who register (become students). The problem at the moment is that thebalancebetween consumers who come, consumers who sign up and consumers who are accepted is poorly maintained. Based on the above problems, the author chose the Nusantara Professional Education and Development Institute (LP3N) as the object of research, because LP3N is an educational institution engaged in the development of Human Resources (HR) that produces ready-to-eat labor. The purpose of this research is prioritized to know the extent of the role of human resources and presentations (presenters) in marketing educational products in order to attract students in the process of admission of new students conducted by educational institutions and professional development of the archipelago (LP3N). In addition, in order to be utilized by the Nusantara Professional Education and Development Institute (LP3N) in taking policy in its marketing activities. In this study using quantitative method where this research is intended to describe and analyze the role of presenters in marketing educational products in educational institutions and professional development of the archipelago. While in the calculation process using SPSS Version 24.
Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction is... more Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction is not uncommon satisfaction resulting from the spirit of the work as a source of motivation combined with the competence of employees bersangkutan. The reaserch is intended to identify and assess the motivation and competence held by the employee, the amount of influence both these variables to work satisfaction and job satisfaction impact on the performance shown employees. There needs to be a fourth measurement variables in this study at the Polytechnic LP3I Bandung, the postscript was established to eradicate the existence of unemployment in Indonesia. Measurement as outlined in this study, conducted by the method deskriprif verification with proportional cluster sampling technique of random sampling. Based on the research, found that there is influence of motivation terhdadap job satisfaction of 78.8%, there is the influence of competence terhdadap 20.8% job satisfaction, job satisfaction affect the performance of 84.4%
Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction is... more Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction is not uncommon satisfaction resulting from the spirit of the work as a source of motivation combined with the competence of employees who bersangkutan.Penelitian is intended to identify and assess the motivation and competencies possessed by the employee, the amount of influence both these variables to work satisfaction and job satisfaction impact on the performance of employees indicated. There needs to be a fourth measurement variables in this study at the Polytechnic LP3I Bandung, the postscript was established to eradicate the existence of unemployment in Indonesia. Measurement as outlined in this study, conducted by the method deskriprif verification with proportional cluster sampling technique of random sampling. Based on the study, showed that there is influence of motivation terhdadap job satisfaction for 78,8%, there is the influence of competence terhdadap job satisfaction for 20,8%, job satisfaction affect the performance of 84,4% Latar Belakang Guna menjamin eksistensi perusahaan dalam rangka mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkannya, maka perusahaan akan sangat memerlukan perencanaan sumber daya manusia yang efektif. Harus dapat disadari betul, bahwa tanpa didukung oleh karyawan yang sesuai baik secara kuantitatif maupun kualitatif, perusahaan tidak akan mampu mempertahankan keberadaannya di dalam persaingan bisnis yang sangat ketat ini, terlebih lagi untuk mengembangkan dimasa yang akan datang. Kinerja karyawan merupakan salah satu ukuran yang sering dipakai dalam menentukan efektivitas organisasi. Sebuah organisasi atau perusahaan tidak akan dapat berkembang apabila kinerja karyawannya juga tidak mengalami peningkatan apalagi dengan semakin tingginya tingkat persaingan yang ada dalam dunia bisnis.
Bagaimana seorang manajer cabang mengelola operasional cabangnya agar menjadi baik sesuai dengan ... more Bagaimana seorang manajer cabang mengelola operasional cabangnya agar menjadi baik sesuai dengan program kerja yang dibuatnya
lesunya perekonomian indonesia disebabkan turunnya harga minyak,defisit neraca pembayaran. untuk ... more lesunya perekonomian indonesia disebabkan turunnya harga minyak,defisit neraca pembayaran. untuk itu perbankan sangat memegang peranan penting dalam mendorong ekspor non migas
Peranan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Presentasi (presenter)
dalam Memasarkan Produk di Lembaga pendidi... more Peranan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Presentasi (presenter) dalam Memasarkan Produk di Lembaga pendidikan dan pengembangan Profesi Nusantara. Dalam mengatasi persaingan di era globalisasi ini diperlukan strategi yang sangat matang dalam menentukan metode pemasaran yang akan dipakai dalam menjaring konsumen.
Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction is... more Achievement of the employee's performance will usually be preceded by a prior job satisfaction is not uncommon satisfaction resulting from the spirit of the work as a source of motivation combined with the competence of employees who bersangkutan
Papers by Djumat Purnomo
There needs to be a fourth measurement variables in this study at the Polytechnic LP3I Bandung, the postscript was established to eradicate the existence of unemployment in Indonesia. Measurement as outlined in this study, conducted by the method deskriprif verification with proportional cluster sampling technique of random sampling.
Based on the research, found that there is influence of motivation terhdadap job satisfaction of 78.8%, there is the influence of competence terhdadap 20.8% job satisfaction, job satisfaction affect the performance of 84.4%
dalam Memasarkan Produk di Lembaga pendidikan dan pengembangan Profesi Nusantara. Dalam mengatasi persaingan di era globalisasi ini diperlukan strategi yang sangat matang dalam menentukan metode pemasaran yang akan dipakai dalam menjaring konsumen.
There needs to be a fourth measurement variables in this study at the Polytechnic LP3I Bandung, the postscript was established to eradicate the existence of unemployment in Indonesia. Measurement as outlined in this study, conducted by the method deskriprif verification with proportional cluster sampling technique of random sampling.
Based on the research, found that there is influence of motivation terhdadap job satisfaction of 78.8%, there is the influence of competence terhdadap 20.8% job satisfaction, job satisfaction affect the performance of 84.4%
dalam Memasarkan Produk di Lembaga pendidikan dan pengembangan Profesi Nusantara. Dalam mengatasi persaingan di era globalisasi ini diperlukan strategi yang sangat matang dalam menentukan metode pemasaran yang akan dipakai dalam menjaring konsumen.