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11th January 2009

theotherkeira9:58pm: Newbie
Hi all...
Name: Keira
Age: 22
Height: 5'5 (166 cm)
Weight: 52.2 kg (115.1 lbs)
BMI: 18.94
High weight: 90 kg (198 lbs) BMI-32.66
Low weight: 43kg (92.8 lbs) BMI-15.6
Short term goal weight: 44 kg (99 lbs) BMI-15.97
Long term goal weight: 34 kg (75 lbs) BMI-12.34
Current eating disorder: My dr's have me diagnosed as having Anorexia Nervosa  (purging subtype) but with the weight gain from IP treatment I'd say Bulimia atm
Do you ingage in any form of SI: I used to cut but I have recovered from that... well replaced it with my severe eating disorder behaviours
How long have you had an eating disorder? 14 yrs now
What do you wish to recieve from this community?  Support and the chance to support others, and a place to share my  insane love of numbers - which is a big driving factor of my eating disorder

Current Mood: calm

(Lose weight)

21st December 2008

dr4gon_grrl7:13pm: Hmm....
So, I worked today. Over 7 and a 1/2 hours I was running and walking for seven. Not to mention lifting, fetching, and other stressful tasks.

Ate: nothing but liquids! Two Up-n-Go's and one Ice Coffee [grand total of 800 cal, a lot I know but I would have collapsed without it].

Burned off: 700 at a minimum, but I'm fairly sure it was closer to 900. Yay! =D

Weight loss: 2 pounds. Now at 129lb!! Only two pounds off my goal weight.

Best of days,

Current Mood: chipper

(Lose weight)

19th December 2008

perfectionblink7:19pm: Snow day
It was a snow day today!

Ate 910, burned 144.

Pounds lost: 2.

How did you do today?

(Lose weight)

perfectionblink6:15am: blah
I have been off track for a few days - too many holiday parties already.

Still 2 pounds lost.

(Lose weight)

14th December 2008

perfectionblink5:55pm: yup
Calories 479 (carbs 73, fat 13, protein 19)

weight lost: 2 lbs - yesterday did ruin a lot of my progress...

How did you do today??

(Lose weight)

13th December 2008

perfectionblink11:00pm: blah
Calories 1,580 IT'S AWFUL!!!!!!!!! I went to a madrigal dinner - which I suppose I knew was coming and is why I put some supper alotments in my plan ... but GAH 1000 cals just on dinner?!!?

As of this morning, 4 pounds lost - but I'm sure I destroyed that all!

(Lose weight)

12th December 2008

perfectionblink7:25pm: :)
Calories 498 (carbs 91, protein 15, fat 11)

Exercise -240


Pounds lost: 3!!! Oh I hope less of it is water weight this time though!

How did you do today???

(Lose weight)

11th December 2008

perfectionblink7:59pm: Not so hot today
Ate: 928 - stupid M&Ms in desk drawer!

Burned: 208 Biking and shoveling

How did you do today???

(Lose weight)

10th December 2008

perfectionblink9:06pm: 887 calories
50 minutes biking (to work and running errands) = -280 cals

Pounds lost only 1 pound. :( Too much of it was water weight yesterday.

How did you do today???

(Lose weight)

9th December 2008

perfectionblink5:35pm: today's progress on my Christmas challenge...
Calories: 397 (carbs 62) (Fat g 8) (protein g 18)

exercise: shoveled my sidewalk (8 inches of snow and ice since yesterday!!) For 20 min = -96, stationary biking for 30 = -150


How did you do today??

Pounds lost: 1.5

(Lose weight)

dr4gon_grrl8:56pm: Hi
Name: dr4gon_grrl
Age: 16
Height: 5"6
Weight: 131 =[ so fat!
BMI: 20.7
Short-term goal weights: 127, then 121, then 115, then 108 [going down by 1 BMI every time]
Long-term goal weight: 100 or less
Current eating disorder: ana. Can't purge [no gag reflex]. Exercise excessively and barely eat.
SI?: Used to, but don't anymore =[
How long have you have an eating disorder?: Three to four years
What do you wish to recieve from this community?: Support, inspiration and like-minded people to talk with. I find it impossible to talk to anyone in RL as I know nobody with ana/mia and nobody with similar body issues to me [I have few friends and they're mostly male]. Anybody else have this problem? I'd love to talk, even if it's only via LJ or email.

email: [email protected]
[rarely on MSN]

Best of days,


(2 pounds lost. |Lose weight)

8th December 2008

perfectionblink6:26pm: Calories: 592
carbs: 106
fat g: 13
protein g: 20

Exercise 20 minutes biking to work, 30 minutes biking home (-200 cals)

How did you do today???
Current Mood: cold

(Lose weight)

7th December 2008

perfectionblink7:47pm: Ok so in case anyone decides to do 5 lbs in 2 weeks:

post your intake and exercise
post your weight loss
post your original and new bmi at the end of 2 weeks

gl, hf, be safe! This challenge is not intended to make anyone hurt themselves, I just figured we all needed a little of our own kind of cheer before the holiday cheer stresses us all out! ;)

(2 pounds lost. |Lose weight)

perfectionblink2:39pm: Lose 5 lbs by Dec 21

Anyone up for a 5 lbs in 2 weeks challenge? Comment if so, and if there is interest, I'll post rules tonight.

(Lose weight)

27th June 2008

missi_g3:42pm: i found out slim fast has new caramel chews (found this out on so on my break i went and bought some. they are pretty good! they have 100 cals and 6g protein per pack.
so far today, 300 cals, and i will have another pack of those caramel chews before i go work out since they have a good amount of protein :)
i hope everyone is doing well, be strong over the weekend

(Lose weight)

19th June 2008

sz_00_in_084:12pm: Hi I'm New

Hi Everyone!

Age:  25
Height:  5'5
CW:  103
BMI:  17.1

Does anyone get a little scared with how quickly the weight comes off sometimes?  Of course i love it, but i get a little shocked sometimes.

(1 pound lost. |Lose weight)

missi_g3:26pm: where else besides here, do u go to look for thinspiration? i just found this site, and love it, does anyone know of any other sites?

(Lose weight)

1st April 2008

nervousanat8:30pm: Today in RAin
Rainbow Diet
Monday (white):
Breakfast: ½ apple (40.5 cals)
Lunch: ½ apple (40.5 cals)
Dinner: 1 cucumber (24 cals)
Total: 105 cals

Tuesday (yellow):
Breakfast: 1 banana (108.5 cals)
Lunch: 1 banana (108.5 cals)
Dinner: ½ cup corn (66 cals)
Total: 283 cals

Wednesday (fast):

Thursday (orange):
Breakfast: ½ orange (31 cals)
Lunch: ½ orange (31 cals)
Dinner: 1 carrot (26 cals)
Total: 88 cals

Friday (red):
Breakfast: ½ cup strawberries (21.5 cals)
Lunch: ½ cup strawberries (21.5 cals)
Dinner: ½ red pepper (16 cals)
Total: 59 cals

Saturday (purple/blue):
Breakfast: 10 blueberries (8 cals)
Lunch: 10 blueberries (8 cals)
Dinner: 10 raspberries (24 cals)
Total: 40 cals

Sunday (green):
Breakfast: ½ cup grapes (57 cals)
Lunch: ½ grapes (57 cals)
Dinner: 1 cup lettuce (7 cals)
Total: 121 cals

Week total: 696 cals

(1 pound lost. |Lose weight)

30th March 2008

lost_lamb_girl7:51pm: New on here :)
Name: Naie (online)
Age: 16
Height: 5'5
Weight: 125
BMI: 20.5
Short term goal weight: 98
Long term goal weight: 91
Current eating disorder: I "recoverd" from ana last year, my lowest weight was 84. I'm getting back there though, I can't cope without it, I have ma tendencies too.
Do you ingage in any form of SI: I suppose I did do SI, not anymore though.
How long have you had an eating disorder? Before I recoverd around 3 years
What do you wish to recieve from this community? Support, I can't cope anymore I have to get back to being ana, it's horrible being the way I am.

I just want to make friends who will support how I am now :)
my msn: [email protected]

Current Mood: crushed

(1 pound lost. |Lose weight)

makem3beautiful2:07pm:  Hi guys, I'm fixing to create my first ever YOUTUBE thinspo!! (My poor brother has had to show me how to use all kinds of crazy cool software lol) I would love to make it a Real Girl Thinspo to inspire others to keep going and that they can achieve it too! I don't want just a bunch of generic pics that are used in every thinspo so what I would like from you guys is your pics if you don't mind... before and afters, hip bones, thin legs ect... I promise to be responsible with anything you provide me with, I just want to do something spectacular for the Ana community!

Thanks Guys and Think Thin!

(1 pound lost. |Lose weight)

23rd August 2007

perfectionblink11:46am: 114/51.7
BMI 18.4
Current Mood: complacent

(Lose weight)

18th August 2007

perfectionblink3:49pm: 116/52.6
BMI 18.7

If I were going to revise my goals, since I'm soo far off track and will be sure to miss the remaining ones... the dates could fall as follows

Sept 1 111
Oct 1 102
Nov 1 93

It would take a sprint to get down 5 more pounds by the end of the month... so wish me luck girls!
Current Mood: cold

(Lose weight)

15th August 2007

perfectionblink9:24am: On the move again
broke my stupid 119 plateau

BMI 19

(2 pounds lost. |Lose weight)

2nd July 2007

perfectionblink8:24am: 120.5/54.7
BMI 19.4

Current Mood: frustrated

(Lose weight)

19th June 2007

perfectionblink1:45pm: 123.5/56
BMI 19.9

reverse motivation for all you girls, I know, I'm sorry. But I'm getting back down there soon.

(Lose weight)

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