Hi all...
Name: Keira
Age: 22
Height: 5'5 (166 cm)
Weight: 52.2 kg (115.1 lbs)
BMI: 18.94
High weight: 90 kg (198 lbs) BMI-32.66
Low weight: 43kg (92.8 lbs) BMI-15.6
Short term goal weight: 44 kg (99 lbs) BMI-15.97
Long term goal weight: 34 kg (75 lbs) BMI-12.34
Current eating disorder: My dr's have me diagnosed as having Anorexia Nervosa (purging subtype) but with the weight gain from IP treatment I'd say Bulimia atm
Do you ingage in any form of SI: I used to cut but I have recovered from that... well replaced it with my severe eating disorder behaviours
How long have you had an eating disorder? 14 yrs now
What do you wish to recieve from this community? Support and the chance to support others, and a place to share my insane love of numbers - which is a big driving factor of my eating disorder
Current Mood: