Okay, so I love Madden. I can't NOT love him, he's a dorky phychiatrist that Diana hallucinates as a rock star, that's great. Just
great. But I started loving Gabriel too, shortly after the second part of the reprise of "I am the One" in the second act, because he's just got that smexy haunting voice that CUTS you. I had that song stuck in my head for weeks. Still do, actually. So I thought, why not combine the two?
... right, so maybe it wasn't such a good idea.
Series: Feeling Electric
Pairing: ...eventual Gabriel/Madden, but this is part in a series, so it's not there yet. And PLEASE, please don't let the pairing scare you like it scared me. I really do think this is developing into my FE OTP, really I do.
Spoilers: Eh... Gabriel's name, the fact that he's dead... well, these things are only spoilers if you've heard the show, and if you have, I really hope you've heard it all, the way through, otherwise you're missing out on a lot.
Warnings: the musings of a dead boy, really, in this part, not much else. The warnings come later, though, not really, I'm not gonna get your hopes up if they are.
Rating: Pg
( Funny thing about being named. It gave you a sort of realness, of solidarity.Collapse )