Act relating to the working environment, working hours and employment protection, etc. (Working Environment Act)

MinistryMinistry of Labour and Social Inclusion
Entry into force01.01.2006
Last consolidatedLOV-2024-06-14-31 from 01.07.2024
Last update27.09.2024 (Section 14-15)
Abbreviated titleWorking Environment Act
Original titleLov om arbeidsmiljø, arbeidstid og stillingsvern mv. (arbeidsmiljøloven)

Amendment acts incorporated in this text: The translation was published by the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority in October 2017 and included all amendment acts in force up to this date, the last of which was Act 16 June 2017 No. 42 in force from 01.07.2017.

Amendment acts incorporated since then: Act 11 May 2017 No. 25, Act 15 December 2017 No. 104, Act 19 December 2017 No. 113, Act 16 June 2017 No. 51, Act 15 June 2018 No. 38, Act Act 22 June 2018 No. 45, Act 22 June 2018 No. 46, Act 20 December 2018 No. 98, Act 21 June 2019 No. 25, Act 21 June 2019 No. 24, Act 20 March 2020 No. 8, Act 19 June 2020 No. 69, Act 23 June 2020 No. 97 (in force 30 December 2020), Act 7 May 2021 No. 29 (in force 1 July 2022 (pilotage) and 1 July 2024 (diving operations), Act 11 June 2021 No. 59 (in force 1 January 2022), Act 18 June 2021 No. 93 (in force 1 July 2021), Act 18 June 2021 No. 127 (in force 1 July 2021), Act 18 March 2022 No. 10 as amended by Act 17 June 2022 No. 42 (in force 1 July 2022), Act 8 April 2022 No. 19 (in force 1 July 2022), Act 17 June 2022 No. 42 (in force 1 January 2023), Act 9 December 2022 No. 88 (in force 1 January 2023), Act 20 December 2022 No. 98 (in force 1 January 2023), Act 20 December 2022 No. 99 (in force 1 April 2023), Act 17 March 2023 No. 3 (in force 1 January 2024), Act 16 June 2023 No. 37 (in force 1 January 2024), Act 1 December 2023 No. 86 (in force 1 July 2024), Act 15 December 2023 No. 88 (in force 1 July 2024), Act 14 June 2024 No. 31 (in force 1 July 2024).
Correction: 27.09.2024 (Section 14-15).

This is an unofficial translation of the Norwegian version of the Act and is provided for information purposes only. Legal authenticity remains with the Norwegian version as published in Norsk Lovtidend. In the event of any inconsistency, the Norwegian version shall prevail.

The translation is provided by The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).