Books by Gombert-Meurice Florence

2019, STATUES IN CONTEXT Production, meaning and (re)uses, edited by A. Masson-Berghoff. BMPES 10
It is first argued that the group of finds, mainly consisting of Osiris bronze figures, that was ... more It is first argued that the group of finds, mainly consisting of Osiris bronze figures, that was discovered in the temple of Osiris-Iw at 'Ayn Manawîr in 1994 attests to a lost liturgy. The statuettes were found in a chapel presumed to be still in use when it collapsed. The assembalge contains recurrent groups of two or four figures shaped from the same mould and likely to have been set on the same base. Such series of figures do not seem to relate to economic matters or pilgrim's pratices, but rather to an iconography specifically selected for a ritual. Another archaeological asssemblage of bronze figures discovered in the 19th century, deposited in the foundations of the huge religious centre of the Serapeum at Saqqara, is also explored. A survey of the Osiris statuettes found on the site, and now partly preserved in the Louvre, raises the question of their interpretation as testimony of a liturgical assemblage. It appears that here, too, it is possible to detect some reccurent groups of statuettes. Some details that may stand as criteria for liturgical assemblages are suggested, in order to facilitate the future study of such assemblage among the numerous surviving bronze statuettes.
Servir les dieux d'Egypte. Sous la direction de Florence Gombert-Meurice et Frédéric Payraudeau. Catalogue d'exposition. Musée de Grenoble., 2018
Papers by Gombert-Meurice Florence
Grande Galerie. Hors série la recherche, 2017
Le temple en brique crue d'Ayn Manawir (oasis de Kharga), découvert par l'IFAO en 1993, a livré u... more Le temple en brique crue d'Ayn Manawir (oasis de Kharga), découvert par l'IFAO en 1993, a livré un ensemble exceptionnel de près de 400 statuettes en bronze, dont la plupart sont des effigies d'Osiris. Au sein de ce sanctuaire dédié à Osiris-iou, «Osiris est venu », actif aux Ve et IVe S. av. J.C., ces statuettes étaient déposées dans une chapelle-caveau et organisées autour d'un naos contenant une statue d'Osiris de plus grande dimension. L'analyse du contexte archéologique et des différents types de mobilier découvert (ostraca, boulettes de terre crue estampillées, céramique, objets, éléments de décor stuqué) comme l'étude typologique des statuettes permettent d'éclairer le fonctionnement de ce sanctuaire osirien et l'emploi rituel de ces ex-voto.
Books by Gombert-Meurice Florence
Papers by Gombert-Meurice Florence