Papers by Lluís Baixauli-Olmos
Издательство «Грамота», 2012

espanolLos codigos deontologicos, en cuanto cristalizacion de la etica profesional de los interpr... more espanolLos codigos deontologicos, en cuanto cristalizacion de la etica profesional de los interpretes medicos, han sidoobjeto de criticas y alabanzas, pero son mas bien escasos los analisis profundos de estos documentos, a pesar de que algunas cuestiones como el papel profesional o la gestion de las diferencias culturales siguen estando en el centro del debate academico. Este estudio analiza los codigos eticos mas visibles en la ISP medica a la luz de dos temas: la comunicacion intercultural, a fin de identificar si los textos proponen un papel profesional que tiene en cuenta la funcion mediadora intercultural y, en ese caso, extraer las competencias interculturales que se concreten; y los dilemas morales, extraidos de textos externos a la muestra, para determinar si los documentos analizados resultan aplicables a esos dilemas y, por tanto, utiles en ese sentido. EnglishCodes of ethics for medical interpreters have received both praise and criticism for defining these interpreters’ ...

espanolEste articulo examina la interpretacion penitenciaria desde la perspectiva del papel profe... more espanolEste articulo examina la interpretacion penitenciaria desde la perspectiva del papel profesional, concebido como una funcion determinada social, institucional, etica y culturalmente. Como consecuencia de la creciente necesidad de servicios linguisticos en la mayoria de sociedades industrializadas, habitualmente se ofrecen soluciones de interpretacion tanto ad hoc como profesionales, aunque los interpretes, al no gozar en estos momentos de una posicion de poder en los servicios publicos, se enfrentan a diferentes fuentes de tension. Los objetivos de este estudio de corte cualitativo son: describir la funcion profesional de la interpretacion en los servicios publicos (ISP) en prisiones adaptando un modelo ecologico ya existente con distintos ambientes o sistemas concentricos (individual, micro, meso, exo, macro, topo y crono), identificar factores que aporten o resten equilibrio para un desarrollo del papel profesional adecuado, y ofrecer un modelo teorico que facilite la conce...

Aquesta tesi doctoral estudia la professio de la interpretacio als serveis publics (ISP) des del ... more Aquesta tesi doctoral estudia la professio de la interpretacio als serveis publics (ISP) des del punt de vista de l'etica, tot aprofundint en el marc deontologic que dirigeix la praxi i la seua aplicacio a una area delimitada d'especialitzacio, la interpretacio penitenciaria. Amb la finalitat d'analitzar el marc normatiu general de la ISP, s'ha estudiat set documents deontologics (codis deontologics, codis de conducta i normes de practica) en vigor. Els factors que defineixen l'ambit d'interpretacio especific s'han determinat per mitjade l'observacio del context, d'entrevistes i de questionaris als diversos agents implicats. La hipotesi principal del treball planteja que l'estudi de l'etica professional a traves dels documents deontologics aporta informacio util per fer emergir un entramat d'estructures i relacions semantiques, subjacents als documents, que serveixen per caracteritzar la ISP en general i els diversos contextos de treba...
The European Legacy
But then it struck me: my professional life and my "political" life could converge; the world of ... more But then it struck me: my professional life and my "political" life could converge; the world of interpreting too has much to offer to the advancement of human rights. For what is interpreting if not the removal of barriers, and what is community interpreting if not a means of reducing disparities and of ensuring that those who do not speak the official language(s) may be on an equal footing with those who do. . . . Ultimately, acknowledgment of the role of community interpreting in our society is a political process, which reflects a society's view of communication as a basic need.
Benjamins Translation Library, 2013
The European Legacy
But then it struck me: my professional life and my "political" life could converge; the world of ... more But then it struck me: my professional life and my "political" life could converge; the world of interpreting too has much to offer to the advancement of human rights. For what is interpreting if not the removal of barriers, and what is community interpreting if not a means of reducing disparities and of ensuring that those who do not speak the official language(s) may be on an equal footing with those who do. . . . Ultimately, acknowledgment of the role of community interpreting in our society is a political process, which reflects a society's view of communication as a basic need.
Benjamins Translation Library, 2013
Papers Lextra, Jan 1, 2005
Abstract En aquest article presente els problemes que sorgeixen en el proc s de traducci a langl ... more Abstract En aquest article presente els problemes que sorgeixen en el proc s de traducci a langl s de les lleis civils de Catalunya, aix com una s rie de suggeriments per solucionar-los. La meua aportaci pret n ser linici duna mena de llibre destil per a la traducci que facilite la ...
Papers Lextra, Jan 1, 2005
Abstract In this paper the problems posed by the process of translating Catalan civil law statute... more Abstract In this paper the problems posed by the process of translating Catalan civil law statutes into English are presented, as well as a number of suggestions to solve them. My contribution intends to be the beginning of a «style guide for translators» that makes their ...
Quaderns: revista de traducció, Jan 1, 2007
Books by Lluís Baixauli-Olmos
Book Chapters by Lluís Baixauli-Olmos

Interpreting in a Changing Landscape: Selected papers from Critical Link 6, 2013
Prison interpreting remains a virtually unexplored territory for researchers. As well as drawing ... more Prison interpreting remains a virtually unexplored territory for researchers. As well as drawing greater attention to it, this paper aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the prison interpreting reality by describing the setting on the basis of accounts collected through observation, questionnaires and interviews with practising interpreters and other stakeholders. The data have been examined in order to identify determining factors for the prison setting with regard to interpreting. These factors have been organized according to a subject classification: domain and setting, organizational issues and security procedures, common problems and solutions, ethical principles and dilemmas, and professional role. The findings suggest that the elements particular to the setting, in this case security procedures or the conflictual rapport that is built between primary participants, have an impact on the practice and ethics of the interpreter, pointing to the notion that it is necessary to comprehend the environment in order to adopt an adequate ethical model and professional role.
Reviews by Lluís Baixauli-Olmos
Drafts by Lluís Baixauli-Olmos

The editors of The European Legacy have expressed their interest in publishing a Special Issue on... more The editors of The European Legacy have expressed their interest in publishing a Special Issue on A Question of Communication: The Role of Public Service Interpreting in the Migrant Crisis, guest edited by Dr. Michal Schuster, the University of the Free State, Republic of South Africa and Dr. Lluís Baixauli-Olmos, University of Louisville (USA). The Special Issue will be dedicated to the memory of Professor Miriam Shlesinger (1947-2012).
• Current challenges of language accessibility in Europe
• Language policy for accessibility and integration of migrants and asylum seekers
• Interpreter training and education, particularly for emerging languages
• Recruiting strategies/methods
• Turning interpreters into cultural mediators
• The use of new technologies in interpreting and translation in public services
• Cooperation between different sectors: public, private, academic and non-governmental
If you would like to contribute an article (6000-8000 words) to the Special Issue, please send an abstract (150 words) to Dr. Michal Schuster, at [email protected], by January 10, 2017.
Submissions will be evaluated by the guest editors before being accepted for publication. Deadline for submission of papers: April 10, 2017.
For further information on the journal and for Guidelines for Authors, please contact the editorial office at [email protected] or visit the website at
Edna Rosenthal, editor
Michal Schuster, guest editor
Lluís Baixauli-Olmos, guest editor
Papers by Lluís Baixauli-Olmos
Books by Lluís Baixauli-Olmos
Book Chapters by Lluís Baixauli-Olmos
Reviews by Lluís Baixauli-Olmos
Drafts by Lluís Baixauli-Olmos
• Current challenges of language accessibility in Europe
• Language policy for accessibility and integration of migrants and asylum seekers
• Interpreter training and education, particularly for emerging languages
• Recruiting strategies/methods
• Turning interpreters into cultural mediators
• The use of new technologies in interpreting and translation in public services
• Cooperation between different sectors: public, private, academic and non-governmental
If you would like to contribute an article (6000-8000 words) to the Special Issue, please send an abstract (150 words) to Dr. Michal Schuster, at [email protected], by January 10, 2017.
Submissions will be evaluated by the guest editors before being accepted for publication. Deadline for submission of papers: April 10, 2017.
For further information on the journal and for Guidelines for Authors, please contact the editorial office at [email protected] or visit the website at
Edna Rosenthal, editor
Michal Schuster, guest editor
Lluís Baixauli-Olmos, guest editor
• Current challenges of language accessibility in Europe
• Language policy for accessibility and integration of migrants and asylum seekers
• Interpreter training and education, particularly for emerging languages
• Recruiting strategies/methods
• Turning interpreters into cultural mediators
• The use of new technologies in interpreting and translation in public services
• Cooperation between different sectors: public, private, academic and non-governmental
If you would like to contribute an article (6000-8000 words) to the Special Issue, please send an abstract (150 words) to Dr. Michal Schuster, at [email protected], by January 10, 2017.
Submissions will be evaluated by the guest editors before being accepted for publication. Deadline for submission of papers: April 10, 2017.
For further information on the journal and for Guidelines for Authors, please contact the editorial office at [email protected] or visit the website at
Edna Rosenthal, editor
Michal Schuster, guest editor
Lluís Baixauli-Olmos, guest editor