? ?
Journal created:
on 31 October 2003 (#1428242)
on 4 May 2006
LoTR Slash Claiming Community
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
This is a claims community for Lord of the Rings characters and actors. The claim is slash couples.. which is male/male or female/female. Also at this time we are accepting trios of slash, i.e. m/m/m or f/f/f.

A few guidelines :

1. Three claims for person. This can be in either LoTR characters or actors.. and can be duos or trios.. but it must be slash. First come first serve.

2. Communities can make claims.

3. If you leave or delete your journal, your claims are now up for grabs, unless you post with your new livejournal, confirming new status.

4. Be civil to each other, have fun, and including a claiming linkie in your bio would be sweet of you, but it's not a necessity.


Lord of the Rings Characters :

1. Haldir/Orophin/Rumil by haldir_whore
2. Haldir/Celeborn by haldir_whore
3. Haldir/Orophin by haldir_whore
4. Haldir/Eomer by backtothelight
5. Grima/Eomer by backtothelight
6. Grima/Theodred by backtothelight 7. Elrohir/Legolas by minka_g
8. Erestor/Haldir by minka_g
9. Legoas/Aragorn by minka_g
10. Frodo/Sam by loves_bitch
11. Legolas/Frodo by mystike

Lord of the Rings Actors

1. Dominic Monaghan/Elijah Wood by ivotesilly
2. Viggo Mortenson/Orlando Bloom by loves_bitch
3. Dominic Monaghan/Billy Boyd by loves_bitch
4. Elijah Wood/Orlando Bloom by mystike
