I claim... |
[04 May 2006|01:17pm] |
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Eomer/Merry Eomer/Merry/Pippin Pippin/Merry
MerryMerryMerry *lol* ;)
[08 Aug 2005|08:37pm] |
I would like to claim:
Craig Parker/David Wenham please :)
[08 Jul 2005|09:03am] |
The Council Counsel of Elrond...
[16 Jun 2005|05:30pm] |
I'm going to claim:
Aragorn/Frodo Legolas/Gimli Elijah/Sean(Astin)
as my own!
Claimage |
[23 May 2005|04:41am] |
Oo, may I please claim the ever adorable Merry/Pippin, Merry/Frodo and Pippin/Sam (before they find their respective partners, of course)?
Thanks much.
New Here |
[02 Jan 2005|12:56am] |
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My claims are as follows:
1) Elladan/Elrohir/Celeborn 2) Marton Csokas/Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen 3) Glorfindel/Karl Urban/Erestor
Hope those aren't taken and if they are then I'll change. I have read AU Slash that contains real actors being taken back to Middle Earth and the other way around. So I hop that #3 is okay.
[31 Dec 2004|11:45pm] |
I'd like Aragorn/Faramir please :)
[14 Aug 2004|04:58am] |
some time ago, i've claimed Elladan/Elrohir and Glorfindel/Erestor now, i didn't use my third claim so can i do it now??? if yes, here it is - Elrond/Lindir! Don't ask! :oP
hewwo! :o) |
[20 Jul 2004|01:27am] |
my claims:
Erestor/Glorfindel Elrohir/Elladan
Thank you! :o)
I'm so happy now!!! :o)
[21 Apr 2004|03:48pm] |
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Hi all! I'm Cheysuli and I'd like to claim:
Sauron/Legolas/Erestor Arathorn/Legolas Thranduil/Legolas
Now, what else do we do here?
Long Live Dwarf/Elf! |
[18 Apr 2004|06:24pm] |
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Greetings! I have just joined and would like to claim! (I get right to the point, don't I? ^ ^)
(grins) Dwarf and Elf. There is nothing better.
what a lovely idea... |
[17 Apr 2004|03:04pm] |
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I'd like to claim:
Gandalf/Saruman ( yeah, I know, but we all know there was a LOT more to THAT story than will EVER get told...hmm? )
Saruman/Grima Saruman/ Lurtz
Gandalf/ Grima
I think that will do nicely, oh yes!!
My Claims |
[08 Feb 2004|03:04pm] |
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I wish to claim: Aragorn/Faramir/Eomer Eowyn/Arwen and Viggo Mortensen, David Wenham, Karl Urban
New Community! Orlando Bloom Dark Fanfiction! |
[30 Nov 2003|10:41am] |
Gather around all of you writers! This is a chance you can't afford to miss!
There is now a new community available on Live Journal for all of those dark souls who wander around aimlessly with no place to share their tales. If you are misunderstood for enjoying angst, and grief, pain and violence- well you have found a home!
"Blackened Souls" is a community mainly for writers, and the occasional reader, of dark stories only, which must focus around the person of Orlando Bloom or any of his incarnations. We accept emotional and physical pain, violence and stories of all ratings, as long as they cover those bases.
The only real restriction is: absolutely no Het is allowed. If you wonder why, the explanation is simple: we have found that most Het stories lead to Mary Sues, which we find to be the most horrible form of fanfic. So we don't allow it.
We'd love to have you on board and make this community the first quality archive of the darker side of fanfiction for Orlando Bloom fans. Don't miss the opportunity! The time is now, for the membership is open. Later on, when there are enough writers on board, we will limit the subscription to invitations.
Share all your darker stories among a crowd that can appreciate them: Blackened_souls info page (For Community Info and joining)
blackened_souls (To know the place where your stories will be)
Looking forward to finding you there, Yours Truly ( sin_of_pride) and Minka ( minka_g)
woooh. |
[23 Nov 2003|09:03pm] |
i would like to lick imeanclaim *cough*...
-elwood/orli -lego/frodo
... for now.
Hullo all |
[23 Nov 2003|02:03am] |
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I would like to claim
Frodo/Sam Viggo/Orli and Dom/Billy
Stating her claim... |
[03 Nov 2003|07:28pm] |
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Ok, so I admit to not entirely understanding this whole claim thing, but not understanding something has never stopped me from doing anything before! Lol. Ok, so I guess I shall state my claims... *ponders upon this...*
1) Elrohir/Legolas – as I am a sucker for both Elves... and Elrohir is the hotter of the identical twins... ;) 2) Erestor/Haldir – just for something completely different! 3) And the ‘oh so original’ Aragorn/Legolas pairing
*Big smiles* Thank you!
Whee! |
[01 Nov 2003|03:27am] |
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giggly |
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And I get to post second! Uh-huh, uh-huh. Uh-huh-Uh-huh-uh-huh.
Here are the claims I want:
1: Haldir/Eomer 2: Grima/Eomer 3: Grima/Theodred
[31 Oct 2003|11:06pm] |
All right. I opened this community and damnit I'm posting first.
Hi Vicki. Hello. I would like to claim :
1. Haldir/Rumil/Orophin.
2. Craig Parker/ME.. .. nah.. joke..
3. Haldir/Orophin.
4. Haldir/Celeborn.