stargate atlantis
? ?
Stargate: Makeshift 
03:25pm 31/01/2009
  Admins: If this isn't allowed please delete

Stargate: Makeshift is a RPG for the SG-1 series, but isn't limited to the other Stargate franchises.
It takes place just after 'Homecoming' (702) where anything is possible for the Stargate Command. There's no limit to travel, however the Goa'uld is still a threat to Earth. Its up to the stargate teams to help protect life as we know it, and continue explorations to other planets.

For all the rules, characters and applications please head to

Rachel Luttrell Interview 
02:43am 18/02/2007


Check out my interview with actress Rachel Luttrell who talks about her role on Stargate: Atlantis. I don't think there are any spoilers about the show and her character but I will forwarn people anyway to be on the safe side!

If you know of a great spot to post these links, please do so. However, we do not give permission for any of the content of the interview to be posted at all.
Trying to Generate Conversation... 
07:53pm 27/11/2005
mood: Geeky
Just spreadin' the word... over at Meta_atlantis, there is cool stuff. I just post a Chaya question and was hoping for some input...
The Save Aiden Ford Petition 
11:28pm 16/01/2005
mood: determined
the Save Aiden Ford petition

Spoiler AlertCollapse )
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04:06pm 12/07/2004
  There are only a few days left to enter the fanfic and fanart contests at The deadline is this Thursday, July 15th. The winner of each contest will receive a DVD boxed set.

For more details about the contest, go to:

Also, be sure to join us in our spoiler chat room on Friday after the premiere of Stargate Atlantis. We will be discussing reactions to the new series.

Our chat room can be accessed here:
02:01am 27/06/2004
  Just a reminder, there are two more weeks left to submit work for the fan fic/fan art contest at 1st prize is a DVD Boxed Set!

Entries will be accepted through July 15th, 2004. Participants must register on the forums in order to submit an entry or vote for an entry.

Click below for more information and contest rules.
Fan Fic/Fan Art Contest 
01:50pm 14/06/2004
mood: artistic has launched fan art and fanfic contest beginning today! 1st prize is a DVD Boxed Set!

Entries will be accepted through July 15th, 2004. Participants must register on the forums in order to submit an entry or vote for an entry.

Click below for more information and contest rules.
SG-1 & Atlantis 
04:42pm 11/06/2004
mood: confused
There is a lowdown coming up that can be checked out on scifi's site. The two parter for sg-1/atlantis from what I see goes like this. july 9th sg-1 season 8 start, and lead into atlantis. july 16th atlantis, and lead from sg-1. now season 8 I presume as scifi...seeming to have little info on it will have a full season+. Now july 23rd is the next atlantis. I'm hoping they have sg-1 on the 16th, and 23rd too. O change days for season 8. Not half ass it onto a one episode season 8 lead to atlantis. stopping sg-1 right now...would be very very bad imo.
01:29am 14/05/2004
mood: content
I updated the comm a little. July 16th atlantis comes out, bangin. SG-1 season 8 episode 1 airs on the 8th of July I believe...I found this while surfing

Stargate Spoofpark

Pretty amusing. I just bet sg-1 season 8/atlantis is gonna own.
02:48pm 25/03/2004
mood: hungry
The Second Part to Hero's was shocking, and amazing. It was like independence day on holy scifi crack. I cried:X I laughed, and I got all worked up over it. Then I was all like WOOT!@!@#$ At close to the end. The freeze scene, she showed feelings most think. Most I've talked to. The fanatics:) Well I haven't had time to post till now, but it's gonna be about 3 months, and one birthday for me till The new season, and atlantis airs. I'll be looking into a job, and thinking about this con I've always wanted to go to defcon. Like every spring to summer coming up.

Very Cool, maybe they'll make a Stargate 2: Atlantis, or Ancients, Movie someday.
Quite a bit more info 
06:58pm 11/03/2004
mood: sore
some spoilage, and some info spoilage at the bottomCollapse )
Atlantian Technology 
06:43pm 11/03/2004
mood: sore
atlantis technologyCollapse )
some starter info 
10:03pm 10/03/2004
mood: amused
starting hereCollapse )
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