TLA: The LostArtists
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TLA: The LostArtists [entries|friends|calendar]

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Wanna feel depressed? [25 Mar 2009|03:40am]

It's TLA's 10th anniversary =P

yes you're that old.
[ 2 lostGet LOST in the power... ]

Wow...memories [20 Jul 2008|08:36am]

[ mood | nostalgic ]

heh, look what I went and dug upCollapse )

I think this was to be the first half of a newer staff pic I was working on back in the last couple of years of TLA.  I don't think that was supposed to look like Jamie was kicking me in the back of the head (probably deserved it). 

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old memories [11 Mar 2006|11:04am]

[ mood | sleepy ]

wow this is old, i just wish i had the version BuG did with all the commentary

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history lesson [09 Mar 2006|08:49pm]

So I was looking at old stuff in my HD when I came across some fun TLA history bits.

take a lookCollapse )
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teh dead [05 Oct 2005|02:39am]

Avoiding Spanish homework like the plague. La la la laaaaaa.

*waves to any TLAers still alive out there*
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Its been so long... [17 Jul 2005|11:28pm]

Since I've seen TLA members...
Surely you remember me.. *and ya I'm renamed to Candlegirl due to a lot of "stuff"*

Thought I'd come by to drop a hello to all of you. *tries oh so badly to re-remember everyone*
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The Yearbook Project [07 Jun 2005|04:27am]

It's not much right now, but it's only a few days old and already gaining momentum. If you want to join, simply sign up. There's a profile forum, we really need those so read the guide and tell everyone who you are! It will serve as a reference for everyone who reads about something that might be related to you somewhere else on the forum, or in the site that is built from the content generated by the forum.

Some things don't deserve to be forgotten. P.S. - If anyone has a way to contact Nik, tell him to reply to the email I sent him.
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[10 Jan 2005|12:00am]

Dead, I say. TEH DEAD. :/
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Jack [12 Oct 2004|09:13am]


HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!1... now gimme candy.


I love just randomly posting art in this thing.
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a question.... [06 Apr 2004|12:05am]

[ mood | apathetic ]

i'm not able to fully persue this at the current moment because everythings hitting the fan with school and finals this month, but I thought I'd throw this up in the air, I considering reuploading the PHPBB TLA board to my site until we figure out when and if we want to repursue the site/community again, it really bums me losing contact with everyone since the domain name crap basically wiped the site for a 4th time. Feedback please.

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My it's late. [20 Mar 2004|01:40am]

Does anybody even post in this thing anymore? Is anybody even a member of this thing anymore or am I talking to myself?

Hey look; a giant, sentient mushroom.

Ono! The sleep ninjas are after me, run away from the silent pillows of deeeeeath!!

*passes out*
[ 3 lostGet LOST in the power... ]

bastard child anyone? [08 Mar 2004|09:31pm]

FFX Reference here

DarcXIII: The only reason I really wanted it was to unlock another Aeon's break damage limit ability
DarcXIII: That's why I did Luna's
RRockWildcat: Lulu or Yuna
RRockWildcat: look at what you typed
DarcXIII: Well I figure those two need to go at it.
DarcXIII: Hot merging FF sex0r!!
DarcXIII: ...shut up
RRockWildcat: So would Luna be their bastard child?
DarcXIII: Basically
RRockWildcat: I have to draw this
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Uhh... [17 Feb 2004|02:45am]

[ mood | disgusted ]

Have any of you noticed what has turned into?!!! Eww!

What a sad fate for TLA...

Uhh... Justin???!!

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For those who care... [29 Dec 2003|07:36pm]


Once again, the old fallback forum is open...
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Notice for Downtime [21 Nov 2003|02:05pm]

Thought I should at least just let everyone know what's going on. The site is currently down because the domainname ran out, currently, I'm trying to get ahold of Nik and Jenn so I can renew it. So please be patient because it'll be back up in no time.
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Random Member of the Moment Submissions [12 Jul 2003|03:48am]

[ mood | bored ]

What the title says:

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Line Art Jam thingymajiggy [10 Jul 2003|04:39pm]

[ mood | hungry ]

I saw this threat in the art forum of that might be cool. Though I'm not sure whether to do it here or in the fforum itself, I'm writing it here 'cause I'm too lazy to actually go to the forum.

Ok, enough rambling, the idea is this. The thread was called the line art jam or something equally corny. What it is is that people would post lineart they'd done. And whoever wanted to would take it, color it (usually using CG) den post it back up. And you could take any picture that had been up, no matter how old and no matter if somebody had already done it before.

Of course we may be too lazy, but eh, I figured I'd bring it up. Looked cool when I was perusing the thread.

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archive problem [10 Jul 2003|04:59pm]

I dunno if this is just me, but i think the site hates me =/. Iv'e always had a problem with the message boards * this was the third time that I had to sign up for it, and i have no idea why...but then again this is a new board. *
I sent Justin a message about this but im going to ask anyone else just in case....
is anyone else having problems logging into their archive? because the system wont let me in, and i've been typing the exact password 8 times now. Plus I can't get into the oekaki board ( Im not sure if the password used for the archive is the same as there. ) so Im mildly frustrated. Someone help me out please? ._.
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[10 Jul 2003|02:20pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

what is up? I have an hour to kill before I have to go to work so I thought I'd drop by and say hey. how's the reconstruction of tla going? Can't wait until it's done so I can send in my newer art instead of all my old icky stuff

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Site Relaunch [10 Jul 2003|01:01am]

[ mood | awake ]

We're baaaack!

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