People who love LJ that much...'s Journal
? ?

People who love LJ that much...'s Journal

Recent Entries

You are viewing the most recent 25 entries.

19th April 2006

x_candii_kiss_x8:25pm: ...Anyone here like anime? And are apart of the very addicting Yuugiou fandom? XD

Then join my new community - claimsfromygo!! Just make sure you read the rules, first. ;D

[Cross posted everywhere she could.]
Current Mood: blank

27th December 2005

hiyoureugly8:30pm: ARE YOU A BITCH?
come join bitchtastic_ - a rating community where only the bitchiest get accepted!

26th December 2005

hiyoureugly7:36pm: ARE YOU A BITCH?

join bitchtastic_

hurry...first five people to join get accepted without applying!

30th August 2005

smarties_208710:25am: 4 morfe to 1500
             1 YEAR LiveJounal Anniversary

9th June 2005

blueinteriors8:01pm: Hey girls!

I'm selling a women's LiveJournal babydoll tshirt. It fits like a small.

Spread the LiveJournal love!

x-posted, sorry :(
Current Mood: cold

9th March 2005

.Very active. Short application. Hot, smart members. Members will never have to promote. Many numbers of boys & girls. Over 300 Members. Diversity worshipped. Over 10 applications to vote on every week. Fun contests with prizes. Awesome picture themes with prizes. Sister communities welcome-comment here to be added.

18th January 2005

staceyizniftydu10:45am: Whats everyones favorite love song(s)?

22nd October 2004

headclub6:02pm: 8 Reasons whu LJ Sucks haha funny stuff

13th October 2004

hope you dont mind that i posted this if its a problem ill delete it
Current Mood: amused

18th September 2004

title or descriptiontitle or description

Click on either image to go to the community info. Please join if you are interested!

17th September 2004

parapaints10:47am: catsluvdmb posts news stories like whoa. I find myself checking my friends page 3-4 times a day to see if any new news has been posted. I feel like such an LJ whore.

12th September 2004

title or descriptiontitle or description

Click on either image to go to the community info. Please join if you are interested!

6th September 2004

title or descriptiontitle or description

Click on either image to go to the community info. Please join if you are interested!

7th August 2004

promotejournal11:15pm: Please come and join my communities!

_these_words_ is a community for people who love writing, reading, etc. It’s a friendly community that needs more members. Things you can do in this community upon joining: get your writing reviewed, share your opinions on other members’ writing, talk about writers you like, discuss anything that has to do with literature. This community is members-only (a.k.a. friends-only) to make sure that your writing is safe from random searchers. Please read the user info before joining!

i_love_rock is a community for people who love rock music. It’s a place to make friends, discuss music, review albums, discover new bands, promote your band or bands that you like, and discuss anything pertaining to rock music! In the user info there is a helpful introduction survey for your first entry. Everyone at the community is really nice and we are looking for more people to be our friends!

22nd July 2004

xxtootsirollxx11:57am: New
Aloha. I am new. I <3 LJ, when I have nothing better to do. I also love when people comment in my journal and I also heart posting =D. And my friends keep telling me I'm an icon juncie but I don't believe them......couldn't be me.

I wont' be here from fri to sun so yeah can't post then. I'm going to Maryland for a KungFu tournament. Aren't I just so cool like that.

My journal at the moment is friends only comment if you want me to add you if not then don't...........
Current Mood: groggy

19th July 2004

title or description title or description

14th June 2004

thesewordspromo3:57pm: Hi, I have just created a new community called _these_words_. It’s a place for writers to share their work with other writers & discuss anything that pertains to writing. Books, poetry, short stories, etc. If you are a writer and are interested in joining, please read the user info for more details! It is a members-only community, so you don’t have to worry about your work being stolen. I hope you decide to join!

11th June 2004


Do you love rock music?
Want to meet people who love rock, too?
Then come join i_love_rock!
It's the perfect place to meet people who
share the same interests in music as you do.
All genres of rock are welcome!

3rd June 2004

~*~A Place For The Dreamers~*~ (261 members)

beautifuldreams is a community for all people who are interested in dreams and sleep.

Whether you are interested in dream actualization, analysis or dream theories or you just want to share your dreams with us and see what we think, than this is the community for you.

Check it out.

Don't be shy and post your thoughts and dreams. We are a friendly community.

28th May 2004

hiyoureugly7:09pm: join eljay_bitches, a rating community where you're judged on whether or not you're a real bitch.

10th May 2004

join/apply for these communities:

rating communities

friending communities
lostlittleelf5:08am: New
Yea, Hi. I'm New.
My name is Jen, I live in Cary, Illinois...Though my heart is in Chicago, where I grew up. I'm into Photography and most of the arts... I read and write a lot of poetry. I love Jack Kerouac, Henry Rollins, Edgar Allen Poe, etc.

I spend hours on end at the computer, unfortunately I'm both out of school, and out of a Job. Though I should be getting the latter soon enough.

Sorry if this isn't the proper first entry, but It's 5am and I'm awake, and most likely will be for another 7 hours. It's become a new thing with me, this not sleeping. Comment/delete if this isn't a good enough first entry...

Until Later,
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