? ?
somebody crazy
17 July 2009 @ 07:51 am
I hate it when I have dreams where I'm forced to be violent to save myself. >_< Highlights included Ben's mom having pissed off some gangsters, so Ben, I, and Ben's parents were forced to go live/hide in a tiiiiiny hotel room for months in the southern California mountains. Ben's dad decided he wanted to take me out to a movie but Chelsea was there and said her mom would get angry/think it was creepy. Ben's dad and I were going to go anyway, but on the way to the truck (he has a van) we were accosted by bad guys who had canceled their Sunday fishing trip. Various attempts on our life followed... the most vivid being when I distracted a 16-year-old girl menacing me with a pair of knives and grabbed them out of her hands, then started cutting her arms. She did not feel pain but I did -- kept feeling like I was going to vomit as I gradually started sawing deeper and deeper since she didn't seem incapacitated and I was afraid she would take the knives back. Blood welled from the wounds and trickled down her arm. I ultimately ended up cutting her arm in half lengthwise, and she must have sharpened those knives like crazy because I sliced her radius and ulna in half as well. Yellow marrow glistened and blood shown. All I could think about was the absolutely, 100% MASSIVE, MASSIVE infection that was sure to follow. I was shivery and weak and still felt sick, but managed to escape. I woke up feeling trembly. I HATE those dreams!

Though, it does make me wonder what I would be able to do in real life to defend myself.
Where are you?: Pomona, CA
Mood (swing): uncomfortableuncomfortable
somebody crazy
21 July 2005 @ 11:04 am
Hm. Last night I dreamed the British invaded the country and rounded folks up at the supermarkets and put them all into prisons. That sucked, a bit. But then I decided that since I was going to die anyway, I might as well shag one of the hot guards. I did think, "Man, I wish this was Ben," as I jumped the bones of a guard who looked like Ashton Kutcher (only in a hot way), but as it was a dream I didn't worry myself about it too much. I was quite loud, and part of me hoped fervently I wasn't making those sorts of sounds in real life while still sleeping, as that would be very awkward for anyone passing by my bedroom. Anyway, that was loads of fun, unlike most of my sex dreams (which are, out of the vast amount of dreams I have, very few) which usually end up being forced, incestuous, lame, or interrupted. This was none of the above and I was quite pleased with that.

After I shagged the guard and had a rollicking good time doing so, I stole his weapons and then ran around the encampment trying to shoot some of the other guards. Yay for sex *and* violence! I think I eventually died in a blaze of glory (or perhaps the 'blaze' part came from a grenade, who knows), but at least I'd had some hot s3xx0rz and the other girls in my prison were very impressed with my... tenacity. :-P

At this point the dream clicked over and started again, with things being slightly different. I walked into a supermarket and there a retarded girl was haltingly telling the girl at the Starbucks kiosk that she had the wrong ID card. Just then Aaron Carter (yes, that annoying teenage "musician", brother to a Backstreet Boy) and his brother and a whole cadre of publicists showed up, confiscated the ID, and then set about talking about the incoming British invasion. I was captured and made to walk alongside a castle moat as the Queen of England walked along behind. I heard her telling some girls that I would make good food for the moat monsters.

"No!" I cried. "You can't feed me to the moat monsters! Look!" I pulled out my hair tie and my long hair fell down to my waist. "See, they'd choke to death on this hairball!"

"No, I do believe that they would find it nourishing," said the Queen, and some guards wrestled me away to prisoners' quarters, telling me I would be fed to the monsters the next day. I tried to think of something to do to make the dream more exciting and less about me getting eaten -- more sex, more violence, SOMETHING -- but I woke up.

Ah, well. Good times.

*uses icon with song lyric about armies, by a British band* XD
Mood (swing): amusedamused
Listening to: The computer humming
somebody crazy
21 June 2005 @ 08:04 pm
Had a bizarro dream last night. It didn't help that I tried to go to bed early, but kept getting woken up by a) the heat, b) people out in the hallway talking, c) cats leaping in through the window and screeching at each other, and d) my bladder. Grr boo argh! I could not fall asleep properly to save my life. Bleh.

Anyway, I had an exceedingly strange dream. First I dreamed I was at Washington Park, only it had snowed and so there was snow and ice everywhere. I was on some kind of forced activity with a whole bunch of other people, but I was terribly bitter about them all, and I decided I was going to purposely try to break my ankle, so I could get out of this activity. So I started leaping about on icy ledges, driving my leg into the snow at odd angles, and racing out across ice patches in an attempt to fall and break my ankle. I did do some damage, but it wasn't enough, and that only made me more bitter.

Then I was dragged back into my old church, where they were having a community meeting about how Willamette's planned expansion would affect Salem townies' sewers and sidewalks. Three representative townies were there and they were all crazy hippies. The scariest of these hippies was called Longbelly because his torso extended to where his knees SHOULD'VE been, were he properly proportioned. He was also entirely naked and covered in bright, colorful, creepy tattoos. I realized that in the middle of his long belly where his belly button was, there was a second head perched there -- a bald baby's head, blinking and moving. God it was creepy. In a circle around the second head were about sixty sun tattoos, each sun yellow but on a different colored background square. Longbelly, while he was talking to the church people, proceeded to manipulate his stomach muscles in such a way so that the suns appeared to be spiralling around the baby's head. Ewwww.

Then the dream got nastier. Let's just say there was a lame guy and out of pity I did stuff with him, but then he was all "OMG I WILL LOVE U 4EVA!" and I was like "Oh god, EWWWW" and I ran back to my house and locked the guy out, and grabbed up some knives and discovered Ben in the bathroom. I handed him two knives and you know, it was the weirdest thing, but I could smell that awful smell shit has and oh god it was nasty. (And no, a cat hadn't just pooped on my face in real life or anything. For some unknown reason I could smell shit in my dream.) Ben and I found the guy hiding in my room and I dunno, maybe we stabbed him to death or something, or maybe we just scared him away. Either way I was glad for it to be over.

Mood (swing): nauseatednauseated
Listening to: The dryer tumbling
somebody crazy
10 June 2005 @ 09:12 am
I hate it when I have incredibly technical dreams. In school I would have dreams about organic chemistry or about memorizing species names or something, and my brain always ran round and round and round trying to do waking science while asleep. As a result those dreams were always very thin, if you know what I mean -- just barely this side of sleep, with wakefulness being just a blink away. I hate being aware that I'm sleeping (unless it's lucid dreaming, but I don't consider these dreams lucid, as I never get the choice to change them) because it makes me feel much less rested. Argh.

This morning I was dreaming about noetic readings and noumenal recording, stuff from The Golden Age series. In those books humans are "immortal" because their bodies can be instantly regrown should something happen to them, and their memories are stored via noumenal recording. In my dream I was convinced that I had to accept all my memories back, over and over again, and get entire personas uploaded into my brain. This of course was a very long and complicated and involved process, and during the whole time I was like, "I'm almost awake, dammit. I don't want to be, but I am." That's annoying.

Amusingly, though, there was also a part in the dream where Ben and I were walking across one of the bridges at school and we saw an otter splash up in the Mill Stream, and I was all, "Squee! An otter! Yay!" and then the otter saw the last duckling from the brood in the spring, and totally rammed it, and it flew up in the air from the force of it. It was awesome! Sucks for the duckling, but a totally fascinating display of predation. The otter kept trying to eat the duckling and I wanted to stay and watch, but Ben reminded me we had someplace to be. Apparently the world had entered a state of war and we all had to do our part there at Willamette to survive. So, that meant that all the big and tall people had to go deepsea fishing to provide the rest of us with food. ...yeah, I dunno. So Ben went off to the ocean with some other people and we small people stayed behind and set up camp. They returned at night with eNORmous fish in hand, which one of them promptly threw at Jennifer Butler (my boss at school), almost knocking her over with a ginormous five-foot-long mackerel. I congratulated Ben on his hard work and then it was bedtime, and my brain started ticking with noetics and noumenal technology. Ah well.
Mood (swing): hungryhungry
Listening to: Butterfinger sitting here purring
somebody crazy
29 May 2005 @ 10:42 am
My dream last night I think I could make a story of. It certainly had a plot and conflict and a climax and all that jazz. It was also more than a little bit HELLACREEPY. (Yes, one word.)

Le dreamCollapse )

That was my dream. I think I'd like to start a story based around it. I'd have to flesh out this kid and his friends and family before he ever started playing the game, and then I'd have to make the game longer, scarier, more horrible, and I'd probably have to have a reason for why the game was real. But I like this idea. I like it a lot. Way to go brain!
Mood (swing): creativecreative
Listening to: The washing machine
somebody crazy
13 May 2005 @ 11:35 am
Wow, fourteen hours of sleep may be a new record for me! I went to bed at 9 PM yesterday and got up at 11 this morning. Huzzah! Sadly, my arms and legs ache like crazy from all the packing shenanigans yesterday, but oh well. :-P

As a result of sleeping forEVER, I had some truly insane dreams. Dream the first: Christian bellydancingCollapse )

Dream the second: in which an almost complete stranger declares her love for meCollapse )

Dream the third: in which Lindsay and I are superheroesCollapse )

Dream the fourth: in which I am a Victorian-era zombie babyCollapse )

Yeah, it's crazy what a crapload of sleep'll do to a person.

Ten points and a cookie to anyone who actually reads all of this!
Mood (swing): impressedimpressed
Listening to: Charlotte (the cat) giving herself a bath
somebody crazy
09 May 2005 @ 07:11 am
Somehow I don't think it bodes well when I've just woken up from a dream where these invaded Willamette and were trying to eat everybody and were loping around the campus snarling and twitching and continually hungry. Damn you, Ben and Lauren, for watching all the Alien movies and inviting me along! *shakes fist* Seriously... eeeeeeeeeeesh.

The only justification for that dream is that last night I went to bed with Radiohead's "Wolf from the Door" stuck in my head, particularly the lines "I keep the wolf from the door/ but he calls me up/ Calls me on the phone/ Tells me all the ways that he's gonna mess me up...." It makes sense because the humaliens (they're human/alien hybrids) kept trying to open up the doors of the UC, where we were all holed in, with their claws and with sticks and crowbars and such. It was scary :( Damn you, Radiohead. (Except not, because you know that you've stolen my soul with your awesomeness.)
Mood (swing): nervousnervous
Listening to: Silence
somebody crazy
23 February 2005 @ 08:08 am
Eeep. Had a terrifying dream where I was running a family video store or something, and I went down to the main room to take a shower in the bathroom down there, wearing only a towel, and this group of four -- a big burly black man, a tall redheaded guy, a very shifty looking guy, and a girl who looked like she was trying to be a guy -- came in and demanded service. I told them I was on break and going to take my shower and that I'd help them when I returned. One of them, the redheaded guy, came around behind the counter and started making lewd comments. I told him to back off and that he was making me uncomfortable, and he sidled up close to me, as did the black guy. They started telling me that I'd better "service" them or else, and just when I said I was going to call the police one of them ripped my towel off. I snatched it back and ran upstairs as they shouted that they were gonna get me for pissing them off, and I tried to find a room with a lock from which to call the police, but all the locks were so flimsy I knew they wouldn't withstand four people trying to get in. I managed to call the police but in the middle of it I saw them approaching, and I threw on some clothes and leapt out a window and got into a car with Leah and Rajani. Unfortunately, the car was uberslow.

We managed to find some refuge at Sara's apartment or something. She was getting married to Joe after, like, two days of dating him, but we were all happy for her anyway. I thought I was safe so I did her hair and everything, and somehow it seemed that the guys chasing me used to be Joe's friends. But then I saw the people had followed us and I ran screaming in the opposite direction. I was then sitting on a computer somewhere, and these assholes were IMing Chelsea and harassing her on multiple screen names. An IM popped up from one of them and I signed off immediately, shaking. I woke up for a bit then, my heart pounding, trying to turn my mind to something else so I wouldn't be so scared -- why wouldn't they leave me alone?. I fell back asleep in a few minutes.

Next I dreamed that there was a massive earthquake, and a huge flood. A huge number of people seemed to be on this giant flying? floating? bus, where one sat down in a swing and strapped oneself in that way. We had kids, we had old people, we had people our age, we had everyone. I was just so grateful to be safe. But then someone came in leading a huge group of people behind them, with the bad guys in tow. I screamed and they managed to close the door before the bad guys came in. Then at the door behind me there was a knock, and I looked through the peephole and saw Sara still in her wedding dress. I let her in, and she was all happy about having just gotten married, and she thanked me for doing her hair and everything. I threw my arms around her and then started sobbing about the awful stalkers, and she was stunned as I just wept and wept because I was so tired of being chased all the time.

Then there was some stuff with a massive flood and more swings and some old people, and it was good times. Or something.

Scared the crap out of me for a time, though.
Mood (swing): stressedstressed
Listening to: Silence
somebody crazy
15 February 2005 @ 05:54 pm
In animal physiology lab today, I killed a frog.

Cut to spare the squeamishCollapse )

So, that was more than a little surreal.
Mood (swing): okayokay
Listening to: tATu, "How Soon Is Now"
somebody crazy
08 February 2005 @ 07:23 am
Dreams where everyone is at your house having a party, including the kids from the Harry Potter films, and Joyce and Giles, and you're Buffy and Gina at the same time, and Chelsea is there and there is much giggling and happiness and platonic cuddling, and everyone is trying to figure out which character they're going to play in the impromptu HP roleplay underwater in your living room, well, those are fun dreams. Dreams where the HP kids have gone home for the night and you're out walking by the UC with all your friends at midnight and a thirty-year-old man starts following you and staring at your group and then comes up to you and stands in the doorway at the UC smirking at you, and when you tell him that he's frightening you and that you're going to call the police he attacks, and he's like a man but he's a Lethifold too from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and he turns into a shadowy wraith and you rip him to shreds of black fabric and then you think you've killed him and your heart is still pounding but he's dead, and then you go home and show a shred to Giles and then go downstairs and realize all the doors must be locked instantly, because there's the shadowman standing outside your patio holding one of your dogs by the throat and beckoning at you to come outside...

Well, THOSE are dreams that are CREEPY AS HELL. Gaaaah! Had to force myself to wake up because I was getting quite terrified. NOT COOL.
Mood (swing): stressedstressed
Listening to: My heart still thumping