? ?
somebody crazy
06 March 2009 @ 03:46 pm
I got 73 on my combined written exams. Meh to that -- 5 or 6 points lower than my previous ones. On the one hand I definitely need to step up my studying next semester, on the other hand, it's still passing. Whew. Thank goodness for that second test, because I knew I did very poorly on the first one.

The clinical skills final today was fun. I only got 3/4 on haltering the cow but got a perfect on haltering the horse, and nailed my suturing. I even got an extra credit point from Dr. Terra (our gruff faux-bullying former football coach/large animal vet) for catching the fact that in his e-mail about our test, he referred to himself as a member of the Wizengamot. :-P I e-mailed him back to ask if he knew Dumbledore and today he said I was the only person out of 200 who caught it and mentioned it to him, so I got an extra point. Kids, sometimes it pays to be nerdy. :-D Also... he's got to be the LAST person I would expect to love Harry Potter, let alone know what Dumbledore's middle names are and that he's head of the Wizengamot!

Last night's OfficeCollapse )

So - 3/4 of the way done with my first year in vet school. This block flew by incredibly fast, and I know that things are only going to continue to speed up. Let's hope I can keep up with the pace!

Next on the list: moth pictures! <3
Where are you?: Pomona, CA
Mood (swing): accomplisheddone!
Listening to: Rocky Horror Picture Show
somebody crazy
05 February 2009 @ 12:01 am
This is the to-do list I made for studying today and tomorrow:

---H2 blockers
---Low dose aspirin

Tick serology
---Anaplasma phagocytophilum
---Ehrlichia risticii
---Ehrlichia canis
---Babesia canis
---Babesia gibsoni
---Rickettsia rickettsii
---Borrelia burgdorferi

---Tick species
---Tick epidemiology

Immune panel
---Antinuclear antibody (ANA)
---Rheumatoid factor

Coagulation panel
---Prothrombin time
---Partial thromboplastin time

Enteral vs. parenteral nutrition

Gastrostomy tube

Review clotting cascade

Review sensitivity vs. specificity

Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia

Hill's a/d


Anemia in general
---Hemolytic anemia
---Hemorrhagic anemia
---Erythropoietic deficient anemia

Histology of the immune system


.....oh sweet Jesus.

I did get through like 15 of those items tonight. ...with about four and a half hours of studying. Holy CRAP was today a shitload of disclosures and new information to learn!!!

Now we'll see how much of that I can get done tomorrow with a rotation from 8-12, anatomy from 1-3 and Thing Lab (yes, that's actually the name of the laboratory, donated by someone whose cat really is named Thing) from 4-5.

I may even purposefully miss the Office tomorrow night to study. After I missed the Superbowl episode too! *stabs self in the heart* I guess we'll see, lol.
Where are you?: Pomona, CA
Mood (swing): tiredtired
Listening to: Saul Williams' remix of NIN "Survivalism"
somebody crazy
15 May 2008 @ 10:11 pm
SpoilersCollapse )

Thoughts? :-D
Where are you?: Portland
Mood (swing): cheerfulcheerful
somebody crazy
24 April 2008 @ 09:53 pm
Tonight's episode of The Office was great. Bwahahahahaha, so many moments where I went :-O and then XD XD XD. Good times. Anyone else catch it tonight?
Tags: ,
Where are you?: Portland
Mood (swing): amusedamused
somebody crazy
18 April 2008 @ 11:03 am
This is the first time in a long time I'm really regretting not having more spaces for LJ icons. Last night's episode of The Office got me all schmoopy and now I want like 50 Jim/Pam icons. XD Last night I had a hilarious dream about them, too. Gah, they put me back into full shipper mode! Well, perhaps not *full* shipper mode, as I have no intention to write fic (at this point I'd rather just watch the show), but I want icons, dammit, and am rewatching certain scenes again and again, and am back to having full-length dreams completely centered on fictional characters. Oh fandom.

Here's my silly dream, cut because it'll mention spoilers. I'm a big ol' dorkCollapse )

Oh fannishness. Sometimes I do miss you. Icons, I miss you too.
Where are you?: Portland
Mood (swing): sillysilly
Listening to: A Song Sparrow recording I made
somebody crazy
25 November 2007 @ 12:35 pm
Last night I dreamed that I was friends with Jim and Pam and as I was watching them canoodle I realized that I was totally in love with both of them and wanted a threesome liek woah. So I kept trying to work up the courage to try and kiss both of them at the same time, roflmao, or at least declare my undying love and raging lust for them, but they kept wandering off just when I'd finally get the guts to do it. Dammit you guys, that would've been really freaking hot. *shakes fist*
Where are you?: Portland
Mood (swing): amusedamused
somebody crazy
18 October 2007 @ 10:14 pm
Why is this show so freaking awesome? Why are Jim and Pam and Dwight so perfect? Ehehehehe, I love this show.

SpoilersCollapse )
Where are you?: Portland
Mood (swing): pleasedpleased
Listening to: Modest Mouse, "Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset"
somebody crazy
18 May 2007 @ 12:10 am
Spoilers for 'The Job'Collapse )
Where are you?: Portland
Mood (swing): happyhappy
Listening to: "3-2-1 Stars" in my head
somebody crazy
05 April 2007 @ 10:06 pm
Spoilers for tonight's ep of The OfficeCollapse )
Where are you?: Portland
Mood (swing): frustratedfrustrated
somebody crazy
31 January 2007 @ 10:12 am
1. Last night's episode of House SUCKED. SUCKED, SUCKED, SUCKED. Worst writing I've seen in a long time. What happened??? I'm scared for next week. :(

2. I dreamed that Jim Halpert asked me out after a long bus ride of flirting, joking, and being friendly. He was utterly adorable and I was like, "Should I tell him I have a boyfriend? ...nah," and we hugged and even got a kiss in at the office Christmas party. John Krasinski so freaking cute!
Where are you?: My bedroom
Mood (swing): amusedamused
Listening to: None