My student loans went back into that happy happy place of me having to pay them. Except I was trying to save money for when I have to move 1500 miles away and start paying $1100 a month for rent. I don't know when my student loan money for vet school will be coming in, which is why I was hoping to save a decent sum from working -- that way if I needed to I would have enough to put down money for the first month on the apartment, buy furniture, etc. But now I have to start on the loans.
Except oh hi, I *just* finished paying off my credit card again (thanks Mom and Dad for owing me almost $700 still) so none of that money went into savings; I make $10 an hour and $900 a month after taxes; and now my student loan payments come out to $400 a month. Toss in $250 a month for transportation to work, buying food for myself for work breakfasts/lunches that isn't shite, and going to the doctor to get all my health stuff sorted out for vet school... well, yeah, that doesn't leave much for savings. Especially if I want to, you know, go out and occasionally do something fun with the boyfriend or friends. I guess I'm never going to have even $1000 in my goddamned savings account. Never made it yet.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
I thought I would have 6 months of grace after I finished PSU, which would put me squarely in enrollment at vet school and thus not having to worry about them for another 4 years. Losing $1000 before I even make it down to California was not in the fucking plan (because I guess one payment was due last month, which I wasn't aware of, so now I have to pay 2 payments for June for one and another payment for the other set of loans). I only have one more month of work. Three more paychecks. This next one's going to be light (5 days plus 2 hours holiday pay)... I'll probably make $1300 total before I leave there if I'm lucky.
I am going to be just as shit with money as my fucking parents.
Except oh hi, I *just* finished paying off my credit card again (thanks Mom and Dad for owing me almost $700 still) so none of that money went into savings; I make $10 an hour and $900 a month after taxes; and now my student loan payments come out to $400 a month. Toss in $250 a month for transportation to work, buying food for myself for work breakfasts/lunches that isn't shite, and going to the doctor to get all my health stuff sorted out for vet school... well, yeah, that doesn't leave much for savings. Especially if I want to, you know, go out and occasionally do something fun with the boyfriend or friends. I guess I'm never going to have even $1000 in my goddamned savings account. Never made it yet.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
I thought I would have 6 months of grace after I finished PSU, which would put me squarely in enrollment at vet school and thus not having to worry about them for another 4 years. Losing $1000 before I even make it down to California was not in the fucking plan (because I guess one payment was due last month, which I wasn't aware of, so now I have to pay 2 payments for June for one and another payment for the other set of loans). I only have one more month of work. Three more paychecks. This next one's going to be light (5 days plus 2 hours holiday pay)... I'll probably make $1300 total before I leave there if I'm lucky.
I am going to be just as shit with money as my fucking parents.
Where are you?: Portland
Mood (swing):

5 5 1/2 minute hallways | Enter the house