I'm getting to the point where I can talk about Mindy more often without crying, and I'm remembering lots of silly, good things about her. Friday I'd taken a big pine cone and slathered it with peanut butter and tied it to a tree for the birds, and the peanut butter, being organic and lacking thickeners, kept dripping off the pine cone to the ground. Mindy of course immediately discovered the peanut butter drippings and licked them up, but not before some of it fell on her head. XD Mindy truly was an awesome dog. <3
Work has been difficult, though. Both Monday and today I moved very slowly all day and had trouble concentrating on more than one or two things at once, and kept forgetting things. And whenever anyone asked me to do something in anything less than the cheeriest tone possible I felt almost under attack, despite that never being the case. I found myself tearing up at random moments, but today was much better than Monday for that.
Luckily I haven't seen any dogs that look like Mindy yet -- there's one, a Lab mix named Molly, that looks about 90% like Mindy and I imagine when I see her again, it will be hard. But that probably won't happen for a while. And we didn't have to do any euthanasias this week, so that helps. But I was still pretty down all day and not like myself. I only really cheered up when Preston demanded I load myself onto a dolly so he could roll me down the hallway, because I felt like Hannibal Lector and it was goofy. :-P Other than that I was a pretty gray little Gina still, but at least without so many tears. Which is a relief... Saturday I got a little stye on my eyelid, which was irritating enough, but then with all the crying on Sunday and the irritation from the stye, my eyelid was three times its normal size :( It's finally getting back to normal, thank God.
No letters from vet school yet. Washington said they'd be sending them out last Friday. It's fucking Wednesday, bitches. Get the fuck with the program!!!!! Not that I'm antsy or anything... it just would've been nice to have SOMETHING good happen this week. :(
I'm finding it extremely difficult to care about my classes. I skipped nutrition last Thursday, barely studied for the test I had Tuesday, and didn't come back to class after I'd finished it (yeah, the teacher thought we were going to come BACK to lecture AFTER a test? wtf???). Then of course I also had an ornithology take-home test of 21 essay questions due tomorrow, and wasn't really able to concentrate enough to do any of them until yesterday, because, hello, my puppy died :( I just half-assed them and am hoping for the best. Hopefully tomorrow's catching-birds field trip should help some with my mood and my inspiration for the class.
Also, hopefully I will get a letter tomorrow, goddammit!!!
Ugh. I think I'm actually going to go to bed early for once in my life. Maybe I'll get lucky and see the old Mindy romping through my dreams. Wish me luck. <3
Work has been difficult, though. Both Monday and today I moved very slowly all day and had trouble concentrating on more than one or two things at once, and kept forgetting things. And whenever anyone asked me to do something in anything less than the cheeriest tone possible I felt almost under attack, despite that never being the case. I found myself tearing up at random moments, but today was much better than Monday for that.
Luckily I haven't seen any dogs that look like Mindy yet -- there's one, a Lab mix named Molly, that looks about 90% like Mindy and I imagine when I see her again, it will be hard. But that probably won't happen for a while. And we didn't have to do any euthanasias this week, so that helps. But I was still pretty down all day and not like myself. I only really cheered up when Preston demanded I load myself onto a dolly so he could roll me down the hallway, because I felt like Hannibal Lector and it was goofy. :-P Other than that I was a pretty gray little Gina still, but at least without so many tears. Which is a relief... Saturday I got a little stye on my eyelid, which was irritating enough, but then with all the crying on Sunday and the irritation from the stye, my eyelid was three times its normal size :( It's finally getting back to normal, thank God.
No letters from vet school yet. Washington said they'd be sending them out last Friday. It's fucking Wednesday, bitches. Get the fuck with the program!!!!! Not that I'm antsy or anything... it just would've been nice to have SOMETHING good happen this week. :(
I'm finding it extremely difficult to care about my classes. I skipped nutrition last Thursday, barely studied for the test I had Tuesday, and didn't come back to class after I'd finished it (yeah, the teacher thought we were going to come BACK to lecture AFTER a test? wtf???). Then of course I also had an ornithology take-home test of 21 essay questions due tomorrow, and wasn't really able to concentrate enough to do any of them until yesterday, because, hello, my puppy died :( I just half-assed them and am hoping for the best. Hopefully tomorrow's catching-birds field trip should help some with my mood and my inspiration for the class.
Also, hopefully I will get a letter tomorrow, goddammit!!!
Ugh. I think I'm actually going to go to bed early for once in my life. Maybe I'll get lucky and see the old Mindy romping through my dreams. Wish me luck. <3
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