? ?
somebody crazy
01 December 2003 @ 02:39 pm
ROFLMAO, for everyone who was greatly alarmed by that last post, that was my dear friend mordororbust, otherwise known as the infamous Chelsea, who wrote and posted that madness. Don't worry, guys, I won't be busted for crack possession this time. ;)

In other news, we got the problem set back (already!), and I got 190/200. Not bad, eh? Oddly, though, I'm not nearly as elated as I feel I should be... ah, well, at least it's over, right?

...but there's always next term....
somebody crazy
25 November 2003 @ 12:47 pm
It is finished.

Even with the complete change to problem number 8's solution at, literally, the eleventh hour.

It's still finished.

Dr. J is a bastard. I simultaneously love him for the deceptive simplicity and ingenius impossibility of his problems, and simultaneously despise him and wish to crush him and rip him into little tiny pieces. Same goes for Professor Kirk. Damn them and their evil genius.

Sleep WILL be mine.
Mood (swing): exhaustedexhausted
Listening to: Random Matrix music
somebody crazy
25 November 2003 @ 01:18 am
We spent 11 consecutive hours on o-chem tonight.

I'm going to cry, and I mean it.
Mood (swing): draineddrained
Listening to: Wind
somebody crazy
23 November 2003 @ 07:20 pm

Just spent 8 consecutive hours in the library, working on the problem set.

I have never been this near to dead in my entire life.
Mood (swing): draineddrained
Listening to: My body screaming out in protest
somebody crazy
22 November 2003 @ 06:00 pm
Crunch time is fast approaching for o-chem.

We haven't hardly started our second problem, and the two classes are meeting tonight to 'present' on their answers. Ohboyohboyohboyohboy I don't like this, nope, not at all.

WHERE IS LAUREL?????????????
Mood (swing): stressedstressed
Listening to: My heart thumping in my chest
somebody crazy
20 November 2003 @ 11:30 pm
Got our scary organic chemistry problem set today; the one that's worth 200 points, as much as our final. Our two o-chem classes split into groups; each group got two problems. Our group -- Sara, Wendy, Laurel, Jack, and me -- well... Here was what one problem looked like, the one we tackled tonight.

Scary as heck o-chem pics!Collapse )

Well, am off to bed. Night!
Mood (swing): ecstaticecstatic
Listening to: "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch"