? ?
somebody crazy
20 September 2009 @ 09:02 pm
I have become a tourist in my hometown, though I am a strange reverse on the typical pattern: I know everything to see before I see it and marvel only at the familiar. The plants comfort me. Deep evergreens tower coolly above me, while rose and fern and rhododendron greet me on my level. Men in dark jeans and wire-framed glasses sip microbrews outside, their Labradors cozy beneath their long legs. Bicycles stand ten deep on some streets. Old women and young hipsters stand together waiting for the same bus. Familiar sights, and yet they feel so long ago. I sip tea and watch the rain fall in my parents' lush garden and yearn for life here.

Coming back to temporary 'home' I look down at brown mountain ranges nestled deep in the desert. Still humans insist on eking an existence here. The brown smog coats all: I think back to deep green and the bite of autumn in the air, and I ache.
Where are you?: Pomona, CA
Mood (swing): sadmissing Portland
somebody crazy
13 April 2009 @ 11:41 pm
I miss Oregon. I miss deep-green, not this yellow-tinged green in everything here. I miss steely skies and cold gray-blue ocean. I miss beaches that are public and not festooned with high-rises. I miss the clean smell, and I miss mountains that only disappear due to clouds, not smog.

I miss my friends, too. Portland/Willamette/online friends -- hardly any of them are online with any regularity anymore, and it's my only real means of keeping in touch, as phones take time and letters take more (and besides, those aren't such a good idea right now as my building's mailboxes have been broken into... argh). I don't really know what's going on with anyone these days besides a handful of online friends, and the pictures of Chris and Mary's baby. I know a few people still read here, but it doesn't seem like many. It's distressing that as my friendships at vet school are very slowly becoming less tenuous, my friendships with those back home are getting dusty. :(

I've just been in a foul mood today due to unexpected homesickness. I talk to my mom online/on the phone fairly regularly, so I'm doing okay with being away from my family. But being away from my sense of home and place is wearing on me.
Where are you?: Pomona, CA
Mood (swing): depresseddepressed
somebody crazy
22 December 2008 @ 08:38 am
It looks like our house is up to 14 inches or so accumulation. Let alone the drifts that look to be two to three feet in areas. It's also still snowing. Mom and I are planning a trek to the Safeway 10-15 blocks away... we'll see if we survive. The snow might be over the tops of my boots now so that could make for a very cold and wet journey. I wonder how you improvise snowshoes...
Where are you?: Portland, OR
Mood (swing): amusedamused
somebody crazy
13 January 2008 @ 10:30 pm
Today was extremely productive! I had to be at work at 7:30 AM to teach one of our new hires how to feed the boarders, and after we finished with that I was off to be a good Gina! I zoomed around in my parents' Jeep enjoying the massive amounts of fog that filled the air; I felt like a lone woman in a post-apocalyptic world, striking out on my own in an empty land. It was pretty awesome, actually. *g* I was also listening to Dave Matthews Band, "Live at Red Rocks" for the first time, and the first disc especially I think may be their most rocking concert CD I have (out of, like, 50). It was great fun singing along :-D And I went about 2 miles out of my way so that I could keep listening to it, cruising along in Sellwood and Milwaukie. The sun was finally starting to show through the fog, but it was a silvered, ominous disk rising from the clouds; it was just like the time that we passed through the B & B complex fires, except that smoke was black and the sun was blood red. Happy memories!

At last I headed back to Powell to good old Fireside Coffee Lodge and then studied for a good 3 hours. I read 2 chapters in my ornithology book, did the reading for this week in nutrition, and then set about making flashcards for my ornithology lab. We have to memorize about 250 Oregon bird species, which I had been expecting. Only I, being the nerd and arTISTE that I am, am doing color illustrations of every single bird we have to know. *g* Tiny ones, mind, on tiny flashcards. But still. I only got all the way through to Pelecaniformes today, about 20 birds or so, and it took me about an hour and a half. But they are adorable flashcards! I enjoy my mad bird cartooning skills. I also very much enjoy my burgeoning collection of field guides. They make me warm and fuzzy. Every time I go to Powell's? Gotta get a field guide. I'm a big dork that way.

At about 12:30 I finally finished my Pelagic Cormorant and packed up my stuff, then decided I wanted to drive around more and listen to my awesome CD. I meandered through Sellwood again, then wandered past Johnson Creek and then up into Bybee and Woodstock. In doing so I passed Westmoreland Park and, remembering that the ornithology lab TA had mentioned perhaps field tripping there, I immediately decided I was gonna do some birding right then and there. :-P I parked the car and got out. It was a gorgeous day today, sunny without being cold. And there were craploads of birds. I'd forgotten how we used to go there to feed the ducks. Consulting my handy dandy bird guide (and in some cases, just my common sense) I identified a few Ring-billed Gulls, a ton of Western Gulls, two or three Herring Gulls, a ton of Canada Geese and Mallard Ducks, a ton of American wigeons, some sneaky Eurasion Wigeons, a handful of American Coots, about 3 pairs of Buffleheads, and then there were a couple really wonky mallard mixes that freaked me out. Like, since when do you have a duck with a mallard bill, an iridescent green mallard head, and a beautiful reddish brown body with NO other colors at all? Freak ducks, man, they'll get ya. I couldn't identify any of the white/brown geese; I'm guessing domestic mixes.

One of them charged me and bit my shoe. I just looked at it. Oh geese.

When I got home I set about renovating my room/cleaning it. Things are now organized and hidden away and tossed if necessary and things look much neater and nicer. I attacked the massive amounts of mold in my carpet with a third a bottle of tea tree oil mixed with water and thought I was going to sear my eyeballs out of my brain, it was so powerful at first, lol. I forget how powerful that stuff really is. Hopefully that will destroy it. I have also made room for my TV, which is currently chilling in Richie's room but which I am going to steal back, along with a DVD player. w00t Buffy marathons in my own room! Hells yeah!

...sooooooo as you can tell I seem to be a bit manic today, lol. I hope I'm not ACTUALLY manic, 'cause, you know, that would suck ass. I think it's my new way of coping with Ben being gone. I tried being mopey last time, and you know, it wasn't much fun. Hyperefficiency and keeping a good mood seems to be my new tack this time around. We'll see how this goes.

The only thing that's really bugging me right now is that I appear to have developed allergies. I've been sneezing and had a runny, stuffy nose since last week. There's also been major congestion, itchy watery eyes, and BLAAARGH mucus. I am not generally all that mucusy a sick person until a cold reaches my nose, but here it started with mucus that drains down my nose into the back of my throat, and I still have that, nearly a week later. I'm also not coughing at all, except to clear my throat of blobs of mucus, and the rest of my body is utterly unaffected -- it's literally all in my head. So... yeah, I seem to be allergic to something now. WTF!

Well, I ought to hop in the shower so that I can get a good 7 hours of sleep for work tomorrow. I'm trying to eventually have 8 hours a night, but it's hard when this whole break I didn't go to bed earlier than 2. I think though that since I have to get up between 6:15 and 6:45 Monday-Thursday that it will be easier to change my sleep schedule than when I would have an early day at school one day and then not have to be at work until 2 the next. We'll see how it goes.

I wish Ben was here to snuggle me in my nice clean room. March 17, though, he'll be back. Our third anniversary. :) I think I can survive that. Rather -- I know I can.

Good day today. :)
Where are you?: Portland
Mood (swing): accomplishedaccomplished
Listening to: Third Eye Blind, "Company"
somebody crazy
14 October 2007 @ 08:29 pm
So today I decided to get all fancy-ass in the kitchen, and cook up a real meal :)

Tonight I made lemon-pepper tilapia, potatoes au gratin, and sauteed summer squash and zucchini. Shiny pictures!

NummyCollapse )

Definitely fun times. If anyone wants the potatoes recipe I can post it. The other two were just kinda throwing in random amounts of ingredients, hehe. Yay for cooking!
Where are you?: Portland
Mood (swing): accomplishedaccomplished
Listening to: The Avalanches
somebody crazy
06 June 2007 @ 08:06 pm
Thyroid test results for amount of thyroid stimulating hormone: 1.7. Even in the new narrower range of normal (which is 0.3 to 3.3, instead of 0.5 to 5.5) that is still completely and 100% in the normal range. Square in the middle. Totally normal.

Am I really this stressed and tired? I don't feel all that tired except after I work, and when I have these sleeping fits in class. I usually wake up in the morning feeling fairly refreshed, except when I get up at 6 for work. I do have a ton of stressors in my life, though, looking at the list I posted the other day... there's probably even a few more there that I just haven't thought of. But I don't feel stressed. Usually my stomach is the harbinger of bad news, stress-wise, but it's actually been better lately than it has for a couple of months, with only one or two lame episodes recently. Maybe my body decided to start processing stress differently and has given up on freaking out my stomach in favor of knocking me down sleep-wise?

I dunno. I'm pretty puzzled. I'm going to try and get 8 hours every night for the next couple days and see if I feel better in general. Classes end after next week's finals though so I won't have as much of an opportunity to test myself. Hrm.

Maybe I just need to take up a caffeine habit.
Where are you?: Portland
Mood (swing): confusedpuzzled
Listening to: My sneezing (which has increased these past few months)
somebody crazy
08 May 2007 @ 08:11 pm
I really cannot wait until I get a chance to move out.

I'm done living at home. I am. I missed it at college the first couple years. But now I'm back and I'm done. I want my own space, my own apartment, my own everything. I want to shop at Trader Joe's and not have crap like Fruity Pebbles and pop-tarts and every sort of junky sugary thing in my cupboards, because "ohhh, but the boys won't eat anything else" so it's there and if I see it, chances are I'm gonna eat it too because there's not anything else. I want to have my own living room to relax in, not one where everyone else is always at the TV first. I want to have a bathroom that doesn't mysteriously leak brown water from the ceiling all over the toilet seat. I really want to get the fuck away from my racist little asshole of a brother. Sample quote from dinner tonight, after it was mentioned that Bush's approval rating is continuing to sink after the mishandling of the Iraq war: "Fuck, we should just bomb the whole Middle-East and take all that land and shit. Who the fuck cares about Arabs? Fuckin' sand-coons." Me: "You're disgusting." Him: "What, that's what they are! They're all sand-niggers! No one gives two shits about an Arab. Why the fuck should we care?"

I really am not exaggerating that quote in the least. That is verbatim.

I really hope that Ben gets that internship with PSU... if he does, they'd give him an apartment. And if that's the case, then I really hope it's big enough for two. It'll make his leaving for school a helluva lot harder but it'd be three months of goddamn bliss to live with him, and not with the family who, living-together wise, I am thoroughly tired out on. I'll always love them. But I don't need to live with them anymore to know that.

If only I made more than $9 an hour. And more than $900 a month. :-/ And if only the handful of people I think I could live with and not destroy weren't already married or living with someone... :-/ I guess I could always try and just take out an ad for a roomie or something, but that sorta scares the crap out of me. Meh.
Where are you?: Portland
Mood (swing): nauseatednauseated
Listening to: Nothing
somebody crazy
31 January 2007 @ 10:12 am
1. Last night's episode of House SUCKED. SUCKED, SUCKED, SUCKED. Worst writing I've seen in a long time. What happened??? I'm scared for next week. :(

2. I dreamed that Jim Halpert asked me out after a long bus ride of flirting, joking, and being friendly. He was utterly adorable and I was like, "Should I tell him I have a boyfriend? ...nah," and we hugged and even got a kiss in at the office Christmas party. John Krasinski so freaking cute!
Where are you?: My bedroom
Mood (swing): amusedamused
Listening to: None
somebody crazy
17 December 2006 @ 05:43 pm
So I've been bored. And as happens when I am bored and have access to Photoshop, I make icons. :-P I think they've generally turned out pretty well, even though almost all of them were made off of screencaps I took from youTube clips. I improvise, what can I say. :-P

The first group is of music videos -- one from a Gorillaz vid, a couple from Radiohead's "Street Spirit," and two from "Rabbit in Your Headlights" by U.N.K.L.E./Thom Yorke (and oh damn is it depressing). The second group is of House icons, almost all of them from clips of the most recent episode, "Merry Little Christmas," and they are chock full of angsty wretched House goodness. XD

Comments are awesome, I don't care about credit as long as you don't say that you made them yourself.

Music video iconsCollapse )

House iconsCollapse )

Again, comments would be greatly appreciated :)
Tags: ,
Where are you?: The basement
Mood (swing): accomplishedaccomplished
Listening to: Kung Fu Fighting (for Stepmania)
somebody crazy
17 December 2006 @ 01:56 pm
House is so hot that it should be illegal. Because, well, guh. *molests icon* ...yes, I find hot fictional men in agonizing pain to be incredibly sexy, do you have a problem with that? :-P And House is not only hot and so angsty that he doesn't even realize how angsty he is, but he's also racked with unending physical pain every single day. Mmmmm, hot. I'd tap that.
Where are you?: My bedroom
Mood (swing): hornylustful
Listening to: Nothing right now