? ?
somebody crazy
01 November 2005 @ 12:33 am
- Zombiefication: ripped clothes, fake blood, dirt and dry leaf bits in hair, red raw peeling skin
- Christ Michael
- Having my boyfriend kiss me enough that the white paint on my nose rubs off on his
- Going "NNNNNNNNNGH" at two small costumed children passing by
- Eating copious amounts of brains
- Actually eating like two bites of a caramel and chocolate and toffee-dipped apple (baby steps!)
- Drinking most of a mug of Sara's apple cider (more baby steps!)
- Hanging out with friends
- Watching Buffy ("Halloween")
- Crocheting and finally getting to the third skein on my blanket (pretty blue against the green!)
- More brains
Mood (swing): thankfulthankful
Listening to: Cars driving by on the wet pavement outside
somebody crazy
31 October 2005 @ 03:40 pm
Tags: ,
Mood (swing): indescribablestill undead
Listening to: Radiohead, "Let Down"
somebody crazy
31 October 2005 @ 03:26 pm
While I was too lazy and unmotivated to make a new costume for this Halloween, I was certainly not too lazy and unmotivated to wear an old one. THE ZOMBIE RETURNS! I have pictures of me as I'm currently dressed, in addition to pictures of Jesus, the worst Antichrist ever, and Archaeopteryx draconis.

Sweet delicious brains??? Or perhaps photos.Collapse )

Possibly more later, mehehehe, we shall see. Nnnnngh.
Mood (swing): predatoryi'm a zombie, bitches
Listening to: Radiohead, "Climbing Up the Walls"
somebody crazy
31 October 2005 @ 11:21 am




Mood (swing): exanimateundead
Listening to: braaaaaaaains