The LOINC Committee is comprised of the members of its composite committees:
Click on each named committee below for more information and to view its respective members.
The purpose of the LOINC Committee is to serve as an advisory body to the Regenstrief Institute in its development and distribution of LOINC by establishing overall naming conventions and policies for the development process. Members of the LOINC Committee also serve as subject matter experts in their domains of expertise.
- Have a direct and material interest in LOINC (i.e. you are a LOINC user)
- Are willing to participate actively
- Have demonstrated commitment to LOINC as indicated by prior attendance (in-person or virtual) of at least 3 prior meetings, and either making substantive contributions to the discussion OR submitting more than one term requests in the past three years
- Have signed the current LOINC Committee Letter of Agreement
A person meeting the qualifications can apply for membership regardless of whether they work for or own a company with employees. Individual members cannot delegate their privileges or voting rights or name proxies.
Organizations wishing to join the LOINC Committee must meet the general qualifications for membership. The attendance prerequisite need not be fulfilled by the same individual.
Member Organizations must indicate primary and up to 2 proxy representatives for each composite LOINC committee that they wish to participate in. At its discretion, the organization may appoint different representatives for each composite LOINC committee.
In addition to the general qualifications for membership, organizations must indicate whether they have a Parent/Subsidiary with any current member organizations. Where two or more Member Organizations have Parent/Subsidiary relationships with one another, they will be allowed only one voting representative collectively for each composite Committee on which one or more of the Member Organizations is represented.
If a primary or proxy representative for a Member Organization changes employers, the Member Organization must designate new primary (and, optionally, proxy) representatives to take their place.
Each designated primary or proxy representative must sign the current LOINC Committee Letter of Agreement before participating on the LOINC Committee.
Standards Development Organization
Organizations that develop consensus-based health data standards can apply to join the LOINC Committee under the same terms and qualifications for membership as other Member Organizations.
In addition to the general terms for Member Organizations, the Standards Development Organization Member has the following additional responsibilities:
- Develop standards complementary to LOINC
- Endorse LOINC and promote its uptake and use
- (Optional) Plan and organize joint events
- (Optional) Undertake joint projects
International Affiliate
Government agencies, ministries of health, and other organizations with significant influence on the eHealth activities in a particular jurisdiction can apply to become an International Affiliate Member.
Organizations joining as International Affiliates can meet the prior attendance after participating in one LOINC Committee meeting.
International Affiliate Members serve the LOINC Community through several additional responsibilities, including:
- Promote LOINC adoption within their jurisdiction, in accordance with established licensing and other policies
- Engage other relevant organizations within the area (government agencies, provider groups, professional societies, etc.)
- Recruit experts to participate in special topics workgroups, etc.
- Serve as Liaison to Regenstrief and the LOINC Committee for communicating regional activities and needs
- (Optional) Plan and organize regional events
- (Optional) Provide LOINC-related education training
- (Optional) Curate the official LOINC subset for use within the jurisdiction
- (Optional) Coordinate and sponsor translation of LOINC content
- (Optional) Coordinate submission requests from users within the jurisdiction
- (Optional) Maintain portal presence on LOINC website
- (Optional) Develop implementation tools and resources relevant to their jurisdiction
International Affiliate Members must indicate primary and up to 2 proxy representatives for each composite LOINC committee they wish to participate in. At its discretion, the International Affiliate Member may appoint different individuals to represent its organization at each composite LOINC committee.
Typically, there would be one International Affiliate Member for a given jurisdiction. Exceptions to this would be decided by Regenstrief.
If a primary or proxy representative for an International Affiliate organization changes employers, the International Affiliate must designate new primary (and, optionally, proxy) representatives to take their place.
Each designated primary or proxy representative must sign the current LOINC Committee Letter of Agreement before participating on the LOINC Committee.
Responsibilities of the Co-Chair include:
- Serve as chair of one or more composite LOINC Committees
- Assist the Chair in coordinating the activities of all composite LOINC Committees to fulfill
the mission of the LOINC Committee
Officer Selection
Appointment of the Chair and Co-chair roles of the overall LOINC Committee are made by the designated authority at the Regenstrief Institute.
The Secretariat will announce a call for nominations for the Offices to the Committee membership. Nominees shall be drawn from active Committee members at the time of the announcement. If appropriate candidates are not available within the active membership, the pool of candidate nominees may be expanded.
Officer Terms
The Chair and Co-Chair serve renewable three-year terms that end in different years. Active officers must be Members of the LOINC Committee.
The Regenstrief Institute serves as the Secretariat for the LOINC Committee. The Secretariat may be contacted via the LOINC website or at [email protected].
Ex officio
Members of the Regenstrief LOINC Content Development team are members of the LOINC Committee ex officio without voting privileges.
The Director of LOINC and Health Data Standards at Regenstrief is also a member of the LOINC Committee ex officio with voting privileges.
Emeritus status
At its discretion, Regenstrief can bestow emeritus status to individuals on the LOINC Committee. This distinction is intended to allow LOINC to benefit from the advice, wisdom, and experience of the recognized individual. Such an individual could be identified as “{leadership position} Emeritus” or “Member Emeritus”. Emeritus members are encouraged to continue their participation and leadership, albeit as a non-voting member, unless designated otherwise. Participation by non-voting members emeritus shall not count towards quorum. Positions emeritus are held in perpetuity.