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Loew's Miserables

the community for masochistic nationalmannschaft supporters.

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Journal created:
on 28 August 2009 (#21802028)
on 15 August 2015
Posting Access:
All Members

The eagle on the chest, three gold stars above the crest and the black and white kit of the long-gone empire under which they were founded:

Since August 2006, when former assistant coach Joachim Löw took over the post as Bundestrainer from the famed Jürgen Klinsmann, the Mannschaft has been on a roller-coaster ride that saw glamorous victories (Czech Republic 07) and infernal drubbings (Croatia 08) alike. With the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa not even a year away, they seem to be struggling to find back to their once hailed prowess and stability. But we can't help it - whatever this team and their impeccably dressed manager do:

We love them.

We hate them.

We want them gone.

We want them back.

We can't figure out why some of them made the squad in the first place.

We criticize them.

We hope, fight and cry with them.

And we shamelessly fangirl them, too.

They are, after all, our Mannschaft.

This community was founded solely to give all the fans of this great team a place to come together and be what we are: the supporters of one of the most prestigious and respected national selections on earth. This is our spot to vent our anger, discuss our questions and share our happiness.

You love Silesian strikers who celebrate their big goals with a somersault? You loathe your cranky, ageing, ever-injured captain but feel strangely attracted to him? You crave that lunatic couple of teens who became your 2006-summer love and wish they'd never grow up? You couldn't stand the idea of entering an international tournament without a bearded chief-of-defence who will see more on-pitch action in six weeks than over the course of an entire year? You hope for anyone to be good enough to replace King Kahn and Crazy Jens as long as they're not perma-tanned buffoons?

Join us. You'll feel right at home.


1. The Golden Rule will forever remain number one. This means be polite, respectful, treat everyone how you would like to be treated. We're all grown adults here, use good judgment!

2. Stay on topic, meaning let's try to stay nationalmannschaft-related.

However, old mannschafters and those affiliated with becoming mannschafters soon-ish are very acceptable topics.

3. Use good judgment.

4. Use good judgment.

5. If you cannot put up with the German National Team, whatever are you doing in this community?

6. No Weise bashing! Wiese bashing, on the other hand, is always appreciated. (That's our way to hold them all to spelling the German names properly).

7. Bring your sense of humor:

Thank you for the example n720!

8. All fanworks (fanfiction, icons, fanvideos, fanart, etc). must be submitted in that week's submission post -- so check the tags for the latest one)!

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