July 15th, 2007
| 02:58 am - NEW ORLEANS PEEPS - PLEASE LISTEN!! If you are from New Orleans, or lived there pre-K care about the city regardless, or whatever, PLEASE LISTEN to this latest radio show I did.... This is VERY important information to understand!
*Short attention span types need not apply.*
If you even begin to understand this kind of info and want more, hit my site for all my radio archives and more info... http://www.guymonadams.com -- in the "MEDIA" section you will find the radio show I've been working on as an "ex-patriot" out here in Austin. The podcast seems to be getting a lot of hits, but I'm not hearing much response from people in NOLA specifically, which distirbs me deeply. :/
The associated site for the show's general theme is http://www.katrinatruth.com - a work in progress, BUT HAS A FORUM where I would LOVE to hear your Katrina related stories!!
Thanks for being conscious. ;) -- Guymon Adams Current Location: Austin, TX Current Mood: sad Current Music: "The End of the World" by Cold
July 7th, 2007
| 02:37 am - TUNE IN YOU PUSSIES!!! Tune in tomorrow on REVERE RADIO,net at 6pm CST for an important installment of The Dead City Chronicles!! YES - this is about New Orleans and Katrina and elements thereof that you may have not even thought of.... If you miss it you suck, but I suppose you can hit the archives on my site or get the podcast a little later..... ;)
Thanks for listening! -- Guymon
( Click to view the simple banner that isn't cool enough to not have an LJ cut tag....Collapse ) Current Mood: aggravated
June 9th, 2007
| 12:12 pm - TONIGHT at 6PM CST -- REVERE RADIO!! Got a brand new episode of the Dead City Chronicles for you tonight!
REAL environmentalism is being USED and CO-OPTED to further a much broader global agenda of socio-economic control! It has NOTHING to do with your concerns about the environment, but EVERYTHING to do with TYRANNY!
"Think globally, act locally?!" -- This week's episode brings the broad, sweeping concept of so-called "sustainable development" down to your back yard, and takes a brief look at who is really behind the United Nations' Agenda 21.. and this is still just the tip of the (supposedly melting) iceberg....
Click here for archives and Podcast information!
Thanks for tuning in, and STAY INTACT!
June 5th, 2007
| 08:40 pm - BOYCOTT PetWorks Petstore in Grossmont Shopping Center/La Mesa in San Diego, CA
PetWorks PetStore located in Grossmont Center/La Mesa in San Diego, CA sells sick, unhealthy puppies to unsuspecting customers and doesn't stand behind their warranty if you should have problems. This is not a chain store, but an individually owned and operated pet store whose owner is Richard Fuller, of Richard Fuller Inc. d.b.a. PetWorks. If I can prevent one person or family from going through what I went through, then this blog will have been worth it! We all hear the horror stories about pet stores, puppy mills and how it's best to go through a reputable breeder or adopt from the humane society right? But we all see those cute, adorable puppies in the window and think..."it could never happen to me?" But if you look up Petworks on Yahoo Reviews, Google Blogs or My Space or even the Better Business Bureau of San Diego, like I should have done first, then you will see the numerous stories of families devastated by PetWorks' ruthless and unscrupulous practice of selling sick, defective and unhealthy puppies to people. So here's my story to add to the list of people victimized by this heartless pet store PetWorks in the Grossmont Shopping Center of La Mesa/San Diego:
I went in on 01/02/07 and fell in love with a 3 month old Golden Retriever and was wanting a puppy in my life to train as a service dog. I am a disabled, U.S. Navy veteran and wanted a canine companion. I had been to the store before and seen the smiling faces and joy of all the people looking at puppies. People buying them impulsively like we tend to do. I ,also, had a store credit from earlier in the year when I almost bought a Westie from them and changed my mind because when I got home I realized I truly couldn't afford the purchse price for the Westie. So they seemed to understand and gave me a year to use this credit at their store, but no refund. I was impressed and thought it was very nice of them to do that for me. Well, I should have used my store credit to buy pet supplies and donate them to the animal shelter as good karma, but No! I saw this 3 month old golden retriever puppy, had saved up my money this time, and yep, I went for it. The puppy was so sweet and smart. I came back 3 days after I had paid for the pup in full earlier on Tuesday,01/02/07, to bring the puppy home on that Friday, 01/05/07, over weekend so we could have time to bond. When I got to the store, a store employee told me "I have some bad news...the puppy has contracted kennel cough (a highly contagious illness btw) and can't go home yet." That was Friday, 01/05/07, and I was finally able to bring the golden retriever puppy home on 01/30/07 after the puppy had finished all the antibiotics. I had the puppy home for less than 24 hours when I noticed the puppy had severe dry skin, couldn't stop chewing and scratching, and was obviously very uncomfortable. The veterinarian diagnosed the puppy's skin problem as Primary Seborrhea which is a hereditary defect. They only gave me a 50% refund minus $80 for some trumped up kenneling fees took the puppy back and resold it. I tried to get all my money back in small claims court. But I lost! I had signed two addendum forms after the original contract so the judge had to decide in their favor. He did say that he was definitely convinced they intended to sell me a sick dog, that the kennel fees was in his opinion "chinsy" and that if it were his business he would have given me all my money back with an apology. Not only did they refuse to honor their 1 year warranty, but the two addendum forms they had me sign voided their warranty....pretty sneaky huh? So I am out $540, still have no service dog and they took the dog back and resold it! I hope to prevent anyone else from going thru what I did. This place needs to be shutdown and put out of business!
Oh and the BBB which they belong too wasn't much help either in resolving this either. Petworks uses BBB logo as just a ploy. PetWorks belongs to the BBB and is using them, in my opinion, to appear to be a reputable business. If you do your research like I did not do first, then you will see that this is a very sad, but true story similiar to other people who have bought pets from PetWorks. Current Mood: depressed
February 14th, 2007

January 27th, 2007
| 03:00 am - If you're not out tomorrow... ... Then you are totally fired. You fell asleep at the wheel while your country and all of our rights and freedoms ran off the side of the road!
There is a NATION WIDE protest happening tomorrow (Saturday January 27th) ALL OVER THE COUNTRY! I know you are ALL pissed off at this administration for one reason or the other, despite us bickering over the details! Here's your chance to be a part of something huge! NO MORE EXCUSES! NO MORE "I understand, but what now?" defeatism!!
What else are you doing on a Saturday? Buying trinkets at the mall? Watching more TV? Playing video games?
Call in sick to work! Tell your grandma you'll have to have lunch with her next week. JUST STEP UP!! We'll ALL be right there behind you!!
This is NOT a drill! Hope to see you out there!!.... otherwise, go back to sleep -- goodnight and good luck. Current Location: Austin, TX Current Mood: Activated! Current Music: Bulls on Parade -- Rage Against the Machine
December 12th, 2006
 | 03:11 pm - Going Downs at Lively Technical Center Here is a summary:
Lively Technical Center's principle is possibly trying to get teachers to quit. The reason for this being to cause Lively to go under and close so that it can be sold to Tallahassee Community College for mucho bucks. T.C.C. has made it aware that they would buy Lively land and buildings if it ever became available.
More fuel to the fire is that T.C.C. wants all control of work force programs in Tallahassee. This gives no other schools in Tallahassee the opportunity or survivability. T.C.C. is not a technical school and would not be consistent as far as enrollment, financial aid or other technical school attributes.
Today my Commercial Arts teacher received an email stating that she will no longer be able to receive a supplement for the school year. This supplement kept the room supplied with various things as well as went towards paying for things for students and covered repairs of faulty printing equipment. When our teacher first began working here, she was told she would always have this supplement and now she will not. I do not, as of yet, have the details of her contract. However, I do have a copy of the letter sent out to her and other teachers.
"Lively Technical Center Industrial Education Teacher Supplement 2006-2007 Expectancy Agreement
In my position as an Industrial Education Teacher, I will perform the duties listed below outside of my normal work hours and in addition to my regular teaching expectancies. I understand that routine safety concerns and organization of my work area are considered a part of my regular assignment. The supplement that I will receive will be based on the 2006/07 supplement for Industrial Education teachers at Lively Technical Center agreed upon by the LCTA and the Leon County School Board. I understand I am responsible for two or more of the following expectancies which must be mutually agreed upon by me and the Lively Technical Center principal/designee as noted by signatures below.
Please Check all that apply.
- In addition to a normal classroom area, maintain and manage a program shop are with over 2,800 square feet. A log must be kept with dates, times and tasks associated with the shop maintenance.
- Manage and run a public business through my program. End of year profit and loss statement must be submitted.
- Maintain program equipment (excluding networked computers and printers). A log must be kept with dates, times and tasks associated with the machinery maintenance.
- Manage a stand alone facility. A log must be kept with date, times and activities associated with the facility management.
'teacher signature, date, and program title lines below'"
To sum it up, some teachers are receiving a pay cut due to this. It is mid quarter and weeks from Christmas. We are all pissed. Not just students, but teachers as well. We as students plan to write letters to the school board, local newspapers and televisions, select lawyers, Governor, and other schools in the area.
Is there anything you can suggest or help us with? Although we do not expect action to be taken against the Lively Administration, we do want the word to get out about the greed behind the education system here and their blatant disregard for students and instructors.
November 8th, 2006
 | 02:38 pm - It's about bloody time! Cross-posted from my journal
I gots one thing to say, and I've been waiting two years to say it:
The Democrats have retaken the House and gained a lot of Senate seats. In one day, we told the Bush Administration what to do with the war, with gas prices, with screwing personal freedoms out the window in the name of terrorism, and with handling the immigration problem. We voted and let Bush know we were not happy with the way he and his administration were running things.
And now, as I said two years ago, we got a lot of work to do.
( The rundownCollapse ) Current Location: library Current Music: Terence Trent D'Arby - Wishing Well
October 24th, 2006
 | 07:43 pm - earth i was listening to npr... and they were talking about a company who is buying land in hopes that the melting of the icecaps will open up a northwest passage.
then i realized that my whole outlook on global warming was wrong up to this point. i was always fearful that the icecaps would melt one day. i thought we could prevent it. but now, i realize that it will happen, and that the world wants it to happen, and furthermore, that we need to prepare for it.
grim... yes... but... i suppose i should just consider myself lucky that i once got to experience nature when i was a kid. in all reality... most people ive met, many of my friends even, dont know anything more about nature other then what they see on TV.
its like that moment when you suddenly realize that your first love was just a childish pipe dream.
oh well... its funny though... i still have high hopes for world peace.
October 20th, 2006
 | 12:15 pm - The Green Party has a viable candidate after all! I supported Ralph Nader in the 2000 presidential elections because I was not impressed by what was offered by the other parties.
Though Nader and those who voted for him were accused as "spoilers" who threw the election to George W. Bush, I don't regret my vote. I would have voted for Nader again if he were on the Illinois ballot in 2004 and if I was certain that my write-in vote would have been counted, as well as votes for the other offices. ( There is hope, but you gotta work to make it happen.Collapse ) Current Location: home Current Mood: hopeful Current Music: Green Day - Holiday