We, lasamy, nyaubaby, janie_tangerine and I, emonet25 founded this community to share pictures and art and what not with each other. The topic is and will always be - male hotties... originally we were only thinking about hotties over 40 but soon realized that some of our favorites haven't even reached that age yet!
We admit it that we are weak for those men, we lust for them and we drool over them. Sometimes we dream of them, most of the time we just stare at pictures of them and daydream away...
If you think that this community might be interesting to you, feel free to join us! If you do join us, please comment to this post, telling us who you are and what hotties you lust for. That's all! If you feel uncomfortable with heavy fangirl posts and dirty language, you might wanna pass and look for a different community.
gave you writing rights so go on and share your thoughts ;) John is not 40 indeed, but hell the boys we are lust have to be here anyway, so we voted him in =D He he honoured member!
hey Maggie, cool to see you here! I know John is technically not part of that group and we realized that many other hotties on our list aren't either. So yeah, that shouldn't keep you from making a post about John :P
Hey girls!!! What a totally cool idea! Just wanted to add my two cents... Johnny Depp, Jon Bon Jovi most of those already mentioned who are honorable members.
I'm so joining this community! I have a really dirty and pervy mind, so I think I'll fit right in. ;-) Some of my lust objects are Ewan McGregor, Edward Norton, Ralph Fiennes, Johnny Depp, etc. the list goes on and on really. Oh and I have the hugest crush on Jensen Ackles. I know he's nowhere near 40 yet, but damn, he's hot!
I'm very excited to see this community, and also that someone besides me thinks that Viggo Mortenson and Colin Firth are very sexy! No one ever listens to me when I say that.
Viggo Mortensen! I just yesterday watched LOTR "Return of the King" and he is just soo sexy as Aragorn... And Colin Firth! I love him! I remember him best in "Love Actually"... ♥ Welcome to the community! Feel free to make a picture spam of your favorite hottie :P
=D I think one of us will do a picture post on him sooner or later. (on both actually :P) And posting pictures is not all that hard. You just have to upload them at a free hosting site and then past the code in your post :)
Hi! *waves* I'm interested in joining this community and my favorite hottie is Matthew Fox. Hmmm...kind of obvious, huh? ;) I also like Denzel Washington, Clive Owen (not sure if he is over 40 or not :/)and many other "mature" actors. :) And I have no problem with fangirly posts or dirty language. :) Hope I get accepted into the community. Cheers!
That community seems to be amazing! So about me: Silvia, Austrian, 18 and people thinks I am weird when I tell them that I love such "oldies" like Anthony Hopkins, Dustin Hoffman or Sean Connery ^.^ (btw: Anthony and Dustin are not in your list? And what about Kevin Spacey?) And when I take a look at the interests of the community, I feel like home because there are so many great actors I love *squee* Johnny! Hugh! Bruce! Al! ... on and on and on... ♥
i think it's great that someone is joining this group! seems like a liiiitle inactive these days although i might have to make a post about eric dane. ok, not yet 40 but.... almost? ;) well hot anyway! so welcome!!
(Anonymous) on May 1st, 2008 10:08 pm (UTC) JOSH BROLIN...OH YEAH!!!
JOSH BROLIN!!!! Okay so he has just tured 40 but technically he is over 40 now and he is the most delicious looking man on the planet. Plenty of dreaming about and fantasising alright. He makes me weak, I would follow him around in a constant state of how darn handsome he is...
Love to join. I love the traditional hotties: Christian Bale, Jensen Ackles, Ewan. Also like the lesser knowns like David Anders, Gary Oldham. Hot men, not picky.