Papers by Vitaliy Brusak (Віталій Брусак)
Studi Francesi
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 13 janvier 2021. Studi Francesi è distribuita con Lic... more Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 13 janvier 2021. Studi Francesi è distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale.
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography
Presented methodological and methodical approaches to creation of geoparks – a new category of co... more Presented methodological and methodical approaches to creation of geoparks – a new category of conservation and sustainable use geoheritage. Grounded potential geopark’s network in Ukraine on the basis of existing protected areas with rich geoheritage. The scheme of structural and territorial organization designed to geoparks in western Ukraine as an example Carpathians region and Podillia. Grounded main designing and organizational aspects of the category geopark national system of protected areas in Ukraine. Key words: geopark, geoheritage, geopark’s network in Ukraine.
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography
Based on approaches to the European program of econet (ЕECONET) the territorial model was created... more Based on approaches to the European program of econet (ЕECONET) the territorial model was created and core areas of Ukrainian-Poland section of Transcarpathians ecological network were described. The characteristic of 23 core areas into mountains part of Ukrainian and Poland Carpathian include their spatial localization and also abiotic, biotic and nature preserving features. Key words: Transcarpathians ecological network, core areas, nature protected sites, Ukrainian Carpathians, Polish Carpathians.
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography
The possibilities of forming new international category of geoheritage preserving – geopark in To... more The possibilities of forming new international category of geoheritage preserving – geopark in Tovtry region has been discussed. The geology-geomorphologic structure of Podillian Tovtry has been described and the inventory of valuable geology-geomorphologic objects – the base of preplanned geopark creation, has been proposed. The list of geotouristic objects and the perspectives for development of educational forms of tourism in the Tovtry has been analyzed. Key words: geology-geomorphologic objects, geoheritage, geopark, Global Geoparks Network, European Geoparks Network, fossil reef, Podillian Tovtry.

Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography
Tovtry is a complex of fossil reef Miocene buildings that creates one of the most picturesque sce... more Tovtry is a complex of fossil reef Miocene buildings that creates one of the most picturesque scenery of the surrounding plains of Podillya region. Tovtry zone consists of main ridge (the late Baden barrier reef), isolated Tovtry hills (the late Baden bioherms, located east of the ridge), isolated tovtry (the early Sarmat bioherms, located west of the main ridge), the territories of the former channels, lagoons and passes between certain reef masses, the part of which is occupied with the modern rivers. These geological and geomorphological elements are the basis of the definition of Podillian Tovtry landscapes areas, and their combination is the basis of the individual landscapes. The great contribution to the study of Tovtry landscapes was made by K. Herenchuk (1949, 1979, 1980), who identified the main types of localities and individual landscapes. In addition to his distinguished achievements, the researches done by M. Chyzhov (1963), T. Kovalyshyn and I. Kaplun (1998), P. Shtoy...
Функціональне зонування національних природних та регіональних ландшафтних парків Карпатського регіону: сучасний стан, методи і методологія реалізації, 2013
The current condition of functional zonning of Carpathian region national nature parks and region... more The current condition of functional zonning of Carpathian region national nature parks and regional landscape parks has been analized. The methods and methodology of national parks functional and operating zonning based on ecologic and landscapes ground has been developed. The main object of nature preserving valuation according to the functional zonning are the nature complexes, the smallest administrative unite are the forestry shares. The proposional methods and methodology of functional and operating zonning were tested on national park “Guculshchyna” and Yavorivskiy nature park exampels.

Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology, 2017
In the article author characterized the morphostructures of the mountainous part basin river Byst... more In the article author characterized the morphostructures of the mountainous part basin river Bystrica Nadvirnianska which are located in the north-eastern slopes of the Ukrainian Carpathians. For the first time, it was presented a large-scale map of the morphostructures of the river basin which was created by the means of GIS, also it was made data base of a tectonic and geological structure, morphological and morphometric characteristics of the relief. The studies confirmed the validity of existing medium-scale schemes of morphostructures in the region and significantly refined the boundaries of morphostructures of different orders, using the means of GIS. In the territory of research identified 2 morphostructures of the first order: Skybovi and Vododilno-Verkhovynski Carpathians, which are confined to areas of major tectonic zones – Skybova cover and area of Krosno. In their boundaries allocated 7 morphostructures of the second order, confined to smaller tectonic units. In Skybova...

Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography. Вісник Львівського університету. Серія географічна., 2013
Presented methodological and methodical approaches to creation of geoparks – a new category of co... more Presented methodological and methodical approaches to creation of geoparks – a new category of conservation and sustainable use geoheritage. Grounded potential geopark’s network in Ukraine on the basis of existing protected areas with rich geoheritage. The scheme of structural and territorial organization designed to geoparks in western Ukraine as an example Carpathians region and Podillia. Grounded main designing and organizational aspects of the category geopark national system of protected areas in Ukraine. Подано методологічні та методичні підходи до формування геопарків – нової категорії збереження та сталого використання геоспадщини. Обґрунто-вано мережу потенційних геопарків в Україні на базі існуючих природоохо-ронних територій з багатою геоспадщиною. Репрезентовану схему структурної і територіальної організації для проектованих геопарків на заході України на прикладі Карпатського регіону та Поділля. Обґрунтовано головні проекту-вально-організаційні аспекти впровадження кате...
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography. Вісник Львівського університету. Серія географічна., 2014
The current condition and perspectives of Ukrainian Carpathian the nature reserve fund developmen... more The current condition and perspectives of Ukrainian Carpathian the nature reserve fund development as a base of region ecological network forming has been reviewed. The main principals of the econetwork design, structure and the way of implementation has been described. Розглянуто сучасний стан і перспективи розвитку природно-заповідного фонду Українських Карпат як основи формування екологічної мережі регіону. Наведено основні принципи проекту- вання екомережі, її структуру та заходи впровадження.
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, May 20, 2014
Розглянуто сучасний стан і перспективи розвитку природно-заповідного фонду Українських Карпат як ... more Розглянуто сучасний стан і перспективи розвитку природно-заповідного фонду Українських Карпат як основи формування екологічної мережі регіону. Наведено основні принципи проектування екомережі, її структуру та заходи впровадження. Ключові слова: природно-заповідний фонд, екологічна мережа, Українські Карпати.
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, Sep 17, 2013
The current condition of functional zoning of Carpathian region national nature parks and regiona... more The current condition of functional zoning of Carpathian region national nature parks and regional landscape parks has been analyzed. The methods and methodology of national parks functional and operating zoning based on ecologic and landscapes ground has been developed. The main objects of nature preserving valuation according to the functional zoning are the nature complexes, the smallest administrative unite are the forestry shares. The proposional methods and methodology of functional and operating zoning were tested on national park “Guculshchyna” and Yavorivskiy nature park exampels. Key words: national nature park, regional landscape park, functional zoning, operating zoning, Carpathian region.
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography
The current condition of functional zoning of Carpathian region national nature parks and regiona... more The current condition of functional zoning of Carpathian region national nature parks and regional landscape parks has been analyzed. The methods and methodology of national parks functional and operating zoning based on ecologic and landscapes ground has been developed. The main objects of nature preserving valuation according to the functional zoning are the nature complexes, the smallest administrative unite are the forestry shares. The proposional methods and methodology of functional and operating zoning were tested on national park “Guculshchyna” and Yavorivskiy nature park exampels. Key words: national nature park, regional landscape park, functional zoning, operating zoning, Carpathian region.

Several methods of studying the impact of recreational load on the landscape complexes are analyz... more Several methods of studying the impact of recreational load on the landscape complexes are analyzed. It is shown that the main indicator of the recreational load is the condition of soil and vegetation. The condition and reaction to external influences serve as diagnostic signs of stages of recreational digression. There are five stages of recreational digression, in which various researchers (Kazanskaya et al., 1977; Rysin, 1983; Marfenina et al., 1987; Gensiruk et al., 1987; Prędki, 1999, Shlapak, 2003; Methodical recommendations…, 2003; Rysin L. & Rysin S., 2008) suggest using the following indicators of the state of natural complexes: 1) quantitative and qualitative changes in vegetation in meadows or the presence / absence of forest litter in forest complexes, 2) soil compaction, 3) the width of the trail, the presence of additional or parallel trails, 4) the growth of erosion processes and the microrelief of the trail. For the IV and V stages of recreational digression, it is ...

In the stydy an analysis of the geological structure and relief of Uzhansky, “Skolivsky Beskydy”,... more In the stydy an analysis of the geological structure and relief of Uzhansky, “Skolivsky Beskydy”, and “Boykivshchyna” national natural parks (NNP), located in the north-western part of the Ukrainian Carpathians, is presented. Uzhansky NNP is located within the Polonynsko-Chornohirska and Vododilno-Verkhovyna geomorphological regions, “Skolivski Beskydy” NNP is situated in the Skibovy Carpathians, and the newly created “Boykivshchyna” NNP is located within the Vododilno-Verkhovyna and Skybovi Carpathians. The analysis of the morphostructure and morphosculpture of national parks is carried out taking into account the longitudinal (N-W–S-E) and transverse divisions of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The longitudinal division is associated with higher morphostructures of higher orders – the second and third, with the transverse is associated with the fourth and fifth morphostructures. In the analysis of morphosculpture of national parks, the types which are characteristic of the Carpathian F...

Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography
Tovtry is a complex of Miocene fossils reef buildups that rise in a scenic ridge and hills above ... more Tovtry is a complex of Miocene fossils reef buildups that rise in a scenic ridge and hills above the surrounding plains of Podillya region. The Tovtry zone consists of main ridge (the late Baden barrier reef), isolated Tovtry hills (the late Baden bioherms, located east of the ridge), isolated tovtry (the early Sarmat bioherms, located west of the main ridge), the territories of the former channels, lagoons and passes between hills, where the modern rivers flows. The correlation and form of relief of Tovtry zone elements are the basis of detailed geomorphologic zoning. Within geomorphological area of Podillian Tovtry distinguish three subdistricts – Zbarazh, Medobory and Kamenec-Podolsky regions. The Zbarazhky Tovtry is stretching from Pidkamin village (Lviv region) to the valley of Gnizna river and includes Mylnivskyy, Zbarazhsky and Lub’yanetskyy hills of Tovtry. Within Podillian Tovtry are 85 objects of nature reserve fund (NRF), dominated by the number of botanical (20) and geol...

The relief and geological structure of Carpathian Biosphere Reserve represent the features of the... more The relief and geological structure of Carpathian Biosphere Reserve represent the features of the geological and geomorphological structure of the four geomorphological regions of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The block mid-mountains of the Polonynsko-Chornohirsky Carpathians (Chornohora, Svydovets, and Uholsko-Shyrokoluzhansky massifs) and the folded mid-mountains of Marmarosy crystal massif (Marmarosy and Kuziy-Trybushansky massifs) are well protected within the reserve. The analysis of the morphostructure and morphosculpture of the reserve is carried out taking into account the longitudinal (NW–SE) and transverse divisions of the Ukrainian The analysis of the morphostructure and morphosculpture of the reserve is carried out taking into account the longitudinal (NW–SE) and transverse divisions of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The longitudinal division is associated with morphostructures of higher orders, such as second and third. The transverse division is associated with the fourth and...
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography
The list of non-living nature geological, geomorphological, hydrological monuments of Halych Nati... more The list of non-living nature geological, geomorphological, hydrological monuments of Halych National Park in Halych-Dniester region is submitted in this article and its current state of protection is characterized. The opportunities of application of non-living nature monuments in recreation and tourism activities of Halych National Park are analyzed. The network of one-day and multi-day geotouristic trails are developed. The perspectives of creation of National geopark “Halych-Dniester region” are regarded. Key words: monuments of non-living nature, geological, geomorphological and hydrological monuments of nature, geotouristic trails, National geopark, Halych-Dniester region, Halych National Park.
Papers by Vitaliy Brusak (Віталій Брусак)