Papers by Elisabete Arsenio

Applied sciences, Mar 13, 2023
Shared e-scooters were introduced in urban public spaces as a way to promote a modal shift from c... more Shared e-scooters were introduced in urban public spaces as a way to promote a modal shift from cars in short-distance trips, as well as to improve sustainability, resilience, and equity in urban transport. However, the expansion of shared e-scooter services in 2019 proved that this mode of transport, without integrated planning strategies, can bring some problems to cities, which are related to the illegal parking of e-scooters, an increase in head injuries, and the lack of population diversity among users. Regarding the latest, this research work aims at conducting a case study in the city of Braga, Portugal to reveal who the actual and potential users of shared e-scooters are and how their socioeconomic profile (e.g., gender, age, income range, literacy, occupation) and usage patterns related to the ones found in other cities. For this, a revealed preference survey was deployed on the case study site, and the respondents' profiles were statistically correlated with the socioeconomic characteristics of the city's general population in order to assess if this mode of transport provides an equitable service. Results show that shared e-scooters are not equally used by people of different genders, ages, and income ranges. Information on e-scooter usage inequalities across the population is useful for the city to proceed with more socially equitable mobility policies.

Greater cooperation across transport modes in research and development activities has the potenti... more Greater cooperation across transport modes in research and development activities has the potential to develop systems thinking, optimise use of resources and improve services for customers. This paper presents the findings of a Horizon 2020 project called Users, Safety, Security and Energy in Transport Infrastructure (USE-iT) which aimed to encourage greater cross-modal collaboration, through the identification of common challenges and development of a cross-modal research roadmap to address these. USE-iT and its sister project FOX identified more than 300 technologies, processes and systems that could benefit from a cross-modal approach. The involvement of industry was an integral part of this process, and a key objective of the project was to bring together stakeholders from all modes to facilitate knowledge transfer and develop a network for future cooperation. The paper focuses on research supporting the reduction of energy consumption and carbon emissions across transport modes, which was one of four topic areas addressed by USE-iT.
Relatorio para a Comissao Europeia (D4.1) previsto no âmbito do WP4 (Energy and carbon; across tr... more Relatorio para a Comissao Europeia (D4.1) previsto no âmbito do WP4 (Energy and carbon; across transport modes). A investigadora Elisabete Arsenio e a responsavel do LNEC para o WP4.

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, Apr 1, 2020
Decarbonisation policy goals are expected to drive significant changes in transport and urban mob... more Decarbonisation policy goals are expected to drive significant changes in transport and urban mobility markets. However, future city trajectories that could enable multiple societal benefits from low carbon and zero-emissions solutions in a cost-efficient way are still uncertain. To the best of our knowledge, the research reported in this paper represents the first attempt to assess trends in the use of disruptive passenger urban transport solutions in Lisbon, while providing insights on the mechanisms by which stakeholders (public transport operators, new mobility providers such as car-sharing, infrastructure managers, etc.) management activities are open to change, cooperation and can foster strategic innovation towards decarbonizing mobility pathways. The pilot study supported by the Lisbon City Council comprised the former application of the "Benefits Realization Management" approach in the context of urban passenger mobility. Semi-structured surveys were implemented to a multimodal network of stakeholders. Finally, the "Benefits Dependency Roadmap" were derived as a strategic planning tool.

Recently, a national project on sustainable mobility aimed at promoting soft mobility networks at... more Recently, a national project on sustainable mobility aimed at promoting soft mobility networks at the country level was completed. This paper presents a case study from that project. Measures have been taken to encourage and promote walking and cycling, herein designated as soft mobility modes, which had a high success and contributed to a more sustainable transport system. Within the European context, Portugal has one of the lowest modal split shares of walking and cycling. This is mainly the result of several decades of a transport planning process oriented to road transport infrastructures’ investment. Recently, the national project on sustainable mobility of the Portuguese Environmental Agency (2007-2008) presented a paradigm shift and made a positive step towards promoting soft mobility modes at the country level. The work presented in this paper is part of a broad research project on sustainable mobility. This paper presents results of a mobility and attitudinal survey impleme...
This study aims to contribute to more sustainable mobility solutions by proposing robust and acti... more This study aims to contribute to more sustainable mobility solutions by proposing robust and actionable methods to assess the resilience of a multimodal transport system. Resilience is seen in a dynamic lean setting, looking at aspects in the network topology and user’s flow and demand throughout a parameterizable period. We hypothesize that this network’s appropriate multi-layered and traffic-sensitive modeling can promote the integrated analysis of different transport modes and support an improved resilience analysis. We operationalize the lean resilience conceptual construct with the proposed muLtImodal traNsportation rEsilience aSsessment (LINES) methodological process. Using the city of Lisbon as a study case, we illustrate the relevance of the proposed methodology to detect actionable vulnerabilities in the bus–tram–subway network.

European Transport Research Review
Background The provision of seamless public transport supply requires a complete understanding of... more Background The provision of seamless public transport supply requires a complete understanding of the real traffic dynamics, comprising origin-to-destination multimodal mobility patterns along the transport network. However, most current solutions are centred on the volumetric analysis of passengers’ flows, generally neglecting transfer, walking, and waiting needs, as well as the changes in the mobility patterns with the calendar and user profile. These challenges prevent a comprehensive assessment of the routing and scheduling vulnerabilities of (multimodal) public transport networks. Research aims/questions The research presented in this paper aims at addressing the above challenges by proposing a novel approach that extends dynamic Origin-Destination (OD) matrix inference to dynamic OD matrix inference with aggregated statistics, highlighting vulnerabilities and multimodal mobility patterns from individual trip record data. Methodology Given specific spatial and temporal criteria...

European Transport Research Review, 2021
Worldwide cities are establishing efforts to collect urban traffic data from various modes and so... more Worldwide cities are establishing efforts to collect urban traffic data from various modes and sources. Integrating traffic data, together with their situational context, offers more comprehensive views on the ongoing mobility changes and supports enhanced management decisions accordingly. Hence, cities are becoming sensorized and heterogeneous sources of urban data are being consolidated with the aim of monitoring multimodal traffic patterns, encompassing all major transport modes—road, railway, inland waterway—, and active transport modes such as walking and cycling. The research reported in this paper aims at bridging the existing literature gap on the integrative analysis of multimodal traffic data and its situational urban context. The reported work is anchored on the major findings and contributions from the research and innovation project Integrative Learning from Urban Data and Situational Context for City Mobility Optimization (ILU), a multi-disciplinary project on the fiel...
Transportation Research Procedia
The Sustainable City VIII, 2013

The research reported in this paper is part of the R&D project COST-TRENDs, funded by the Portugu... more The research reported in this paper is part of the R&D project COST-TRENDs, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. It presents a strategic assessment study of the hinterland connections centred in the Port of Sines, in Portugal, that integrates the core network corridor of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) designated as the Atlantic corridor. The study comprised the analysis of trends of maritime freight costs until 2020 and the assessment of alternative intermodal freight transport options to reduce costs along the multimodal transport chains. The options evaluated focused in the Iberian section of the Atlantic corridor and included the combination of maritime-short sea shipping, maritime-rail, maritime-road and, also, rail-air modes. The study estimated several key performance indicators for each option which aim to provide useful inputs to transport policy.
La planification d'une mobilite urbaine durable revet une grande importance aux niveaux local... more La planification d'une mobilite urbaine durable revet une grande importance aux niveaux local, regional, national et europeen. La recherche presentee dans cette proposition vise a comparer les processus de planification de la mobilite urbaine durable, a travers le partage d'experiences en Europe, entre la France et le Portugal (Heddebaut et al., 2017) et le Bresil au regard des experiences menees en Europe et de determiner comment les objectifs d'inclusion sociale sont pris en consideration ou non.

This paper presents a comparative cost-benefit analysis of future vehicle technologies and electr... more This paper presents a comparative cost-benefit analysis of future vehicle technologies and electric mobility services until 2030 for the case of Lisbon Metropolitan area (LMA). The roles of electric vehicles (car, scooter and bike sharing) along with intermodal transport (train and underground) are explored as a means to improve the sustainability of the passenger transport sector. The methodology considered a life-cycle assessment of Battery-powered Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles - gasoline (ICEVs), taking the perspective of the user, in terms of CO2 and energy consumption. The analysis covered emissions along the entire chain of production and usage of vehicles – the Well-to-Wheel (WtW) analysis, comprising the Well-to-Tank (WtT) and the Tank-to-Wheel (TtW) emissions, where the energy grid trend scenarios (mix of electricity production) explored the incorporation of renewable for emissions’ reduction (gCO2/kWh).

This paper shows how the development of the railway system in most European countries had a key r... more This paper shows how the development of the railway system in most European countries had a key role both in the evolution of urban systems and regional dynamics. On the other hand, it can be said that railway stations might act as important drivers for promoting sustainable land-use changes. The Portuguese High-Speed Railway (HSR) project is as a major strategic transport scheme at both the Iberian and national levels. Its first stage comprises three routes. Of these, one links the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA) with the Spanish border of Badajoz, being an integral part of the HSR between both Iberian capitals, whereas the other two form the Atlantic Axis, encompassing a system of cities ranging from Lisbon to Porto. The Lisbon to Porto HSR will be a 292 Km-long standard-gauge (1435mm) corridor, supplementing an historic and congested 146-years old main railway line. The new HSR line is expected to open by 2015, and will feature a limited number of intermediate stations, enabling a...

The research reported in this paper is based on a hypothetical revealed preference experiment for... more The research reported in this paper is based on a hypothetical revealed preference experiment for valuing traffic noise nuisance as perceived in the interior of apartments located in Lisbon. The experiment used both the observed behavior of householders' apartment choices which are designated as the ex ante situation (i.e. before living in the apartment) and a hypothetical choice of apartments located in the same block/lot of the respondent but on a different facade or floor and thus varying in terms of noise exposure. This hypothetical choice occurs after respondents have experienced traffic related noise indoors. Thus addressing a criticism of hedonic pricing models that purchasers do not always have a good understanding of the noise levels they will experience. Results from random parameters logit models indicate the importance of respondents' experience when valuing qualitative attributes such as traffic nuisance. Whereas in the ex ante situation quiet had been mentioned...

The European Commission Transport White Paper “Road map to a Single European Transport Area – Tow... more The European Commission Transport White Paper “Road map to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system ” nvisages that by 2050 only electric vehicles wou ld circulate in cities, being the use of conventionally-fuelled veh icles halved by 2030. One of the policy objectives is to reduce Europe's dependence on imported oil and to cut gree nhouse gas emission (GHG) from transport by 20% by 2030 and by 70% until 2050 (with respect to 2008 levels) . Drawing upon future scenarios set by the European C ommission and the International Energy Agency, this paper investigates the costs and benefits of electric, hy brid and conventional vehicles in Europe until 2030 . A top-down approach will make it able to analyse further the P ortuguese case, given trends in regional mobility p atterns (including car fleet and price of energy scenarios) . Other key research issue is to find out the horiz on when electric vehicles can offer the highest p...
Papers by Elisabete Arsenio