Talks by Richard Martini
Book talk about the latest research into comparing near death experiences with between life hypno... more Book talk about the latest research into comparing near death experiences with between life hypnotherapy, with side trips into various accounts of conversing with the afterlife, or my journey into this research.
Papers by Richard Martini
This is the introduction to my book "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" volume one, which includes inter... more This is the introduction to my book "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" volume one, which includes interviews with Dr. Bruce Greyson (UVA) Mario Beauregard PhD, Gary Schwartz PhD. It includes an interview with NDE survivor David Bennett, former Navy science officer who saw some unusual events in his near death experience, including that he would survive cancer in the future. He's been studied at DOPS at the University of Virginia. Again, not a scientific paper, but because it's an interview, I offer it as another stone dropped in a pond, to see where the ripples might land. I've filmed 25 deep hypnosis sessions, compared the results to Dr. Helen Wambach's research, Michael Newton's research, and further, filmed people who had a near death experience, and could recall events and details while fully conscious, bypassing hypnosis altogether.
This is the foreword to my book "Flipside: A Tourist's Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife" in... more This is the foreword to my book "Flipside: A Tourist's Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife" including an interview with psychologist Michael Newton. While I am a professor (film) this is for those in academia curious about "between life hypnotherapy" which includes past life regressions, and beyond that, memories from between lives that aren't stored in memory banks, but somewhere else. I show how they could not be cryptomnesia in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" vols one and two, as they include new information that the subject could not have accessed during their lifetime, and yet is verifiable and replicable. It's not your usual Academia article, apologies for that, but a mere stone tossed into a pond to see if the ripples find the place they're supposed to go.
Books by Richard Martini
Michael Newton passed away last week, here's an interview I did with him on camera in 2007, publi... more Michael Newton passed away last week, here's an interview I did with him on camera in 2007, published in 2011 in "Flipside: a Tourist's Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife." Michael is candid about his research into what people say under deep hypnosis - I've been filming people under deep hypnosis with different hypnotherapists, and people (skeptics, people I've chosen) consistenly say the same things he claims in this interview.
Interview from "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" with Dr. Bruce Greyson about his research into consci... more Interview from "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" with Dr. Bruce Greyson about his research into consciousness existing outside the brain.
This is Chapter Two from "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" Volume One. (Homina Publishing). I intervi... more This is Chapter Two from "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" Volume One. (Homina Publishing). I interview David Bennett, a former science officer aboard a ship, who had a profound near death experience.
This is an excerpt from my interview in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" with Mario Beauregard neuros... more This is an excerpt from my interview in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" with Mario Beauregard neuroscientist (University of Montreal/University of Arizona).
This is chapter three from my book "Flipside." It's a free wheeling interview about Gary Schwart... more This is chapter three from my book "Flipside." It's a free wheeling interview about Gary Schwartz's work regarding esp.
Talks by Richard Martini
Papers by Richard Martini
Books by Richard Martini