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      SociologyCultural StudiesAnthropologyLatino Studies
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      Cultural StudiesCritical PedagogyCommunication and media Studies
This chapter considers issues related to institutional research and its potential role in the move toward an ethos of cultural democracy in higher education.
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceResearch MethodologySocial Science
Political grace] is an act of seeking not to participate in structures that profit one but not another, to not profit at the expense of others, but to be part of that which changes the structure, that is, to be redemptive, penitent,... more
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The politics of the airwaves should be of vital concern to critical democracy, given the expanding realm of neoliberalism and its deeply homogenizing impact on social, political and economic relations everywhere. In light of the... more
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Each time the question of language surfaces, in one way to another, it means that a series of other problems are coming to the fore; the formation and enlargement of the managing class, the need to establish more intimate and secure... more
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In this concise and accessible text, Peter Mayo outlines some of the major concepts in Freire's praxis. In pursuit of a critically engaging pedagogy, Mayo compares Freire's work with a range of other thinkers and educators, including
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      Cultural StudiesCritical PedagogyWar StudiesSyria
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesAdult EducationCritical Pedagogy