Papers by Loren T Stuckenbruck
Dead Sea Discoveries, 2002
Garten der Erlösung, 2024
Sermon (German) given at St. Markuskirche in München on 7. July 2024, within a Sermon series on „... more Sermon (German) given at St. Markuskirche in München on 7. July 2024, within a Sermon series on „Garten“ for the Universitätsgottesdienst of the Protestant Faculty of Theology the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Sermon text is Romans 8:18-25, with special attention given to selected parts from 1Enoch chapters 7 through 11.
Dead Sea Discoveries, 2010
To the extent that a writing openly presents itself as the result of authorial activity, discussi... more To the extent that a writing openly presents itself as the result of authorial activity, discussions of genre cannot dispense with the question of how, formally, communication occurs. Taking the Epistle of Enoch and Apocalypse of Weeks in 1 Enoch as the points of departure, the present essay attempts to show that a discussion of what a document declares about its own writtenness opens up a way of understanding it in comparison to other documents that do the same along analogous lines, whether sapiential or apocalyptic.
Dead Sea Discoveries, 2002
Just a CV, nothing special!
Dead Sea Discoveries, 2016
Dead Sea Discoveries, 2018
This is a draft that deals with the question in the title - it is only indicative (because it tak... more This is a draft that deals with the question in the title - it is only indicative (because it takes up several case studies that could be multiplied), but reflects a thesis that demonstrates the importance of negotiating stability and instability within the transmission of Enoch tradition. The draft is from a paper given at the Orion Symposium in 2022. The piece will move to publication within the next few months.
“The Spirit and Imitatio Christi in 1 John.” In Eds. Archie Wright, Ronald Herms, John R. Levinson, Inspiration and Interpretation in Israel, Jewish and Early Christian Texts (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2021, Ss. 219-229, 2021
A brief piece on the Spirit in 1 John: a pneumatology, the profile of which has less to do with "... more A brief piece on the Spirit in 1 John: a pneumatology, the profile of which has less to do with "dogmatics" than with being a function of how Jesus' death is controversially debated between the writer (+ community/ideal audience) and "the opponents".
The changing face of Judaism, Christianity, and other Greco-Roman religions in antiquity, 2006
Studies in Ethiopian Languages, Literature, and History, 2017
Matthew within Judaism, 2020
Testing and temptation in Second Temple Jewish and early Christian texts, 2020
Paul and the Apocalyptic Imagination, 2016
Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha, 2017
Papers by Loren T Stuckenbruck
Survey of contents
Matthew Goff: Introduction
Part One: Gibborim and Gigantes: Antecedents, Reception, and Comparative Contexts from the Hebrew Bible and Greek Literature
Brian R. Doak: The Giant in a Thousand Years: Tracing Narratives of Gigantism in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond – Samantha Newington: Greek Titans and Biblical Giants – Michael Tuval: ‘Συναγωγὴ γιγάντων’ (Prov 21:16): The Giants in the Jewish Literature in Greek
Part Two: Tales of Giants in their Ancient Jewish Context: the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of Watchers, and Daniel
Joseph L. Angel: The Humbling of the Arrogant and the ‘Wild Man’ and ‘Tree Stump’ Traditions in the Book of Giants and Daniel 4 – Amanda M. Davis Bledsoe: Throne Theophanies, Dream Visions, and Righteous(?) Seers: Daniel, the Book of Giants, and 1 Enoch Reconsidered – Ida Fröhlich: Giants and Demons – Matthew Goff: The Sons of the Watchers in the Book of Watchers and the Qumran Book of Giants: Contexts and Prospects – Loren T. Stuckenbruck: The Book of Giants among the Dead Sea Scrolls: Considerations of Method and a New Proposal on the Reconstruction of 4Q530
Part Three: Enochic Traditions in Central Asia and China: Exploring Connections and Affinities between Giants in Ancient Judaism and Manichaeism
Gábor Kósa: The Book of Giants Tradition in the Chinese Manichaica – Enrico Morano: Some New Sogdian Fragments Related to Mani’s Book of Giants and the Problem of the Influence of Jewish Enochic Literature – John C. Reeves: Jacob of Edessa and the Manichaean Book of Giants? – Jens Wilkens: Remarks on the Manichaean Book of Giants: Once Again on Mahaway’s Mission to Enoch
Christopher A. Rollston: An Ur-History of the New Testament Devil: The Celestial שׂטן (śāṭān) in Zechariah and Job – Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer: Evil at Qumran – Benjamin Wold: Demonizing Sin? The Evil Inclination in 4QInstruction – Louise J. Lawrence: Evil and the Body of Antiochus IV Epiphanes: Disability, Disgust and Tropes of Monstrosity in 2 Maccabees 9:1–12 – Tommy Wasserman: Variants of Evil: The Disassociation of Jesus from Evil in the Text of the New Testament – James G. Crossley: Jesus, Healings and Mark 2:1–12: Forgiveness, a Release, or Bound Again to the Great Satan? – Christopher W. Skinner: Overcoming Satan, Overcoming the World: Exploring the Cosmologies of Mark and John – Jonathan A. Draper: Darkness as Non-Being and the Origin of Evil in John's Gospel – Loren T. Stuckenbruck: How Much Evil Does the Christ Event Solve? Jesus and Paul in Relation to Jewish “Apocalyptic” Thought – James P. Davies: Evil's Aetiology and False Dichotomies in Jewish Apocalyptic and Paul – Chris Tilling: Paul, Evil, and Justification Debates – Steve Walton: Evil in Ephesus: Acts 19:8–40 – Lloyd K. Pietersen: Artemis, Demons, Mammon and Satan: The Construal of Evil in First Timothy – Susanne Luther: The Evil of the Tongue: Evil and the Ethics of Speech in the Letter of James – Nicholas J. Ellis: A Theology of Evil in the Epistle of James: Cosmic Trials and the Dramatis Personae of Evil – Robbie Griggs: Apocalyptic Experience in the Theodicy of 4 Ezra – Jonathan Knight: The Portrayal of Evil in the Ascension of Isaiah – Chris Keith: “The Scriptures are Divine Charms”: Evil, Books, and Textuality in Early Christianity – Dieter T. Roth: Evil in Marcion's Conception of the Old Testament God – Paul Middleton: Overcoming the Devil in the Acts of the Martyrs
1:00-4:30 (with reception following)
Heritage Hall
Father O’Connell Hall
The Catholic University of America
Washington, DC
Keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Loren Stuckenbruck (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) on “The Sacred Tradition of Ethiopia: Recovering Evidence for the Book of Enoch”
Graduate student lectures by Meseret Oldjira (Princeton University) on “Tradition and Innovation: Illuminated Gospel Manuscripts in Ethiopia, 1280-1500” and Jeremy R. Brown (CUA) on “Active Readers: Scribal Intervention in Ethiopic Manuscripts”
For more information, contact Aaron Butts ([email protected])
These manuscript sources predate by many centuries most other oral traditions found in traditional African religions. Despite their crucial importance in centuries of culture-formation, the Ethiopian Canticles have never before been the specific subject of rigorous critical textual investigation. In this volume one encounters significant implications for jazz history, African studies, and Christian culture in eastern Africa.