Talks by Jean-Jacques Herr
Broadening Horizons 6. Bridging the Gap: Disciplines, Times and Space in Dialogue_Berlin June 24-28, 2019, 2019
Poster by Jean-Jacques Herr
Papers by Jean-Jacques Herr
Archaeopress Publishing Ltd eBooks, Feb 23, 2023
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung
Archaeopress Publishing Ltd eBooks, Feb 23, 2023

Open Archaeology
Pyrotechnology has always been a core topic in the archaeological debate concerning phases of dee... more Pyrotechnology has always been a core topic in the archaeological debate concerning phases of deep cultural transformations, such as the Chalcolithic period in the Near East (c. 6000–3500 BC). However, previous studies on pyrotechnological installations, such as pottery kilns, pertaining to this period, have often been mainly descriptive, with a limited use of archaeometric investigations. This work presents a multi-method investigation of a Chalcolithic kiln recently discovered in the Bora Plain (part of the larger Peshdar Plain, in Iraqi Kurdistan), which combines stratigraphic analysis, pyrotechnological, micromorphological, and micro-remains analyses. Since this kiln represents the first Chalcolithic architectural feature excavated in the Bora Plain, this work offers precious insights into the pyrotechnology of the period, which is still relatively poorly understood, through the reconstruction of the kiln’s use and abandonment processes. The analytical outputs can be used to com...

Ce travail de doctorat en archéologie du Proche-Orient entend questionner les preuves matérielles... more Ce travail de doctorat en archéologie du Proche-Orient entend questionner les preuves matérielles des phénomènes de globalisation et de la formation de l’empire néo-assyrien (IXe-VIIe s. av. J.-C.). L’empire néo-assyrien a été imaginé très tôt par des savants européens, nationalistes et positivistes du XIXe siècle. Ils lui reconnaissent un espace central qu’ils dénomment « le triangle assyrien » et l’érigent comme foyer culturel. La culture assyrienne serait dès lors diffusée au gré de l’expansionnisme des souverains motivés par une idéologie impérialiste. Les premiers archéologues confirment la singularité ethno culturelle des vestiges remise en cause aujourd’hui grâce à un renouvellement des méthodes et des activités de recherche au nord de l’Irak. Le premier volet de notre étude propose une approche épistémologique et historiographique des notions de « culture matérielle » et de « région centrale». Il s’agit d’éviter les obstacles méthodologiques pour penser l’histoire des contac...
Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du développement international, 2018
Sumer, 2020
International audienc

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
Although the chaîne opératoire approach was introduced more than half a century ago, it has seldo... more Although the chaîne opératoire approach was introduced more than half a century ago, it has seldom been employed to reconstruct the techniques and tools involved in the production of Iron Age pottery (c. 1200–600 BC) from Iraqi Kurdistan. One of the reasons why this method is so seldomly applied is that only rarely can archaeologists rely on enough contextual information to allow the reconstruction of the specific steps of the pottery production and make inferences about the involvement of specific tools during these stages. In this paper, we present the case study of Gird-i Bazar, an Iron Age site located in Iraqi Kurdistan, where a pottery workshop yielding fixed installations and associated portable stone tools was recently discovered. We will combine context description and macro/microscopic observations on both stone tools and pottery sherds in order to show how the former were used in some of the steps of the pottery chaîne op´eratoire, and identify the spaces where specific stages of the pottery production possibly occurred. The results from this work will provide comparative material for the technological study of Iron Age pottery from Iraqi Kurdistan and its neighbouring regions in both lowland Mesopotamia and the western Iranian highlands.

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 2022
Although the chaîne opératoire approach was introduced more than half a century ago, it has seldo... more Although the chaîne opératoire approach was introduced more than half a century ago, it has seldom been employed to reconstruct the techniques and tools involved in the production of Iron Age pottery (c. 1200–600
BC) from Iraqi Kurdistan. One of the reasons why this method is so seldomly applied is that only rarely can archaeologists rely on enough contextual information to allow the reconstruction of the specific steps of the
pottery production and make inferences about the involvement of specific tools during these stages. In this paper, we present the case study of Gird-i Bazar, an Iron Age site located in Iraqi Kurdistan, where a pottery workshop
yielding fixed installations and associated portable stone tools was recently discovered. We will combine context description and macro/microscopic observations on both stone tools and pottery sherds in order to show how the former were used in some of the steps of the pottery chaîne op´eratoire, and identify the spaces where specific stages of the pottery production possibly occurred. The results from this work will provide comparative material for the technological study of Iron Age pottery from Iraqi Kurdistan and its neighbouring regions in both lowland Mesopotamia and the western Iranian highlands.
Routes de l'Orient, Jun 30, 2019
Archéologie des Conflits / Archéologie en Conflit - Documenter la Destruction au Moyen-Orient et ... more Archéologie des Conflits / Archéologie en Conflit - Documenter la Destruction au Moyen-Orient et en Asie Centrale Archaeology of Conflict / Archaeology in Conflict - Documenting Destruction of Cultural Heritage in the Middle-East and Central Asia Edited by Julie Bessenay-Prolonge, Jean-Jacques Herr, Mathilde Mura Full HD pdf freely available on :
This chapter outlines the results of the excavation of a Chalcolithic kiln found in the Bora Plai... more This chapter outlines the results of the excavation of a Chalcolithic kiln found in the Bora Plain (UTM N E; N), underneath the Iron Age structures of the Dinka Se lement Complex in operation DLT (Fig. ).
northern Iraq: the faunal remains from the 2012 excavation season at Tell Nader .
Talks by Jean-Jacques Herr
Poster by Jean-Jacques Herr
Papers by Jean-Jacques Herr
BC) from Iraqi Kurdistan. One of the reasons why this method is so seldomly applied is that only rarely can archaeologists rely on enough contextual information to allow the reconstruction of the specific steps of the
pottery production and make inferences about the involvement of specific tools during these stages. In this paper, we present the case study of Gird-i Bazar, an Iron Age site located in Iraqi Kurdistan, where a pottery workshop
yielding fixed installations and associated portable stone tools was recently discovered. We will combine context description and macro/microscopic observations on both stone tools and pottery sherds in order to show how the former were used in some of the steps of the pottery chaîne op´eratoire, and identify the spaces where specific stages of the pottery production possibly occurred. The results from this work will provide comparative material for the technological study of Iron Age pottery from Iraqi Kurdistan and its neighbouring regions in both lowland Mesopotamia and the western Iranian highlands.
BC) from Iraqi Kurdistan. One of the reasons why this method is so seldomly applied is that only rarely can archaeologists rely on enough contextual information to allow the reconstruction of the specific steps of the
pottery production and make inferences about the involvement of specific tools during these stages. In this paper, we present the case study of Gird-i Bazar, an Iron Age site located in Iraqi Kurdistan, where a pottery workshop
yielding fixed installations and associated portable stone tools was recently discovered. We will combine context description and macro/microscopic observations on both stone tools and pottery sherds in order to show how the former were used in some of the steps of the pottery chaîne op´eratoire, and identify the spaces where specific stages of the pottery production possibly occurred. The results from this work will provide comparative material for the technological study of Iron Age pottery from Iraqi Kurdistan and its neighbouring regions in both lowland Mesopotamia and the western Iranian highlands.
Archaeology of Conflict / Archaeology in Conflict - Documenting Destruction of Cultural Heritage in the Middle-East and Central Asia
Edited by Julie Bessenay-Prolonge, Jean-Jacques Herr, Mathilde Mura
Full HD pdf freely available on :
network in the first millennium, which resulted from the long history of cultural contact in northern Mesopotamia.