Books by Silvija Grosa
Applied Arts and the Beginnings of Industrial Design. 1840-1890. Art History of Latvia. 3d volume, Book 1. Ed. by Eduards Kļaviņš" by Silvija Grosa, 2019
in two books
Book II
Edited by Eduards Kļaviņš 2019
in two books
Book II
Edited by Eduards Kļaviņš 2019
ISBN 978-9934-8824-1-8 (2)

Silvija Grosa. Dekors Rīgas jūgendstila perioda arhitektūrā [Decor in the Architecture of Riga of the Art Nouveau Period] . , 2019
The monograph by Silvija Grosa is a fundamental opus resulting from many years of research and de... more The monograph by Silvija Grosa is a fundamental opus resulting from many years of research and dealing with a visually impressive but difficult to study phenomenon that enriches and enhances the aesthetic bearing of Riga’s famous Art Nouveau buildings. The work encompasses not only the analysis of architectural décor during different stylistic phases of the Art Nouveau epoch so significant in Latvia but also a comprehensive history of late 19th to early 20th century workshops of architectural sculpture and decorative painting, utilising information from very fragmentary sources. Education and international migration of masters, relationships among architects, artists, craftsmen and commissioners, stylistic and iconographic sources of décor, both foreign and local in their origin, are other aspects explored in the study. The publication contains 906 images and an extensive English summary.

This collection of essays focuses on the exhibition architecture in Central and Eastern European ... more This collection of essays focuses on the exhibition architecture in Central and Eastern European countries, a region of fluid geo-political conception, composed of multi-ethnic countries with constantly shifting borders. The authors analyse temporary constructions erected for national and international exhibitions in the 19th and 20th centuries presenting Polish, Czechoslovak, Hungarian, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian-Herzegovinian, Yugoslav, Romanian, Russian cases. In the papers the pavilions are considered hubs of architectural and artistic trends, political visions of this culturally heterogeneous territory. The papers demonstrate the complex political, cultural, social, economic and urban context in which the exhibition architecture was created. The complexity of the hitherto less known Central-Eastern European exhibition architecture is demonstrated not only by the variety of cases analyzed, but also by the diversity of scholarly approaches applied. In the 19th century pavilions and exhibition galleries were powerful means for nation building and mass entertainment, as well as they provided a "magic frame" for the latest technological and cultural achievements. In 20th century ephemeral constructions were often appropriated and utilized by the changing political regimes for power demonstration or for signifying their role as flagships of modernism.
Papers by Silvija Grosa
Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi, 2012
Summary in EnglishAvailable from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLECu... more Summary in EnglishAvailable from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLECulture Capital Foundation, Riga (Latvia)LVLatvi
Available from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLESoros Foundation - L... more Available from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLESoros Foundation - Latvia, Riga (Latvia)LVLatvi
Thesis Chapters by Silvija Grosa

Silvija Grosa. The Search for National Style in the Architecture of Konstantīns Pēkšēns. Close-Ups, 2022
The turn of the 20th century in Latvia, part of the Imperial Russia back then, is known as a peri... more The turn of the 20th century in Latvia, part of the Imperial Russia back then, is known as a period of not only dynamic political and social transformations but also an unprecedented and diverse flourishing in various fields of culture.
The artistic quality of Riga’s Art Nouveau architecture and the large number of preserved buildings have fostered the adding of the city’s historical centre to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Many publications explore this stylistic phenomenon in Latvia but there are few monographic studies that deal with its creators. Konstantīns Pēkšēns’ (1859–1928) and his associates’ activities are also mainly examined in general surveys of architecture, although their output has become a canonical value of Latvian culture.
The international scientific conference Konstantīns Pēkšēns and his Time is dedicated to this outstanding architect of Riga, revealing his work in a broad context of cultural history and the epoch.
Books by Silvija Grosa
in two books
Book II
Edited by Eduards Kļaviņš 2019
ISBN 978-9934-8824-1-8 (2)
Papers by Silvija Grosa
Thesis Chapters by Silvija Grosa
The artistic quality of Riga’s Art Nouveau architecture and the large number of preserved buildings have fostered the adding of the city’s historical centre to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Many publications explore this stylistic phenomenon in Latvia but there are few monographic studies that deal with its creators. Konstantīns Pēkšēns’ (1859–1928) and his associates’ activities are also mainly examined in general surveys of architecture, although their output has become a canonical value of Latvian culture.
The international scientific conference Konstantīns Pēkšēns and his Time is dedicated to this outstanding architect of Riga, revealing his work in a broad context of cultural history and the epoch.
in two books
Book II
Edited by Eduards Kļaviņš 2019
ISBN 978-9934-8824-1-8 (2)
The artistic quality of Riga’s Art Nouveau architecture and the large number of preserved buildings have fostered the adding of the city’s historical centre to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Many publications explore this stylistic phenomenon in Latvia but there are few monographic studies that deal with its creators. Konstantīns Pēkšēns’ (1859–1928) and his associates’ activities are also mainly examined in general surveys of architecture, although their output has become a canonical value of Latvian culture.
The international scientific conference Konstantīns Pēkšēns and his Time is dedicated to this outstanding architect of Riga, revealing his work in a broad context of cultural history and the epoch.