Papers by Anita Naciscione

Reproducibility of patterns of stylistic use of phraseological units is crucial to understanding ... more Reproducibility of patterns of stylistic use of phraseological units is crucial to understanding their functioning in discourse. New inimitable instantial forms of phraseological units are created, exploiting existing phraseological units and language patterns. This paper explores extended metaphor in the cognitive stylistic framework as one of the most common stylistic patterns in discourse. Extended metaphor defines as an entrenched pattern of both thought and language, reflecting extended figurative thought. It is a cognitive inference tool, applicable in new figurative thought instantiations. A metaphor can be extended only by extension of its metaphorical image: by creating a metaphorical sub-image or a string of subimages, which relate metonymically by associations of contiguity. Theoretical points on reproducibility of phraseological units and stylistic patterns in new instantiations will be supported by textual illustrations of use of extended phraseological metaphor in disc...
John Benjamins Publishing Company eBooks, 2010

Este artículo estudia la cuestión de la utilización estilística de los modismos, frases hechas y ... more Este artículo estudia la cuestión de la utilización estilística de los modismos, frases hechas y enlaces frecuentes (en lo sucesivo, unidades fraseológicas) en el discurso literario. Las unidades fraseológicas pueden extenderse a lo largo de una oración o incluso ser incorporadas a lo largo de un fragmento textual creando de esa forma continuidad, la red de correlaciones excepcionales entre el sentido figurado y el directo, también formando los conceptos asociativos. La utilización eficiente de las unidades fraseológicas contribuye a la percepción del texto como unidad cohesiva y coherente. La incapacidad de identificar la utilización estilística puede bajar la capacidad de hacer interpretaciones y conclusiones acertadas, lo que a su vez lleva a una escasez semántica y estilística. Basándose en el concepto del discurso, el presente artículo también incluye el enfoque de la cuestión sobre las unidades fraseológicas como partes integrantes del proceso de la enseñanza. El análisis del ...
Figurative thought and language, Jun 15, 2020
This chapter attempts to provide insights into actual language use in multimodal discourse. Obser... more This chapter attempts to provide insights into actual language use in multimodal discourse. Observation and analysis focus on multimodal creative use of stylistic patterns: extended metaphor, metonymy, visual pun, allusion, hyperbole, personification. The study also brings out the role of semiotic elements and the significance of background information comprehension and interpretation of multimodal discourse. My aim is to explore multimodality as a tool, applicable in creative figurative thought instantiations. Multimodal discourse reveals the capacity of the human brain to express figurative thought in various semiotic modes. As our brain is inherently multimodal, it is able to cognise figurative meaning in both verbal and non-verbal representation: visual, audial, body language, sound, color.
University of Bialystok Publishing House eBooks, 2020

This chapter explores multimodality as a tool, applicable in different types of discourse in crea... more This chapter explores multimodality as a tool, applicable in different types of discourse in creative figurative thought instantiations. Multimodal discourse reveals the capacity of the human brain to express figurative thought in various semiotic modes. Cognitive scientists argue that our brain is inherently multimodal, able to cognise figurative meaning in both verbal and non-verbal representation, i.e., various semiotic modes: visual, audial, body language, sound, colour, symbol. Multimodal discourse represents the external world and people’s emotions as embodied experiences. The thinking process is profoundly influenced by political, economic, social and cultural events that underlie the context. Multimodal studies disclose the leading role of metaphor as a pattern of thought, incorporating other stylistic patterns: extended metaphor, metonymy, visual pun, allusion, personification, hyperbole.

Cauce: Revista Internacional de Filología, Comunicación y sus Didácticas, 2001
This article explores the stylistical use of phraseological units in literary discourse. A phrase... more This article explores the stylistical use of phraseological units in literary discourse. A phraseological unit may extend across sentence boundaries and even large stretches of text, creating a continuity, a web of unique interrelationships of figurative and direct meanings, and associative links. Sustained discoursal use of a phraseological unit contributes to the perception of the text as a cohesive and coherent entity. Failure to identify stylistic use will be to the detriment of inference and interpretation, and hence a semantic and stylistic loss. The article also considers the implications of a discourse-based approach to phraseological units in teaching and learning. The exploration of the discoursal potential of phraseological units is of immediate relevance to the studies of language and literature as an area of applied stylistics. Teaching stylistic use helps to disclose the cognitive processes of the mind in creative thinking. It can lead to significant gains in stylistic awareness which involves a conscious perception and understanding of: significant changes in the base form and meaning of the phraseological unit, associative links and their networks, stylistic cohesive ties in the text and the creation of a new meaning in discourse.

Yearbook of phraseology, Oct 26, 2010
Visual representation of a phraseological image is of stylistic and cognitive interest because it... more Visual representation of a phraseological image is of stylistic and cognitive interest because it brings out the creative aspects of the verbal and the visual in multimodal discourse. A cognitive approach to the instantial stylistic use of phraseological units 2 (PUs) focuses on how they are perceived, understood, and interpreted. In a visual representation, the process of creating a mental image relies on close ties between the visual and the verbal, and knowledge of the political, socio-cultural, and semiotic implications. Visual representation performs a semantic and stylistic function; it enhances and interprets the image of a metaphorical PU and creates new meaning. It stretches the imagination and sustains figurative thought. Thus, phraseological metaphor exists not only in thought and language; it also exists in visual representation and its perception.
This paper explores cohesion as one of the basic theoretical concepts in phraseology alongside wi... more This paper explores cohesion as one of the basic theoretical concepts in phraseology alongside with stability and figurativeness. Cohesion ofthe base form derives from phraseological meaning and the organization ofthe unit. When used in discourse, the intrinsic properties of the phraseological unit contribute to text formation. Cohesion is not only a semantic means. Cohesion is also a stylistic relation. Phraseological cohesion is an essential feature of the progressive development of text, as it secures continuity of phraseological ties in discourse. Sustained stylistic use ofaphraseological unit enhances the perception ofthe text as a cohesive and coherent entity.
John Benjamins Publishing Company eBooks, 2010
John Benjamins Publishing Company eBooks, 2010
John Benjamins Publishing Company eBooks, 2010
John Benjamins Publishing Company eBooks, 2010

Culture Crossroads, Nov 2, 2022
Proverbs form part and parcel of intangible cultural heritage. They are handed down from generati... more Proverbs form part and parcel of intangible cultural heritage. They are handed down from generation to generation and retained in the collective long-term memory of a people, constituting part of their language and culture. The purpose of this paper is to revisit proverbs and examine some of their essential features in the system of language and in their creative use in discourse from a cross-language and a cross-cultural perspective. This approach calls for semantic and stylistic analyses of empirical material, which I have chosen from my own archive of English and Latvian proverbs. Linguistic examination of proverbs promotes an understanding of their functioning across the broad spectrum of languages and cultures, bringing out similarities in the figurative structure of their base form and their stylistic use in various types of discourse. Cognitive linguistic research on proverbs reveals an infinite diversity of expression of figurative thought: a manifestation of the capacity of the human mind for abstraction and generalisation. The study of figurative meaning of proverbs and its changes in discourse accounts for the uniqueness of their stylistic use in text, which lies in the creativity of the cognitive mind. Stylistic use of the same proverb and the same stylistic pattern yields a different creative form of expression. Novel stylistic instantiations emerge in discourse as a reflection of the development of figurative thought.

BRILL eBooks, 2005
The paper deals with the creative aspects of textual and visual saturation in a multimodal discou... more The paper deals with the creative aspects of textual and visual saturation in a multimodal discourse. It explores the benefits of the cognitive approach to the stylistic aspects of language in use and focuses on perception and comprehension of the textual and the visual. The perception of an image, whether it is lexical or phraseological, is a cognitive process, which creates a mental picture in one's imagination, a kind of visualisation in one's mind's eye. A visual representation of the image serves to create a new mode of narrative, which is both visual and textual. Comprehension and interpretation rely on the ties between the visual and the verbal, as well as the knowledge of the sociocultural background and the symbolic implications. The visual representation of instantial stylistic use of phraseological units has a semantic function: it enhances and interprets the image, creates a new meaning and sustains figurative thought.
Metaphor in language, cognition, and communication, Mar 7, 2016
John Benjamins Publishing Company eBooks, 2010
Papers by Anita Naciscione