LJ SheezyArts' Journal
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LJ SheezyArts' Journal

Recent Entries

You are viewing the most recent 6 entries.

11th June 2006

just_coz_u_suck3:11pm: ART POST 01
Okay Guysssss....Postin the first art post...hopin everyone else will follow or something.
leave a comment and help me improve and such

»» 2 LOL?

10th June 2006

Let's all wish renner a happy birthday
Because she is a crazy bitch
Who smells of Tacos =D

»» 2 LOL?

9th June 2006

just_coz_u_suck11:09am: Alrighty Guys
Let's get Posting! If You're posting a series or more then one picture at a time, Please use a LJ cut. If you go to rich txt mode on your LJ, the second button on the tool bar is the cut. Also, to post in the community, you need to go to the bottom of the "Update Journal" Page, Next to the "update Journal button" at the bottom, there is a "Post to: " section. Change it from your user name to "Lj_sheezyart" and then just update the journal like normal.

 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Everyone, when there is a post, PLEASE TRY YOUR BEST TO COMMENT WITH SOMETHING WORTH READING "thats cool"s....coz that is just like a swift kick in the family jewels..

»» LOL?

8th June 2006

just_coz_u_suck6:13pm: x_x

you gotta click the link to join the community and post on it x_x

»» LOL?

ren_ner3:42pm: :D

Fuck yeah. You know you like the layout.

I'll make it better here soon. Just enjoy it now.

Ungrateful bastards.

»» LOL?

just_coz_u_suck12:34pm: first entry..evah
STFU it's atari here,

Welcome to LJ sheezyart.

We are an art community that gives you the chance to share your art with other people. Right now we're working on the layout and we'll have it up shortly.
If you would like to join then please email us a sample of your best work at [email protected]
Also provide your Name, Age, Sheezyart website, and MSN/AIM/SKYPE address.

We will email you back with our answer.
Current Mood: artistic

»» 4 LOL?

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