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The management, use and reliance upon multi-agency partnerships in the field of public sector sports development became increasingly important following the election of the 'New' Labour government in 1997. In this study one example of a... more
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      Public sectorSport PolicyRelationship ManagementDevelopment policy
Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) are used to prescribe exercise intensity. This study assessed whether the accurate production of exercise intensity is affected when the rater cannot see the RPE scale. After completing a graded... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePerceptionMedicine
This study aimed to design, implement and evaluate a protocol encompassing Think Aloud (TA) as a technique to facilitate reflection-in-action and delayed reflection-on-action to aid coach learning. Six British, male rugby league coaches,... more
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      PsychologyReflective PracticeAction ResearchCoaching
Research within Higher Education in the United Kingdom has reported conflicting findings when investigating the relationship between undergraduate entry routes and gender, with successful performances across the degree cycle. This paper... more
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      PsychologySportsLbDegree in music
In terms of achieving wider health and social outcomes, sport coaching promises much for young people with disabilities. Despite this promise, the experiences and practices of those coaches who enter the disability sport arena are... more
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This article draws on the theoretical concepts of Pierre Bourdieu to provide a critical analysis of the social construction of disability in high-performance sport coaching. Data were generated using a qualitative cross-case comparative... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesDisability StudiesHabitus
21 22 Background 23 The training of coaches is considered central to sustaining and improving the quality of sports 24 provision. In Parasport, coaches are recognised at the highest level of international sport policy as performing a... more
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      PsychologySocial SciencesPhysical Education and Sport PedagogyDisability
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    • Concurrent Training
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Teaching and learning problem Students routinely use social media. How, then, can they develop the skills to enable themselves to use social platforms like as Pinterest to help them search more judiciously to create and curate useful... more
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Teaching and learning problem Students routinely use social media. How, then, can they develop the skills to enable themselves to use social platforms like as Pinterest to help them search more judiciously to create and curate useful... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyReflective PracticeTeacher Education
This paper inhabits the increasingly popular space of autoethnographic study. The piece is designed to critique and contextualise the process and usefulness of autoethnography as a way of making meaning. The study centres on how one... more
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