The communication is important to every manager in an organization, communication is part of the manager jobs, and they spent majority of their time communication included meeting, face to face discussion, memos, letters, e-mail, and...
moreThe communication is important to every manager in an organization, communication is part of the manager jobs, and they spent majority of their time communication included meeting, face to face discussion, memos, letters, e-mail, and reports, etc (Baker, 2002, p1). The study of the communication is not a new, but it has only recently achieved some degree of recognition as a field of academic. In diary communication level to the organization communication, all of the communication is “the exchange of information or transmission of meaning" within two or more individual.
The grapevine can be active or not to be active in the organization its always depending on the demand, so called the law of supply. Grapevine appear in certain time and transmitting a variety of message on a variety of topics, and the topic transmit during a given period seems to depend on the supply of and demand for particular kinds of information, the grapevine will be more active when the information is less and limited, and the demand of the information in an organization will be more higher, and the grapevine will not been active when the information is plentiful. (Garnett, 2012)
Garnett, (2012) he claim that grapevine is the Field studies of the rumors in armies, political parties, factories, hospitals, and prisons, for example, have found that most of the rumors that circulate in well-integrated organizations carry
substantially accurate information, flow through fairly reliable channel and are subject to the cross-checks that discourage distortions. In a well-integrated organization (the grapevine) are recognize as a quickly, accurate and reliable. (Mishra, 2005) He said the organization communication is a very largest and wide topic to study. In the limitation if the research we are hardly to conduct in whole organization communication so that in this research will only focusing on grapevine in small and medium organization, to investigate the flow of the communication in the workplace. From this study we will find out the importance of the communication and how to manage grapevine, by (Mishara, 2005) grapevine is the informal transmission of information, gossip or rumor from person to person and it is undocumented.