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From 1991-2002, we treated 58 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) using the humanised monoclonal antibody, Campath-1H, which causes prolonged T lymphocyte depletion. Clinical and surrogate markers of inflammation were suppressed. In... more
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      NeurologyMultiple sclerosisMagnetic Resonance ImagingTreatment
The thesis examines how information technologies have changed the practice of curating. It proposes an interdisciplinary approach that directly links curating (often understood as an activity of artistic programming), computing (the... more
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      CyberneticsSystems TheorySoftware StudiesNetworks
The paper addresses the issue of new developments in the field of curating in the context of information technologies. It explores the emergence of an interdisciplinary approach that directly links the field of curating with computer... more
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      Information TechnologyNetworksSocial MediaOnline Curating
Curating Immateriality: The Work of the Curator in the Age of Network Systems, Krysa. J., (ed.) New York: Autonomedia. ISBN: 1-57027-173-93. Contributors: 0100101110101101.ORG & [epidemiC], Josephine Berry Slater, Geoff Cox; Alexander... more
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      Contemporary ArtSoftware StudiesComputational CultureContemporary Curating
The site of curatorial production has been expanded to include the space of the Internet and the focus of curatorial attention has been extended from the object to processes to dynamic network systems. As a result, curatorial work has... more
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      Contemporary ArtCyberneticsSystems TheorySoftware Studies
Published as chapter in Digital Art: fractures, proliferative preservation and affective dimension,Yara Guasque (ed). Coleção Fast Forward / UFG/Media Lab. ISBN: 978-85-68359-00-6. Proceedings of the 5th National Symposium of the... more
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      Contemporary ArtCyberneticsComputational CultureMachines
Chapter published in Silicon Dreams: Art, Science, Technology in the European Union, a report from the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Madrid, commissioned 2010. In connection with the exhibition... more
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    • Art and Science
Kurator - a proposal for an experimental, permutational software application capable of curating exhibitions, Joasia Krysa, 2013 In 1953, Gordon Pask, the English cybernetician and psychologist, created what is widely thought of as the... more
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      CyberneticsNetworksComputational CultureContemporary Curating
‘Ada Lovelace: There Never Was a Note G’, introduction to a notebook 55 Ada Lovelace, author Joasia Krysa, published in dOCUMENTA (13) series 100 Notes – 100 Thoughts. Also published as a chapter in The Book of Books, edited Carolyn... more
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      AlgorithmsArt and technologyComputationDocumenta 13
‘The Episodic in Computational Worlds. A conversation with Franciszek Krysa Cox (aged six)' is a chapter in The Two Sided Lake: Scenarios, storyboards and sets from Liverpool Biennial 2016, (eds. Rosie Cooper, Sandeep Parmar, and Dominic... more
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      Contemporary ArtComputational CultureContemporary Art Biennials
Curatorial Alternatives to What? From alternative forms to the everyday technologies The emergence of curatorial projects such as äda’web in 1995 and Gallery 9 in 1997 might be seen as defining moments in the curatorial encounter with... more
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      Contemporary ArtNetworksSocial MediaCurating
The paper explores the expanded concept of public interface by establishing a link to the field of curating, in particular curating in the context of technological systems (or what commonly is referred to as ‘online curating’) and the... more
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      Contemporary ArtArt MarketInternetContemporary Curating
􏰒􏰛􏰒􏰝􏰞􏰒􏰠 This volume brings together ideas and projects that emerged from the public programme of the 10th anniversary edition of Liverpool Biennial (July-October 2018), responding to a line from the poem The Gods of Greece by German poet... more
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      Contemporary ArtBiennials
This issue presents the proceedings from Liverpool Biennial’s 2016 conference The Biennial Condition: On Contemporaneity and the Episodic that took place in Liverpool in October 2016.[1] Drawing directly on the conference, it brings... more
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      Contemporary ArtBiennials
This volume brings together ideas and projects that emerged from the public programme of the 10th anniversary edition of Liverpool Biennial (July-October 2018), responding to a line from the poem The Gods of Greece by German poet... more
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      Contemporary ArtBiennials
Liverpool established its international reputation as a pre-eminent gateway for shipping, trade and the movement of people in multiple, sometimes troubling, ways. The city created to service this exchange – dense in buildings, public... more
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      Contemporary ArtBiennials
This essay explores the relationship between research and curatorial practice, focusing on exhibition-making practices and the understanding of exhibition as not simply the display of objects of research but as the site of research, and... more
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      Contemporary ArtCuratingCuratorial Studies and PracticeResearch
Edited by Joasia Krysa and Manuela Moscoso journal Stages #9 explores AI and curating at the time of the 11th edition of Liverpool Biennial,The Stomach and The Port. What can the practice of curating learn from AI, what can AI learn from... more
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Curating, Biennials, and Artificial Intelligence is an editorial introduction to journal Stages vol 9 entitled The Next Biennial Should be Curated by A Machine. Considering the rapid developments in automation (such as AI) and how... more
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The Next Biennial Should be Curated by a Machine is a research proposition - an inquiry into the relationship between curating and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the possibility of developing an experimental system capable of... more
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