prognosis before diagnosis - the challenge of self serving attribution in entrepreneurial growth programmes
The UN Charter envisaged a centralised system of collective security in which the UN Security Council would have readily available forces of its own for the purpose of taking military enforcement action under its own authority and... more
The increased burden placed upon the UN Security Council in the post-Cold War era in respect of its discharge of its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security has fuelled calls for the greater use of... more
Wilson, 'The Tutorial Model for Undergraduate Law Courses: Objectives, Approaches and Outcomes', [2008] 2 Web JCLI
Following Russian intervention and a referendum held on 16th March 2014, the Ukrainian republic of Crimea became incorporated within Russia. The Crimean episode marked just the latest in a series of situations arising in former Soviet... more
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The doctrine of the responsibility to protect, since its inception in the ICISS report of 2001, has been the subject of considerable discussion. Arguably its most publicised component is the principle that the international community has... more
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In the short term at least, the outcome of the Scottish Independence referendum has settled the constitutional status of Scotland as part of the United Kingdom. During the referendum campaign, however, the major UK wide parties committed... more
In June 2016, the UK voted in a referendum by a 52%-48% margin to leave the European Union. Ever since, the process for the UK’s withdrawal from the EU has dominated political debates. It is quite clear that the issue of “Brexit” has... more
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine which commenced on 24 February 2022 represented just the latest, albeit most devastating, intervention in a neighbouring former Soviet state. This article considers the legal justifications for Russia’s... more
This paper focuses on research conducted over a period of thirty months as part of a wider ESRC-funded initiative on violence. It focuses on the sustainability of safer gay space. This paper shows how the generation of the fear of the... more