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      Theatre StudiesItalian LiteratureTheatre
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      Theatre StudiesAdaptationComicsItalian Literature
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      Film StudiesNew Media ArtVideoart
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The following study wants to show how three important Italian intellectuals, between XIX and XX centuries, are interesting in ghost stories and describe ghost legends of Naples, city where the three authors live: Matilde Serao, and her... more
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Mise en Abyme is a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to comparative literature and the arts. It is published twice yearly by Bel-Ami Edizioni (Rome).
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      Comparative LiteratureTheatre StudiesFilm StudiesCinema
Teoria letteraria e scienze cognitive: un quadro italiano p. 8 Simone Rebora Università degli Studi di Verona RMQ13 -Commedia Quantistica Relativistica: un Teatro per la Scienza p. 22 Reviews Dalla Polis greca all'E-democracy di Ida... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTheatre StudiesFilm StudiesCinema
The following contribution aims to analyse two adaptations of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s "Teorema", written and directed by, respectively, Grzegorz Jarzyna and Mikołaj Mikołajczyk. In the first, "T.E.O.R.E.M.A.T.", Jarzyna works both on... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryItalian StudiesItalian Literature
The Italian artist Carmelo Bene and the British director Celestino Coronado have worked intensively on Shakespeare and in particular on Hamlet, but giving opposing interpretations of the work. In his Un Amleto di Meno (1973), Carmelo... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryItalian StudiesShakespeare
Recensione di Armando Rotondi Bernardina Moriconi, Metamorfosi di un arcidiavolo. Il personaggio di Belfagor da Machiavelli a oggi 57 Bernardina Moriconi, Metamorfosi di un arcidiavolo. Il personaggio di Belfagor da Machiavelli a oggi,... more
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      Comparative LiteratureItalian LiteratureItalian Renaissance literatureMachiavelli
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      Theatre StudiesTranslation StudiesItalian StudiesItalian Literature
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      Musical TheatreTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryPerformance Studies
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      Theatre StudiesTranslation StudiesTheatre HistoryShakespeare
In the last 20 years, during the so-called period of the berlusconismo, new form of politics and new reality of the MoVimento5Stelle, created by Beppe Grillo and Gianroberto Casaleggio, have risen in Italy, reaching an essential role... more
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      Theatre StudiesItalian StudiesPolitical communicationItalian Politics
The aim of the contribution is to provide a thorough "geography" of the translations and adaptations of Eduardo De Filippo’s works worldwide. Without being a mere list of titles and versions realized for international stages, the... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryItalian StudiesDrama
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      Film StudiesFilm AdaptationFilm HistoryFederico Fellini