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Lucha Libre has played an important role in Mexican culture since the late 1950s. At its early stage, wrestling from the United States and the French “Catch as Catch Can” blended within popular Mexican culture absorbing its social,... more
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      MarketingLatin American StudiesAnthropologyPerforming Arts
During Mesoamerican times, before the Spanish colonies,Mexican civilizations believed that when somebody died, their soul continued to live in a special place called Mictlán. The benevolent gods created this pleasant and peaceful ideal... more
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      HistoryLatin American StudiesArchaeologyAnthropology
Lucha Libre has played an important role in Mexican culture since the late 1950s. The sport became famous mainly due to its masked wrestlers, who incorporated their own family traditions, beliefs and fears into the design of their masks,... more
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      Latin American StudiesGender StudiesAnthropologyFilm Studies
Lucha Libre has played an important role in Mexican culture since the late 1950s. The sport became famous mainly due to its masked wrestlers, who incorporated their own family traditions, beliefs and fears into the design of their masks,... more
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      AnthropologyFilm StudiesMexican StudiesPopular Culture
The ‘data deluge’ refers to the sheer speed and volume of new data generation, outrunning capacities to manage and make use of it. A vast amount of that data is shared online in the advent of cheap internet access and a change in the... more
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      PrivacyOnline MarketingWeb ScienceOnline Privacy
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      Human Computer InteractionDesignMuseum StudiesConstructivism
The Web has changed how we interact with the World’s information and knowledge. As a result there have been several changes to the education sector, especially in online distance learning. Nevertheless, most of the e-Learning activities... more
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      Online MuseumConstructivismEmbodied CognitionMuseum Education
This project consist in the development of an installation involving several technological elements which complement each other aiming to provide tools for interpretation and experimentation. Among other technologies, the installation... more
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      ArchaeologyHuman Computer InteractionDesignMuseum Studies
Museums play a major role promoting knowledge about material culture. Museums usually share this knowledge through displays. These displays occupy a physical location and are limited to the amount of information presented on them. For... more
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      Human Computer InteractionMuseum StudiesLibrary and Information SciencePedagogy
Museums exist to disseminate information as well as to preserve knowledge, and these institutions have recognised the potential of the Web to support this role. The Web has opened up access to information and has allowed an increased... more
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      Computer ScienceEducational TechnologyMuseum StudiesCultural Heritage
The Web has changed the way that organisations work around the world and the case of CH is no exception. Many Web technologies such as the Semantic Web and Design protocols have helped managing vast sets of information. On one hand, there... more
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      UsabilityMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageConstructivism
The Web has changed how we interact with the World’s information and knowledge. As a result there have been several changes to the education sector, especially in online distance learning. Nevertheless, most of the e-Learning activities... more
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      Cultural HeritageUser Experience (UX)DidacticsConstructivism
Este articulo presenta un nuevo marco de referencia para explorar contenido de patrimonio cultural en la Red a través de objetos físicos, y su investigación se deriva a partir de un nuevo entendimiento interdisciplinario sobre el... more
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      Human Computer InteractionHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital DivideDigital Libraries
Information visualisation has become a key element for empowering users to answer and produce new questions, make sense and create narratives about specific sets of information. Current technologies , such as Linked Data, have changed how... more
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      Human Computer InteractionDesignDigital HumanitiesUser Experience (UX)
This poster aims to present the complexity of teaching technology skills in the Creative Industries. Such complexity rises from an extensive range of disciplines and sectors that are heavily affected by digital technologies. Students are... more
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      Information TechnologyEducational TechnologyGraphic DesignIllustration
This article presents a paper-based Tangible User Interface (TUI) that facilitates the production of complex queries on a Cultural Heritage (CH) repository. The system helps to easily make use of the data elements and Boolean logic that... more
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      Cultural HeritageUser Experience (UX)Participatory DesignConstructivism
This article discusses how new technologies and research areas such as interaction design and new resources such as conductive materials can challenge the current perception and reach of prints. As part of the Design Lab and Print Lab at... more
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      New MediaContemporary ArtInteraction DesignGraphic Design
As we transition into new technologic eras where technology seems more ubiquitous and blended with our everyday things, the need for good Design becomes compelling to ease the relationship between these things and people. In many cases,... more
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      DesignGraphic DesignMaker Culture
In this manifesto, we explore the idea that Design facilitates optimal interventions to any problem that relates to human activity. This could take the form of innovating communication or usability problems, critically engaging with a... more
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      DesignFashion designArt TheoryDesign Methods
This paper introduces Afrobits, an interactive installation about African music and the TransAtlantic slave trade. Its main aim is to bring to light invisible stories hidden behind geographic epistemologies. The installation highlights... more
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      Latin American StudiesAmerican StudiesHuman Computer InteractionMusic