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      School Science and MathematicsCurriculum and Pedagogy
Historically there have been many claims made about the value of laboratory work in schools, yet research shows that it often achieves little meaningful learning by students. One reason, among many, for this failing is that students often... more
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      ChemistryCase StudiesSCIENCE TEACHINGStudent Learning
We present here a reflexive and critical commentary and exemplification of the teaching and learning of research methodology. The paper focuses on the teaching/learning of qualitative data analysis. It is our belief that it is essential... more
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      ReflexivityQualitative data analysisDoctoral Studies
This paper examines and reflects on how an interactional process was established and utilised to make a difference in learning and teaching practices through a student led higher education close-up research project (Prichard and Trowler,... more
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    • Research in Higher Education
This four-year mixed method longitudinal study utilises data collected from four cohorts of Outdoor Education (OE) students to compare 'fresher' and 'graduate' identities and to explore the impact of identity on graduate employment.... more
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      EmployabilityHigher EducationOutdoor EducationHigher Education Studies
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      GeneticsFunctional AnalysisPlant BiologyTobacco
]cyt) are common to many stress-activated signalling pathways, including the response to saline environments. We have investigated the nature of NaCl-induced [Ca 2+ ]cyt signals in whole Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings using aequorin. We... more
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      CalciumArabidopsis thalianaBiological SciencesCalcium Signaling
This paper describes an approach to conducting research leading to technological development that is grounded in detailed empirical research and participant engagement. We describe our initial findings about the diverse conceptualizations... more
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At the University of Cambridge, a research and development project concerned with teaching and learning in small-group tutorials has been initiated in Department of Plant Sciences. Known as the Plant Sciences Pedagogy Project, it is part... more
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      Action ResearchHigher EducationEducational ResearchPractitioner Reserach
Abstract. This paper describes an approach to conducting research leading to technological development that is grounded in detailed empirical research and participant engagement. We describe our initial findings about the diverse... more
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This paper explores the potential of Semantic Web technologies to support teaching and learning in a variety of higher education settings in which some form of case-based learning is the pedagogy of choice. It draws on the empirical work... more
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      ArchaeologyTeaching and LearningInstructional DesignEducational Technology
Out-of-home foods (takeaway, take-out and fast foods) have become increasingly popular in recent decades and are thought to be a key driver in increasing levels of overweight and obesity due to their unfavourable nutritional content.... more
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      Environmental HealthBiological Sciencesconsumption sociologyMedical and Health Sciences
Both international and black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) students are becoming growing contributors to the student population in the UK, however the community remains invisible in literature (1). Eating behaviour and an individual's... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsAcculturationEnculturationEthnic Group
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      Nutrition and DieteticsMedicinePregnancyLow Birth Weight
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This paper describes the landform and sediment assemblage produced by a surge (in 1948) of the Kongsvegen/Kronebreen tidewater glacier complex in northwest Spitsbergen. The main geomorphological products of this advance are two large... more
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      Earth SciencesTextQuaternary ScienceHistory and archaeology
Hominin footprints offer evidence about gait and foot shape, but their scarcity, combined with an inadequate hominin fossil record, hampers research on the evolution of the human gait. Here we report hominin footprints in two sedimentary... more
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In ice-cored landform assemblages, the process of resedimentation via sediment-flow is important in determining the morphology and sedimentary facies distribution after the ice core has melted. This paper documents the sediment-flow... more
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In ice-cored landform assemblages, the process of resedimentation via sediment-flow is important in determining the morphology and sedimentary facies distribution after the ice core has melted. This paper documents the sediment-flow... more
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In ice-cored landform assemblages, the process of resedimentation via sediment-flow is important in determining the morphology and sedimentary facies distribution after the ice core has melted. This paper documents the sediment-flow... more
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