Liverpool John Moores University
Business Management
Email or message me for any assignment support. Do follow me to be updated with new papers coming up. This document is subject to bring understandability on how Human Resource Planning can be done for an international business if it... more
Liberalization of global trade has presented an opportunity for sub-Saharan African economies to integrate into the regional and global value chains, secure stable markets for their agri-commodities, and increase the much needed private... more
Liberalization of global trade has presented an opportunity for sub-Saharan African economies to integrate into the regional and global value chains, secure stable markets for their agri-commodities, and increase the much needed private... more
A variety of new C-acetyl and C-ethoxycarbonyl derlvatlves of hydrazonyl bromldes have been prepared and reacted with a range of a,@-unsaturated carbonyl compounds, Indene, lsothlocyanate, and acetylacetone to afford a wide variety of... more
Recognizing the value of open-source research databases in advancing the art and science of HVAC, in 2014 the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II project was launched under the leadership of Laboratory. The exercise began with a... more
Despite the plethora of research showing the impact of environmental conditions on performance, the majority of UK businesses do not accept changes in productivity as part of the business case justification for improvements to the working... more
Past thermal comfort resear=h has shown differences in the thermal sensation votes given in field and laboratory settings. However, such research tends to compare the votes of different groups of people in different environments rather... more